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Causes of Hair Loss in Angora Cats

Having an Angora cat with thick fur is certainly fun because it looks beautiful and looks healthy. For this reason, every Angora cat owner is obliged to provide the best care and to avoid the 10 causes of hair loss in Angora cats in order to achieve beautiful and quality coats

Causes of Hair Loss in Angora Cats

The following are some of the causes of hair loss in Angora cats, consisting of:

1. Malnutrition

The most common cause of hair loss in angora cats is malnutrition. Many foods do not guarantee that an Angora cat has enough to eat. Angora cats not only need a lot of food, but also feed that has a balanced diet that meets their needs.

Angora cats need vitamin A and vitamin E for healthy skin and coat. So try to give him a menu that meets these requirements so that the Angora cat has a healthy coat and avoids all diseases. These foods can be obtained directly from high quality food packaging.

2. Excess vitamins

Angora cats need vitamins for their health, skin and coat. However, this does not mean that they should be given something beyond their needs as it accumulates and cannot be digested by the body, making it a skin disease and causing hair loss. One of them is when the Angora cat gets the same menu.

For example, you always eat meat every day and never, while other beneficial intakes such as egg yolks or fiber are also necessary for it, because it offers a variety of foods such as a combination of wet and dry foods so that it has a balanced diet and not one of the vitamins in excess.

3. Wrong product

Angora cats in their care must accept everything from shampoo to tools used. If it does not match the shampoo used, there is a risk of hair loss and unhealthy skin. So try to use the best cat care products.

4. Allergies

This is the loss of cat hair caused by allergies due to certain chemicals, for example due to receiving products that must be used for humans until they are suitable and causing allergies or allergies due to certain food products that do not agree and cannot be digested by the body, always giving the best angora cat to achieve the best health.

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5. Temperature change

Angora cats naturally have the ability to protect their bodies with their fur from the weather or the environment. In winter, the Angora cat's coat generally becomes thicker and warmer to warm the body, so the Angora cat's body avoids cold and tends to lose less.

As in summer, the hair of the Angora cat falls out and becomes thinner to protect the body from the heat. Therefore, regardless of the weather, the Angora cat should be housed in a place with the right and moderate weather so that health or hair loss is not affected.

6. Fleas

The next cause of hair loss in Angora cats is cat fleas, a skin disease caused by parasitic animals that damage the skin and interfere with hair growth. Angora cats can also appear due to a dirty environment or due to contractions by cats or other animals.

Related article : Benefits of Omega 3 for Cats.

For this reason, Angora cats must always be kept clean so as not to be affected by fleas by bathing regularly and giving Telon baby oil after bathing and taking care of their skin health every day, e.g. B. comb diligently and pay attention to the health and development of your skin.

7. Mites

This is a parasite on the skin that can cause infection and can cause the Angora cat's hair to go bald. This disease needs to be cured with antibiotics and oral medications, as daily care must be taken and the angora cat is in excellent health.

8. Environmental cleanliness

This is the cause of angora cat hair loss, which occurs in the cage and its surroundings due to poor environmental hygiene around the angora cat, to dirty the skin and affect the fur, which cannot be healthy and cannot become fat like the angora cat in a clean area.

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Make sure the cleanliness of the area around the Angora cat's residence is always clean, because it is cleaned and serviced regularly so that it is always dry to avoid moisture and germs. It can also be cleaned in the sun once in the sun, so it is completely dry and germs are killed and does not cause problems with the cat's coat.

9. Stress

When stressed or depressed people suffer from hair loss, Angora cats experience the same. The depressed Angora cat suffers from skin disorders and interferes with coat growth. The cat's coat becomes thinner and more hair falls out.

Angora cat, where stress can occur for many reasons, e.g. B. because of the state of pregnancy, because the cage is moving, because they do not like the food provided or because they feel they are not getting enough love from their owners and have fewer friends, are stressed and have fur growth, these are not healthy.

Of course, this must be addressed by providing the cat with the best possible care, both physically and happily. The trick is to pay attention to him regularly by inviting him to play and making time for him to get enough love and away from it being stressful.

10. Autoimmune

This is a health problem in the cat's skin that occurs because his body has an abnormality in the immune system or in his immune system, he has excessive immunity, so the nutrients that enter are difficult to digest. This method can be determined by examination at a veterinarian, namely a special examination, and also by special treatment from a veterinarian.

Therefore, this article can be a useful insight into animal care and health for you. Don't forget to always take the time to read the articles on our website to expand your knowledge. Thank you. Greetings from the author.

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