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How to Cultivate BSF Maggot in Easy Dry Media that is Profitable

The method of cultivating BSF maggot in dry media is currently quite popular among the public. This is because the cultivation of maggot larvae has benefits and is able to provide extraordinary benefits.

The maggot black soldier fly (BSF) is one of the most encouraging discoveries. Because this one larva is able to provide benefits for farmers, breeders and the wider community.

With the presence of maggot fly cultivation, it is quite successful in helping the case of mounting organic waste. You need to know, 750 kg of BSF maggot can reduce nearly 2 tons of organic waste in a period of 2 to 3 weeks.

How to Cultivate BSF Maggot in Easy Dry Media that is Profitable

It can be said that maggot is the larvae of the black soldier fly (BSF) which has special features compared to other alternative feed raw materials.

How to Cultivate BSF Maggot Dry Media and Detailed Explanations

When you hear the word caterpillar or maggot, of course the first thing that appears is disgust. Because many people think of this one animal as ham or bacteria that carry disease.

However, it turns out that this one caterpillar is quite unique, different from the type of caterpillar or maggots in general, this maggot is not an ordinary type of maggot. But a kind of larva from BSF.

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In the body of these larvae contain many natural antibiotics so they do not carry disease genes. Even though it is classified as a fly, BSF does not land in the garbage and does not carry germs.

Then, the BSF larvae named maggot which is quite different from the maggots of green flies and black flies that spread disease. In addition, maggot also does not cause a bad smell and is not a source of disease. Because it is very safe, even small children can play by holding it.

Various Benefits of BSF Maggot

Maggot BSF is one of the most exciting innovations and is able to provide benefits for both those who cultivate it and those who use it. So it's not surprising that currently many people want to know how to cultivate this BSF maggot.

Maggot BSF is useful as fodder for poultry or fish. In this case, the use of maggot for fish feed can be more exciting in the field of consumption cultivation.

This is because the price tends to be cheap. As for animal feed, maggot can accelerate the increase in livestock weight. With the many benefits provided, it is not surprising that many people are interested in cultivating BSF maggots.

One way of cultivating BSF maggot which is quite profitable is to use dry media. Another advantage of using BSF maggot is that it can help solve the problem of the large amount of organic waste that is quite mounting.

Approximately 750 kg of BSF maggot can decompose about 2 tons of organic waste in just a short time, which is about 2 to 3 weeks. This certainly can make this cultivation business as an alternative business with quite promising profits .

Especially the harvest period of these larvae is relatively fast, which is approximately 15 days. For those of you who are increasingly interested in this business, it is very important to understand how to cultivate BSF maggot with dry media. This method needs to be tried for you farmers or breeders.

The primacy of the benefits of Maggot

The main benefit of maggot is the protein content it contains. Maggot has a protein content of approximately 43% when intact. Whereas when we make pellets, then the protein content is between 30 to 40 %.

Not only the maggot is rich in benefits, but the cassava (former maggot) is the leftover food that we can use for organic fertilizer. Even though it comes from garbage, the fertilizer produced does not smell. Kasgot in proven effective to fertilize the soil.

Initial Steps for Cultivating BSF Maggot Dry Media at Home

For those of you who are interested in cultivating maggot larvae, here are the initial steps for cultivating BSF maggot using dry media, what you need to know is choosing the right location for raising maggot.

We recommend choosing a location with lots of vegetation such as trees and leaves. This can help absorb odors from the cage. In addition, another important thing that you need to pay attention to is to install protective equipment so that termites and predators will not eat the maggot.
The next method of cultivating BSF maggot in dry media after selecting the right location is making cages. Of course we already understand that the cage is the main need of every farm animal.

The function of the cage is also as a place for BSF in producing maggot spawn eggs. Prepare the cage size according to what you need.

In general, the size of the cage that is widely used by BSF maggot breeders is 2.5 mx 4 mx 3 m. This size is generally sufficient for small and medium-sized BSF maggot cultivation businesses. With that size, you can accommodate as many as tens of thousands of maggot larvae.

How to cultivate BSF maggot in dry media, the thing you need to pay attention to is in the process of making the cage. Making a maggot cage can be said to be a fairly difficult process.

Because you have to make the cage properly so that the maggots can gather. When building a cage for a maggot house, you need to consider how much food waste you get.

If you are going to produce a large amount of waste, it is necessary to make a large cage as well. Do not forget to also prepare a tight and watertight lid.

Make sure there are no openings, so that maggots or larvae don't climb out of the cage. If the BSF maggot cage is indeed completely closed, then the new larvae or maggots will come out of the pipe when they are ready to cocoon or form BSF.

Prepare Egg Hatching Media

The next method of cultivating BSF maggot in dry media is to prepare the media for BSF egg hatching. You can make this place using a small cardboard box or from plywood. After the eggs hatch, you can transfer the larvae directly to the biopond as a medium for larval rearing.

In this case, you should separate the hatching media from the rearing of the larvae in the cage. The process of dividing eggs into larvae is very meaningful. Because when fused, BSF eggs will be easily damaged by the larvae.

Biopond is a breeding ground for black soldier fly larvae which are generally made of wood PVC and have been filled with loose soil. Usually there are 2 types of bioponds.

Ordinary Biopond that does not have a ramp. This one biopond serves as a medium for producing small larvae. The next type of biopond is one that has a ramp or inclined plane as a prepupa migration path.

It's the same with hatching media, by following this dry media BSF maggot cultivation method, you should adjust the size of your biopond to the number of eggs that hatch.

BSF Maggot Breeding Stage

Another important thing that you need to understand in following the dry media BSF maggot cultivation method is the BSF maggot breeding process. An important process in BSF maggot breeding is to attract BSF flies first.

The Materials You Need in the BSF Maggot Breeding Process

  • 1 liter of water
  • 5 crazy spoons
  • 5 kg of bran
  • Flavoring
  • Yakult or EM4
  • plastic bags

BSF Maggot Breeding Steps

  1. The first step is to add water and sugar to the bucket. Stir well
  2. Next, mix the bran as much as 5 kg into the sugar water mixture that you have prepared earlier.
  3. Pour 1 bottle cap of EM4 or Yakult into the bucket.
  4. Stir all ingredients until evenly mixed.
  5. The next method of cultivating BSF maggot in dry media is to prepare a plastic bag that can accommodate 5 kg or 8 kg of goods.
  6. Put the mixed bran into the plastic bag.
  7. Leave a gap to catch a little air into the plastic. Then tie tightly.
  8. Place the plastic bag containing the bran in a cool place, let stand between 5 to 6 days.
  9. Give a lid or wire around it, this is because the mixture smells fishy and can attract cats.
  10. The method of cultivating BSF maggot in dry media at this time, the combination of bran will change to fermented liquid.
  11. Next, pour the bran mixture into a bucket and cover with banana leaves, plastic and parchment paper.
  12. The next method of cultivating BSF maggot in dry media is to store a bucket in a cage close to the egg hatching media.
  13. After 2 to 3 days, the BSF flies will come to each other and start laying eggs near the bucket and hatching media. 

BSF Maggot Harvesting Stage

After following the dry media BSF maggot cultivation method above, in the first week the BSF maffit will appear. Then at week 2 and 3, the BSF maggot is ready for you to harvest. In general, BSF maggot will gather at the base of the bran cover or in the bran directly.

Other Dry Media BSF Maggot Cultivation Methods

There is a simpler way of fishing for BSF maggots. This method is to use chicken manure media that has dried under the cage.

So that BSF wants to lay eggs in that place, then you can provide food in the form of chopped rotten papaya. If it appears that there are BSF eggs in the chicken droppings, then you can move the special container in the form of a plastic tray.

How to cultivate dry media maggot using chicken manure is to fill your tray with dry chicken manure. Then put the chopped papaya rotten, leave it until a lot of maggot appears.
The process of harvesting BSF maggot can be done by sifting using a bamboo sieve. Thus the maggot will be collected and separated from the chicken manure. Furthermore, it is this BSF maggot that you can give to your cultivated chickens.

More specifically, BSF maggots have a life cycle of between 14 and 15 days. Precisely is for 14 days 18 hours. Starting from BSF eggs for 24 hours. Instant maggot 1 (18 hours), Install maggot 2 (3 days), and instant maggot 3 (3 days).

Then in the form of a pupa for 7 days and finally become an adult fly. From the maggot growth cycle from eggs to adult flies it takes 14 days 18 hours.

This cultivation method is actually quite easy for you to run. No special technique needed, anyone can do it. In addition, BSF maggot cultivation does not take time because you don't need to control it often. In terms of materials, it is quite easy to get. 

While the method of cultivating BSF maggot dry media for land also doesn't have to be wide, it can adapt to your needs. The important thing you have to do in this cultivation is to fight the disgust which will actually give you a lot of advantages. 

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