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Benefits of Omega 3 for Cats

The benefits  of fish oil for cats  can be quite surprising. Fish oil for cats supports healthy skin, coat, joints, kidneys ,  heart and immune system. It has even been shown to be helpful in more serious problems, such as  cancer. 

Here's what you need to know about what fish oil can do   for your pet, and what to expect.


Fish oil supplements contain two essential fatty acids: EPA and DHA (or eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid). Both are omega-3 fatty acids that can only be made in a limited capacity in cats.

Both of these fatty acids come directly from fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel, black cod, herring, anchovies, and albacore tuna.


Consists of:
  1. EPA, one of the two omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil, acts as an anti-inflammatory. This will help with any conditions that cause inflammation of the heart, kidneys, skin, and joints — such as arthritis.
  2. This will reduce inflammation due to allergies, and reduce itchy skin and dandruff. It can also be an effective way to potentially reduce the incidence of   hot spots  in your pet.
  3. Like many other fat supplements, it promotes a healthy, shiny coat, and reduces shedding. (For cats, this can also mean less  hairball , as your cat won't pick up a lot of loose hair when groomed).
  4. DHA, another omega-3 fatty acid in fish oil, is important in brain and eye development in kittens. Giving fish oil to pregnant or nursing pets can benefit babies once they are born.
  5. In some studies, fish oil has slowed the growth of cancer. Although more research is needed to reach conclusive results, some veterinarians recommend it for pets with cancer.

How can one supplement do so much?

Both EPA and DHA are important components of cell membranes in humans and animals such as cats. This unique fatty acid acts as a signal in cells to reduce inflammation. Reduced inflammation leads to less pain, redness, and swelling in the skin, joints, or other organs.

If that sounds really important, it's true. This is the same inflammatory pathway that we block with painkillers like aspirin all the time.

Omega-3 fatty acids, specifically DHA, also act to promote neuronal development. These fatty acids affect cell permeability and growth of nerve cells. So, while a kitten's nervous system is developing in the first few months of life (and even as it develops before birth), providing the ideal amount of DHA is essential for optimal development.

Also Read : 6 Food For Pregnant Cats


Fish oil for cats is available in capsule or liquid form. If your pet cooperates, give them capsules to eat. If your pet is not interested in swallowing the capsules, use a clean safety pin or small knife to open the capsules, and squeeze the liquid into your pet's food.

If you need large doses, look for fish oil that is sold in liquid form.

As with any supplement, the dose of fish oil for cats is important. You should consult your veterinarian before deciding on the right dosage for your pet, and read product labels carefully. The following are general guidelines:

Daily use for cats over 2 kilograms

Also Read : How to Cultivate Fish with Recirculation System


Fish oil won't be toxic if too much is taken, but too large a dose can cause uncomfortable side effects.
  • If your pet has a history  of digestive problems , add fish oil to his diet little by little, instead of taking the full dose right away. If your pet starts having diarrhea, call your vet, as you may be giving your pet too much fish oil.
  • Omega-3s have been shown to slow blood clotting, by reducing the ability of blood platelets to stick together. This effect is more common and more pronounced in cats, so be sure to consult a veterinarian if you wish to give fish oil to an outdoor cat who could get scratched or fight.
  • For the same reason, don't use fish oil along with  cat blood-thinning medications before consulting your veterinarian.
  • Because fish oil is anti-inflammatory, do not give it to a pet that is already taking anti-inflammatory medication without first talking to your vet.
  • The doses given above will not cause immunosuppression, talk to your veterinarian about an appropriate dose of fish oil.
  • If your pet's breath starts to smell a little fishy, ​​reduce the dose. Foul odors are harmless to pets, but getting rid of them will make you happier! 
With just one simple supplement, your pet can enjoy the many benefits of this fish oil.

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