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How to Cultivate Fish with Recirculation System

The circulation system is a fish farming system in which the water contained in the pond is circulated through various processes so that fish waste, food residue and compounds and toxic gases produced from the side effects of fish manure can be trapped in the sedimentation tank so that the water returning to the pond can be trapped clean. and safe from various contaminants.

Thus, healthy and stable water can prevent the development of bad bacteria, maintain fish durability and health, increase fish appetite and optimal growth takes place to minimize mortality rates.

If you are interested in learning or applying this method in your fish farming, let's first read my article about 10 types of fish farming with a circulation system to help you understand the process and stages.

How to Cultivate Fish with a Recirculation System

The following are several ways of cultivating fish with a recirculation system, consisting of:

1. Understand the system

In fish farming with a circulating system, you must first understand the system used by using controlled water flow and pumps to circulate the water. The first thing to do is pump water into the pool and then pour the water from the pool into the tub.

The tub is the filter tank which is responsible for cleaning the water so that the water can be poured into the pond again after passing through the water filter. Filtered water is clean and free of impurities.

2. Change regularly

The pumped and filtered water is periodically exchanged according to the amount of water. Water is generally replaced by adding water from a prepared reservoir to simplify the process.

3. Water disposal

Water is discharged according to the Sipon method with a hose, at the end of which there is a filter in the pond so that the fish are not sucked in or wasted. The article particles in the water are removed so that they do not return and are not mixed with pure water.

4. Pump power and power source

Sufficient resources are needed in fish farming with a circulation system because the equipment used is operated by electricity. If the power supply is weak, this affects the pump and water filter, so it is feared that the results will not be optimal and endanger the health of the water or fish in the pond.

The remaining feed and manure in the pond water undergo a process of change and increase in composition after 1 hour so that as much dirt as possible has been sucked into the pump. For this you will need a pump, the power of which exceeds the capacity of the pool. The comparison is, for example, the batch volume of 2,500 liters, so the pump output must be set to 2,500 liters per hour.

5. Filter device (water filter)

The amount of fish feed given and the performance of the pump affect the capacity of the filter or water filter. The volume of the filter capacity must be able to maintain the water level so that the water does not settle too quickly at the bottom of the tank.

Choose a filter with a design that can track and resolve impurities. In general, there are two filters that are filtered directly under pressure and slow the flow of water so that the water loses speed and dirt settles.

The ideal is a circular filter because there are no dead sides, the current changes and the fish keep spinning along with the current.

6. Disinfection

There are several types of fish that are more sensitive when bred using a circulation system, including ornamental fish and marine fish. Disinfection should be carried out regularly before the water flows back into the pond.

You can do this with a UV lamp. The water that flows back into the pool is passed through tubes that are covered in UV light, so bacteria exposed to UV radiation die and the water comes out more clearly.

7. Supporting place or pool

Fish farming with a circulation system requires a place or pond in a slightly closed place. Still need a small can of sunlight to kill germs and warm water, stimulate the growth and health of fish bones, and give the pile a fresh taste, increase appetite. Some transparent parts need to be covered or covered. Sunlight should not enter completely from morning to evening as it stimulates the growth of algae or algae.

8. Evaporation

The water in the pool is still being reduced by evaporation, but not too much of a problem as new water is added. Fish farming with a circulation system is suitable for areas with little water or in summer.

Evaporation usually occurs more frequently during this period of the year. You can ensure adequate water supply in the provided water reservoir

9. Take care

In fish farming with a circulation system, discipline is needed every day to inspect and maintain the tools that play a role in the system. Check pumps and filters regularly, dirt, water quality and more.

Because if a problem such as a leaking pipe or pump is damaged, this is of course a major obstacle to the circulation process and affects the comfort of the fish in the pond and affects the cleanliness and health of the water.

10. Provide food at the right level

The cultivation process in the previous circulation system is described in detail. When using this method, you must keep the water clean. D) irty water will make essential tools more difficult. You can maximize the cleanliness of your water by feeding your fish to the right level without accidentally overdoing it.

This is important because food that is not eaten by fish is wasted and becomes dirt that accumulates in the water. If this continues, the load on the circulating device becomes more difficult. Do everything to the right level and use the tool wisely so that it lasts longer and offers you maximum benefits.

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