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Come on, try planting star fruit, and find out the benefits for body health.

Wuluh starfruit has various names, such as vegetable starfruit, bottle starfruit, sour starfruit, reed starfruit, or also called iron starfruit. In every region in Indonesia, the name starfruit is increasingly diverse. The Latin name for starfruit is Averrhoa bilimbi L. Apart from being found in Indonesia, starfruit also grows in several countries such as Sri Lanka, Myanmar, the Philippines, and Malaysia.

Come on, try planting star fruit, and find out the benefits for body health.

The size of the stem owned by starfruit is not too big, only about 30 cm. The starfruit tree can grow up to a height of approximately 5 meters. Wuluh star fruit is rectangular in shape with a length of 4-6 cm. The fruit is green, when it is ripe it will turn slightly yellowish.

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There are several things that must be considered when you want to plant starfruit. Like the area where starfruit will be planted, because starfruit should be planted in areas with hot air. Sunlight required at least 7 hours / day.

There are several ways when you want to plant starfruit, such as from seedlings, grafting or by grafting.

Seedling is done by seeding old starfruit seeds, new seeds that have been sown are first transferred into pots or containers before being planted directly into the ground.
The second way is to use a starfruit tree trunk. The selected tree trunk must be considered, try the selected tree trunk from trees that bear fruit and are also healthy. The tree trunk will be soaked with plant stimulants before planting.

In addition to knowing how to plant starfruit, the pests or diseases that are often experienced must also be known. For example, sooty mold disease, or plant lice. Usually the leaves of star fruit wuluh are filled with black spots. In addition there is also a leaf spot disease where the color of the leaves will turn yellow.
The benefits of star fruit wuluh are very numerous.
1. Cough medicine
2. Rheumatism drug
3. Can reduce fever and flu
4. Treating aches and pains
5. Diabetes medicine
6. Relieves inflammation
7. Treating acne
8. Can lose weight
9. For healthy bones and teeth
10. Overcoming thrush
That's about how to plant starfruit and its benefits. Thank you for reading.

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