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15 Easy Ways to Take Care of Young Fighting Chickens

There are many types of chickens that are often cultivated and maintained by many people. Starting from how to choose laying hens to fighting chickens. This fighting chicken is a kind of tough fighting chicken when compared to other chickens.

This type of cock fighting is intentionally made to be cared for and practiced for fighting. Cockfighting is not too difficult to maintain, but it is better that you have the basics of how to take care of fighting cocks since childhood.

Young chickens are chickens that hatch until they are obtained for 10 months. Of course you will need a rearing guide so that these young fighting cocks can grow and develop into fighting cocks that can win various supports.

There are a number of mistakes that cockfighting owners often make when they are young. Adult chickens will be able to develop significantly if you do proper and proper training from the start.

15 Easy Ways to Take Care of Young Fighting Chickens
15 Easy Ways to Take Care of Young Fighting Chickens

Complaints of chickens that do not grow optimally are indeed one of the reasons for the wrong treatment. If the chicken is damaged, it hurts and can't be fought if you don't care and train it properly. The opportunity to become a champion is very wide open if you can maintain it well.

1. Initial Treatment

Chickens usually only need 21 days to incubate their eggs before the chicks are born and hatch. At hatching, the chicks are spelled at home 1 day. When they reach this age, place the fighting chicks in a box containing a heating lamp.

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2. 3 months maintenance

When they start to grow and develop and the box starts to challenge, you should move to a bigger container. For feed, you can give poor or concentrated feed which still requires small amounts.

Try to keep yourself clean, because chicks will easily release diseases that are nesting in dirty cages. Also use several types of vitamins and various growth drugs so that the chicks can grow healthy and develop. Also do regular feeding and drinking of chickens for complaints.

3. Treatment at the age of 3 months

You can already provide greater feed concentrate for chicken feed, which has been achieved at 3 months of age. In addition you can also provide a mixture of rice, bran and corn. Hopefully the fighting cock agreed 3 months ago will start to struggle to find the desired area and become the leader.

4. Treatment for 6 months

You have to move the fighting cocks to your home or separate them. You can do this chicken for up to 6 years so that the muscles are not stiff and healthy. Bone growth agr can be optimal, so you can take this chicken to bathe in the ground or kipu.

5. Treatment More Than 6 Months

When the fighting cock has reached the age of more than 6 months, you can provide a combination of types of food so that your vitamin and nutritional needs are still sufficient. This need makes the body ideal for fighting cocks

6. Treatment up to 10 months

This is the time when the fighting cock will build and shape the ideal body and will build optimal bone strength. This is also the future where the audan chickens begin to grow or there is a process of feather growth.

7. How to take a shower

To harden the muscles of the chicken you have to take a bath. You should bathe the chickens at a normal temperature, not rain and in the early morning or eight o'clock. However, if you have trouble putting together a chicken at 4 o'clock or when you are sick today.

Bathe this chicken with a cork or sponge as needed to use clean bath water. Allow the chicken to dry for about 30 minutes before moving on to the drying step. This process can also be one way to tame a vicious chicken.

8. Do Drying

So that the fat in the chicken body does not accumulate and choose stamina, then you need this drying process. usually the drying process is way over the top during the day between 9 and 10, when you bathe the chickens. Get in the habit of drying the young fighting chicks and you can decide if the chicks look tired or sick.

9. Physical Training

When you want to practice breathing and muscle training, then you can do physical exercises against chickens. You can do physical exercise according to the needs of chicken complaints such as swimming, cliter and jumping exercises.

10. Sparing or Abar

To make the mentality of a fighter become a champion which is a feature of quality bangkok chicken, then you have to do battle or practice abar. Do it for a short duration to practice the beginning of your cock fight.

The bias from the initial training will only take 5 to 10 minutes. Then the chickens are allowed to rest and carry out their usual activities, physical exercise, bathing in the sun for 2 weeks.

Once you've gone past, you can do more for a longer duration, say 15 minutes. Do this exercise regularly. However, you have to force the strength of the chicken. Where he can lose and be more afraid if the opponent in law is not satisfied.

11. Separation of Chicken Complaints

You have to finish the fighting cocks by placing them in separate and separate cages. It fights the battle of injuries and injuries when the rooster has to fight another cock. Because fighting cocks will always have a tendency to fight and the weak will always act stronger.

12. Use of Insulating Cages

It is an isolated property and is completely free from various external disturbances. This is the cage to use if there is one young fighting hen who is mentally worse and damaged and can no longer fight or even just get along with the hen.

Then let the chickens stay in this coop a few days to recover and get back to fighting. In a few days these chickens will usually be back crowing and ready to be stirred again.

13. Mainstay Herbal Requirements

You can get the fighting spirit that is supported by the fighting cocks with a variety of natural herbs special herbs for chickens so that they can fight again. This special herbal medicine for fighting cocks is a herbal medicine made from various herbal ingredients such as brown sugar, turmeric and honey.

In addition to providing herbs, you can also use other nutrients such as artificial vitamins. This will be effective in bringing back all the things that were dropped from the fighting rooster.

14. Give Natural Food to Fighters

In order for the fighting chickens to be more aggressive, it is highly recommended to add natural feed including live chicken food in the chicken fighter's diet. You can feed in the form of crickets, photos of life or even mice. Mental chickens will improve and be sharpened if you go they seek and chase their prey.

15. Do Running Exercises

Do this physical exercise for about 30 minutes. This is one of the potential exercises in training the breath and energy to fight the chicken. There are many ways you can do running exercises. One of them by using a tool consisting of a rotating wheel.

However, it is not uncommon for many people to use ordinary manual techniques. Fighting cocks who will do running training must be required to be in brackets and run around the prepared cages.

To be more effective, you can confine the other chickens in a smaller coop to have the rooster spur on and chase the chickens in the associated small coop. But before this chicken is stressed and stressed then you must immediately take the chicken in a smaller cage. | Tanipedia

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