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5 Stages of Growing Ginger (Temulawak) that are Right for Beginners

Want to know the steps to grow ginger? Want the easy way? Dwi Purwanto will share this information. Here's the review!

Temulawak Plant

5 Stages of Growing Temulawak that are Right for Beginners

Getting to know Temulawak Plants

Temulawak ( Curcuma xanthorrhiza)  is one of the rhizome plants of the  Zingiberaceae  tribe or the meeting-finding tribe. This plant is a medicinal plant originating from Indonesia, especially Java.

This temulawak grows in clumps and also has pseudo stems that are included in shoots that grow in the soil, with reddish brown, dark yellow to dark green colors, has a sharp aroma and has a bitter taste.

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The leaves are round to lanceolate in shape, green, light purplish brown or dark purplish brown. Temulawak flowers are dark yellow and located in clusters.

The part that is used is the rhizome of te, ulawak to make herbal medicine. This rhizome contains essential oils, starch, protein, fat, cellulose and minerals and is believed to improve kidney function and is anti-inflammatory.

Another benefit of the rhizome of this plant is as an acne medicine, increasing appetite, anti-cholesterol, anti-inflammatory, anemia, anti-oxidant, cancer prevention, and anti-microbial.

By seeing the many benefits for the body for health, cultivating temulawak plants is one of the business opportunities that can increase people's income.

How to Cultivate Temulawak

5 Stages of Growing Temulawak that are Right for Beginners

Here are the stages of ginger cultivation that are easy for beginners:


The main rhizome is a spare rhizome that is used for 10-12 months. The rhizomes that are made into seeds are split into 4 parts and dried in the sun for 4-6 days with a time of 3-4 hours/day.

Leave it in a humid place for 1-2 months until it sprouts and is ready to be planted

Land preparation for planting

Temulawak grows in areas with altitudes ranging from 5 mdpl to 1000 mdpl, with temperatures ranging from 19°C to 30°C.

Land prepared 30 days before planting with manure. Make it with a spacing of 30×40 cm and a hole depth of 60 cm and the seeds will be ready to be inserted into the hole.


Good planting is done at the beginning of the rainy season, put 1 temulawak seed with the position of the bud facing upwards, then fill it with soil


  • Watering is done once a day in the morning or evening
  • Fertilization is carried out after planting using SP36 and KCL fertilizers at a predetermined dose so that the plants remain nourished.
  • Embroidery is done when a plant dies
  • Weeding is done 2-4 months to avoid weed growth around the plant
  • Control of pests and diseases using insecticides and fungicides in accordance with the doses required by plants


Harvesting is done after the age of 9-10 months after planting. The characteristics of temulawak that are ready to harvest are large brownish yellow rhizomes and yellowed and dry leaves.

That's an easy way for beginners if you want to cultivate temulawak. Good luck and good luck, friend!

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