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Come on, follow the correct way of sowing chili so that it grows fast

Chili is one of the must-have kitchen spices. Almost everyone likes the spicy taste provided by this one kitchen spice. However, chili is often rare in the market. Therefore, it would be very nice if we could learn how to sow the correct chili and grow this tree ourselves at home. Thus, we can harvest it at any time when needed.

Come on, follow the correct way of sowing chili so that it grows fast

Steps for sowing chilies to grow fast

Growing chili can be said to be something that is quite easy. This plant does not require special care or certain conditions. You can plant this tree in the yard around the house or in a pot.

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The following is the correct way to sow chilies so that they grow quickly so you can immediately harvest the results, namely:

1. Choose and Prepare the Right Planting Media

The first step you have to do is to find the most appropriate planting media. If you want to plant in the yard, choose a corner of the soil that looks fertile.
Meanwhile, if you want to plant in a pot, choose soil or other media such as husks or good coir. To make the soil contain lots of nutrients, you can fertilize. You can use manure or artificial fertilizers.

We recommend that you do the zoom in a different place. Prepare a small polybag for the enlargement of the seeds that have been sown later. Then, you can move it to the ground or a larger pot when the chili seeds have grown taller.

2. Prepare Good Chili Seeds

In order for your chili plants to thrive, you must choose good seeds. You can buy them at farm shops. Follow these seeding steps so that the seeds can sprout or germinate, namely:
  • Soak the chili seeds in warm water for about 1 hour
  • Take a soft cloth that has been moistened and wrung out
  • Wrap the chili seeds in the wet cloth
  • Leave it for about 4 days
  • After 4 days, the chili seeds will sprout
  • You can start planting chili seeds on the prepared soil media.
That's the step or how to sow the correct chili so that it can grow fast. You can directly sow the seeds in the ground, but the shoots may not appear quickly. Therefore, use the method above and immediately multiply chili plants at home. | Source

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