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15 How to Make a Tame Cat

Taming a cat is not an easy task as it takes time, knowledge and patience, especially if the cat is a domestic cat that was thrown in the street and no longer associated with humans.

Feral cats are generally afraid of humans and are more likely to scratch or bite when they get close.

However, if your cat is not shy by nature, chances are it will be easier to tame so that it can be cared for later as a domestic cat. For those of you who want to find stray cats and want to tame cats.

How to Make a Tame and Obedient Cat

Here are some ways to make a cat tame and obedient, consisting of:

Find out the cat's personality

The first step you should take when taming a cat is to know the cat's personality. Look at the cat for a few days to learn more about the cat's character, especially if it's close to humans.

If your cat looks anxious, shows signs of distress, anger, and agitation when around people, don't rush to pet the cat and take care of it right away, as this can be dangerous.

Pay attention to the cat's body language

Also pay attention to cat body language, because cats are animals that like to communicate their feelings in body language which can be clearly seen from the characteristics of a feline fever. Some signs to look out for are:

When a cat is angry or sad, its ears point back, its pupils dilate, its tail moves back and forth, its back is arched and its hair is straight up. Plus, cats growl too, so that's a sign that you need to stay away from the cat.

If the cat doesn't run away, is afraid to lie down or the cat's tail is between its paws and you have to be careful if you want to tame a cat like this.

Take care of cat's health

Feral cats or feral cats are generally not vaccinated, so there is a risk that they will be exposed to the deadly rabies virus. Symptoms of a rabid cat itself are also very different and it takes months to be exposed to the rabies virus.

Symptoms that may appear include pain such as weakness, the cause of the cat not wanting to eat, being weak and not wanting to eat or being aggressive, restlessness, paralysis, confusion, and seizures.

Introduce the cat with your voice

The next step you need to take is to introduce your voice to the cat. You can sit near the cat and talk in a soft tone while offering wet or dry food. Do this for about 3 days, but don't try to approach the cat just yet.

After 3 days, make sure your cat's body language seems comfortable around you. Comfortable looking cats hold their ears and tail up and bend their back, but their fur doesn't stand up and sounds like a purr.

Approach the cat with food

You can keep the cat's food moist when you approach the cat while calling the cat. This should also be done when caring for an angora kitten.

If your cat seems to hiss, it means he's scared and needs more time to feel comfortable around you. Don't be in too much of a hurry for the cat to feel comfortable in your area, as the cat will have to adapt.

Use cat pheromone products

To further tame your cat, you can also use cat pheromone products. This substance mimics the pheromones in the cat's body so it can calm the cat. You can spray a pheromone product near your cat, but be careful because the sound of the spray can scare the cat away.

Also read : How to Take Care of a Cat Without a Cage.

Pet the cat

In addition to reducing the nature of cat stress, petting a cat can also be done for the first step, where you can stroke the cat with tools such as a spoon or spatula covered with a soft cloth.

If the cat eats, use a wrapped spoon to lengthen the cat. But if the cat runs away, don't chase it and take another chance.

If you want to pet the cat with a spoon, you can stroke the cat with your hand. Treat the cat on the head and shoulders and don't approach the cat on the lower body as the cat can be very defensive if it feels threatened. You can pet your cat's belly if she's really docile and trustworthy.

Carry or lift the cat kucing

Once the cat wants to be petted, you can try picking up or holding the cat. Use a blanket or towel if you want to pick up the cat, and do this several times after you pet the cat. You can pick up the cat when it seems calm or relaxed. However, if the cat struggles when picked up, let go, because if you are caught, you may be scratched or bitten, and your attempts to tame the cat may become unusable.

Introduce your cat to the carrier

The next step in taming a cat is to familiarize the cat with the carrier. The cat must be put in a carrier so that it can later be taken to the vet for a health check which is very important to help the cat give birth.

Place the cat food container near the food container and push it against the food container so the cat can penetrate the food container.

Provide a safe place

Also make sure the cat has a comfortable and quiet place so that you can rest in peace, but leave the room slightly lighted and not too dark. The cat should be placed in a small quiet room to get used to the environment.

Keep it away from other people and pets and prepare a litter box for urinating, feeding bowls, drinking bowls and some toys.

Also add some hiding places like perforated cardboard etc. Also give the used clothes you wear in the room to get used to the human scent.

Get used to it by hand

Cats also need to get used to their hands so they can interact with people more quickly. Unlike dogs, cats need more time to get used to their hands, which is also important for treating cat wounds.

You can start by placing your hands on the floor and letting the cat touch yours. However, do not pet the cat as this can be interpreted as a threat to the cat. Give your cat room until she is comfortable, then approach your hand. Allow the cat to interact until it feels completely comfortable in your presence.

Also read : Symptoms of Distemper In Cats.

Do cat tricks

Cat tricks are also a fairly effective way to tame a cat during cat training. You can use a toy positioned slightly above the cat's head or in a line and try playing with the cat. This method is great for giving your cat comfort and rest when you're around him.

Feeding regularly

Feeding the cat regularly is also an important point so that the cat can tame itself faster. The more you feed, the more dependent your cat will be, which will eventually become tame and familiar to you.

However, if you often disappoint your cat and starve to death, it will become wilder and more difficult to handle. In addition to food, give the cat water or regular milk, especially for cats.

Train cat with special call

The next way to tame a cat is to give the cat a special reputation and try to give it a name while providing food that can also be used to tame the kitten.

Not only can you give it a name, but you can also use a bell or other sound as a signal to tame your cat. However, don't call the cat too often as this can cause confusion.

Perfect stages

Once you've successfully passed all of the above methods, you need to give your cat comfort and trust. Also understand that cats don't always like to be held or petted, so don't force them if they don't want to. Continue to feed and drink regularly so that the cat can be closer to you.

If you have more than one cat, don't behave unfairly with cats as they prefer older cats to cats that have just been tamed. In this case, your cat could become jealous. If your cat purrs when you swell, this is a sign that the cat is comfortable around you.

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