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10 How to Tame an Adult Persian Cat

How to tame an adult Persian cat? We often come across this question with a friend or neighbor.

This is natural given the considerable love for cats. The pets that are often cared for are cats because they are not only docile, but also have adorable faces. Of the various cat breeds, the Persian is one of the most popular.

Persian cat is a type of cat that has a different face from most feral cats. Persians have round faces and snub noses. One thing that makes it even more amazing is its very thick fur. Whether it's a little Persian or an adult, it's all a cat lover needs to take care of.

Of course, if one finds an adult Persian cat or perhaps buys an adult cat, most people will know how to tame an adult Persian cat. This is because mature cats are relatively more difficult to train and give up on their owners. 

Related article : Symptoms of Distemper In Cats.

To find out how to tame an adult Persian cat, here are 10 simple tips you can apply to your cat.

How to Tame an Adult Persian Cat

Here are some ways to tame an adult Persian cat, consisting of:

1. Introduce cats to the environment

If you have an aggressive adult Persian cat, you should first introduce it to your new environment. Do not rush to put it in the cage. You can move the cat around the area to see each side of the room, making it easier to adjust and less stressful.

Related article : 7 Danger Virus For Cats.

2. Practice listening to sounds

Bring your cat near powered washing machines, blenders used for grinding, and other objects that make noises. The cat was not meant to be surprised if at some point he heard a crowd around him. Since cats are afraid of loud noises, some others experience stress if it happens too often and can become aggressive until they run away from their owners.

3. Interact

As a cat lover, it is not difficult for you to melt it in your arms. As the saying goes: "Don't know, don't love". That said, a cat you don't know is certainly not familiar enough. Interact more closely, bring it up and talk.

4. Provide food and drink regularly

Eating and drinking isn't just about getting attention or fishing to get your cat closer. However, this is the main thing that you should give regardless of all the circumstances. It's just that some people don't eat and drink right away.

This needs to be considered because the type of food affects how the cat cares for it. Don't just give food, but a menu with good nutrition. At least state what the cat likes, such as milk. Another thing to remember is that it's not too late to provide food and drink so that the cat will have to satisfy his hunger longer. 

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5. Treat with care

Don't make an adult Persian cat look scary. Cats are tame animals, but basically the soul they have is still the soul of an animal that is not as intelligent as humans. Therefore, you still have to be careful with maintaining emotional stability. Do not treat the cat harshly, such as screaming or scolding.

6. Make the cat confident

Never put the cat down, but make the cat safer. This trust can later build your cat's instinct as a guard. He felt like the one who made him comfortable for him. Often stroked his fur, touched it gently and full of praise.

7. Train the cat

Train your cat in good things like teaching poop in the toilet. While cats are one of those animals that can defecate better, i.e. cover them with sand, if you take good care of them they will be thrown all over the place, especially in those areas. For this, you bring feces to the toilet every hour or at least give sand in his room.

8. Often jokes

Joking is an efficient way to build a cat's closeness with you. There are many things to do, such as inviting him to play, tickling, or having fun as if he were inviting little children to play.

9. Provide a comfortable place

Persian cats are very picky places to rest. Especially when an adult Persian cat can smell a dirty or clean environment. In addition, messy situations can be seen to reject the cat. Keep the cat clean, tidy, and well-groomed.

Related article : Symptoms of Distemper In Cats.

10. Give a name

The name carries its own philosophy for pets. If you give the same name to a certain name, you feel that the cat is being treated well, and that name can indirectly encourage the cat to come every time it is called. It only takes 1 month to get used to the cat, or it could be sooner.

Taming an adult cat is actually not easy. However, if done with love and affection, everything will tame more quickly. These are 10 ways to tame an adult Persian cat. Hopefully this article will really help all readers who want to tame cats.

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