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Not only delicious to eat, here are a series of benefits that can be felt from papaya

Did you know that papaya is a local fruit that is very easy to find in Indonesia? The fruit, which is yellow in color and has many black seeds, is very sweet when eaten. Of course this fruit is quite rarely found abroad. There are quite a few types of papaya that are famous in Indonesia, one of which is the California papaya.

California papaya has a shape that is quite small compared to ordinary papaya, but has a sweeter taste among other types. Although the name is California papaya, please note that this type does not come from California, but is 100% local variety. Yes, this California papaya is pure research from one of the Professors at IPB since 2001 and was patented in 2010.

Not only delicious to eat, here are a series of benefits that can be felt from papaya

Not only has a sweet taste, papaya also has a myriad of benefits that can nourish the body. One of the well-known benefits is that it can improve digestion. Besides being able to improve digestion, there are many other benefits. try to see some of the benefits of papaya for health.

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Control blood sugar levels

Although it has a sweet taste, papaya contains a fairly low glycemic index. Therefore, this fruit can control blood sugar levels to remain stable. People with diabetes mellitus need not be afraid to eat this papaya.

Can nourish the eyes

Eye health is something that needs to be considered, because it is important. Lutenin and Zeaksatin are antioxidants that can maintain eye health. These substances are found in papaya fruit, therefore consuming papaya can be useful for maintaining eye health.

Can nourish the skin

Besides being able to facilitate digestion and also nourish the eyes, another benefit of papaya is to nourish the skin. Papaya contains many nutrients, one of which is Vitamin C and Vitamin A. Vitamin C can function to help produce collagen to reduce wrinkles on the skin. In addition there is also an enzyme papain which can soften the skin.
Some of the other benefits of this fruit are that it can boost the immune system, maintain a healthy heart, nourish hair and nails, and also reduce the risk of cancer. Wow, there are so many benefits of this papaya fruit.

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