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How to Take Care of a Cat Without a Cage

Although cats look like independent animals, pet cats also need good care to keep them healthy. There are two ways to hold your own cat, in a cage and without a cage.

Actually, both methods require the same care, but caring for a cat without a cage is arguably better, as cats prefer more space to play freely and prevent stressed cats, such as cats kept in cages.

How to take care of a cat without a cage for beginners

Here are some ways to care for a cat without a cage for beginners, consisting of:

1. Carry out an annual inspection

Cats kept without cages, especially how to care for Angora kittens, really need to be checked every year as they tend to roam around the house. This test is highly recommended to detect disease in cats before they worsen. During the exam, you can also discuss your cat's health or care with your veterinarian. Also explain whether cats contain different things, e.g. B. how to meow, how to walk, eat, and how the cat behaves.

This annual check also provides cat vaccines and examines feces to identify fecal parasites, which is especially important if your cat plays outdoors a lot. If it is proven that the cat has an internal disease or other disease, treatment is given.

2. Sterilize the cat

Sterile cats with castration surgery are ideal to support the nature of cats who like to walk and also urinate indiscriminately. This operation is also very well done to protect your cat from various diseases such as tumors and cancer. In female cats, this surgery is also a way to reduce unwanted cat births. Castration surgery may be recommended by doctors aged 2 to 6 months.

3. Comb cat hair

Cats that are not kept in cages are more likely to roam everywhere, so they need to be cleaned regularly or referred to as grooming. If your cat has long hair, choose a needle brush for combing the cat's fur. While a flat brush raincoat can be used for short-haired cats.

Smaller triangular brushes can also be used to brush the cat's body parts such as ears and face. While long-haired cats without strong teeth can be selected for brushing teeth, teeth can be selected for short-haired cats.

As for kittens, you can use a small and soft comb. Grooming or combing cat hair is also important for removing dead cat hair, clumps, cleaning fleas, removing fungus from cats, goosebumps on cat skin, and circulation to the cat's body.

4. Clean the cat's teeth

Not only dogs need toothbrushes, but cats' teeth also need to be cleaned regularly. Use a soft toothbrush and cat toothpaste. Avoid using human toothpaste as it contains fluorine, which is toxic to cats. Let the cat try the toothpaste to get used to it. The next morning, you can use your fingers to apply toothpaste to your gums and upper teeth. Do the same the next day, but use a toothbrush. Apply toothpaste in a circular motion from back to front.

Brush your cat's teeth gradually from the outside to the outside in about 30 seconds. Dental care is very important because many cat diseases are related to teeth and gums if not treated properly. Bacteria and plaque can enter a cat's bloodstream and cause various ailments such as kidney and heart disease, mouth sores, eating disorders, and shifting teeth.

5. Provide a special place

Cats don't use cages, but they also need a special place that's soft, comfortable, and offers privacy so the cat can relax and rest. Also add a pillow or soft blanket and wash it regularly to keep it clean

6. Prepare the dirt

Unlike cats kept in cages, free cats need to be kept clean every day because cats like to defecate and prevent cat skin diseases. Prepare a clean litter box so that the cat does not litter elsewhere. If you have more than one cat, prepare more litter space than the number of cats kept in different areas so the cats don't fight.

7. Learn the types of cat food

To learn more about types of cat food, you can ask your doctor for more specific quality cat food advice. Follow the instructions on the label that measure the dose of cat feed based on weight, age, and activity level. But generally cats prefer to eat in small portions, but often. Don't give your cat human food unless your vet advises. Some human foods can make cats sick or even poison them.

Cats are carnivorous animals that need animal feed that contains lots of essential amino acids or protein components so that their health is well maintained. Also provide the cat clean water and avoid eating, because these cats are difficult to digest.

8. Feed the cat regularly

To prevent the cat from looking for junk food, feed it regularly to fatten the cat every day.
  • If the cat is not getting dry food, try feeding it 2 to 3 times a day in small amounts.
  • If you receive canned food, throw away any food your cat hasn't eaten after 30 minutes.
  • Also add cooked fruits and vegetables such as corn, broccoli, or melon, and avoid instant snacks.
  • For kittens aged 6 to 12 weeks, food can be given 4 times a day.

9. Let the cat play with its food

To prevent the cat from leaving the house too often and not getting bored, let the cat play with its food. Store the cat food in the container, drill a hole in the side of the container and let the cat play with it to get the food. This method is perfect for keeping the cat active and reducing the cat's stressful nature.

10. Introduce other pets

Let your cat play with other pet cats to get used to the smell of a new cat by giving another cat sheet. Give cats food in different containers so they can learn to handle the smells of other cats.

11. Trim your nails regularly

Also, trim your cat's nails regularly twice a month to prevent cats from damaging the furniture in your home. Cats naturally use their claws, but domestic cats need to be slaughtered regularly.

12. Perform cleaning and vaccination

Do not forget to give different vaccinations to your cat so that your cat is healthy and free from dangerous diseases such as caring for a cat with a weakness. Vaccination is very important to prevent leukemia, rabies and also FIV. To find out what type of vaccine is needed, you can contact your veterinarian.

13. Close the trash can

Cats that are not kept in cages are more likely to inspect the entire house. Therefore, make sure all containers are tightly closed so that the cat does not eat the garbage.

14. Prepare a place to scratch

In addition to trimming your cat's nails, another alternative to holding your cat's nails is to provide a place to scratch or scratch so that the nails remain dull and can't hurt people or damage furniture. Provide a stable scratch area made of a rough material such as burlap or tree bark so the cat can scratch.

15. Give enough to drink

Cats are indeed animals that have evolved from their desert ancestors, so thirst doesn't suit dogs. Cats also drink enough, which can be obtained from food.

Cats can get 78% of their water content from canned food, while dry food contains 5 to 10%. When you give your cat dry food, you also provide clean, easily accessible water. Making sure your cat drinks something is also the best way to treat a dehydrated cat.

Also Read : 6 Food For Pregnant Cats

16. Record the symptoms of cat disease

If your cat is sick and it won't eat, take her to the vet immediately. There are several symptoms of a sick cat that usually occur, such as:
  • Eyes: A sick cat has discharge, red eyes, crossed eyes, cataracts, and frequent scratches.
  • Ears: Cat ears are sore, itchy, itchy and smelly.
  • Breathing: Cat breathing problems occur in cats who frequently sneeze with liquids, cough constantly, and have difficulty breathing.
  • Skin: There are bumps, lumps, swelling, sores, excessive itching and skin that turns yellow.

17. Invite the cat to play

To keep the cat moving during exercise, encourage the cat to play with toys such as fur, mouse or paper ball toys, fishing rods, and flashlights. Playing with the cat is also very important so that the cat feels in good hands.

How to care for a cat without a cage is actually not much different from using a cage. It should be noted that for safety reasons, cats' nails are kept short and fed regularly and vaccines are used to prevent cats from getting sick.

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