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Has an Unbearable Bitter Taste, Here Are the Benefits of Sambiloto Herbal Plants

Andrographis paniculata - Although it has an unbearable bitter taste, the benefits of bitter herbs are abundant. This herbal plant that has a dark green color turns out to contain several chemical compounds that can be used as medicine.
Some of these chemical compounds include flavonoids, alkaloids and saponins. The content is found in bitter leaves, which have a bitter taste. In the world of traditional medicine, this bitter plant is known to have many benefits.

Has an Unbearable Bitter Taste, Here Are the Benefits of Sambiloto Herbal Plants

The following are some of the benefits of bitter leaf as an herbal plant.

1. Can overcome the flu

The flu is caused by a viral infection. Sambiloto can reduce flu symptoms such as fever, pain, headache, coughing, sneezing or chills. These symptoms can be reduced because of the anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial content of the bitter plant.

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2. As a natural typhoid medicine

Typhoid disease is caused by the bacteria Salmonella Typosa that enters food or drink. The antibacterial content of the bitter plant makes this plant often used as a natural typhus drug.

3. Overcoming digestive disorders

Digestive problems such as constipation, diarrhea, or abdominal colic can be overcome by bitter. Digestive disorders such as bloating and abdominal pain can also be overcome with bitter plants.

4. Treat skin problems

Skin infections caused by bacteria can also be treated by Sambiloto. Some skin problems such as boils, itching, irritation, or insect bites.

5. Inhibit the growth of cancer cells

There have been several laboratories that have conducted research, and it was found that the growth of cancer cells can be inhibited and prevented by bitter extract. Although there is no evidence of its effectiveness as a cancer drug.

There are several ways to consume bitter as a medicine. Some of them can be used as a potion or herbal medicine. Or it can be extracted into tablets or supplements. Or it can also be used directly by being smeared or compressed.
However, you should first consult with your doctor regarding the use of tablets or sambiloto supplements. So that there are no negative side effects. In addition, bitter is not good for pregnant women, nursing mothers, and people with certain diseases.

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