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10 Ways to Overcome Yellowing Love Wave Leaves

Anthurium is also known as the love wave flower, flamingo flower, or flame. The shape of this wave of love flower consists of a bulb with a variety of flower colors and is very bright. Flower colors range from bright red to black, from white to dark green.

Waves of love flowers are very rarely attacked by pests or a type of lice that usually attack the leaves. This is because regular watering is done every day. If the leaves are affected by pests or lice, the leaves of the love wave will turn yellow due to chlorosis. Wave of love is a plant that does not need too many nutrients.

10 Ways to Overcome Yellowing Love Wave Leaves

Here are some ways to deal with yellowing wave of love leaves.

1. Light intensity

The direct and excessive intensity of the sun turns out to be the cause of the yellow leaves, and this is not good for love wave plants.

The love wave plant is known as a plant that grows in the shade of a large tree that is not directly exposed to sunlight. The light intensity required by this love wave plant is in the range of 30%-50%.

Even though the love wave doesn't really need sunlight, that doesn't mean this plant doesn't need light at all. Plants that are not exposed to sunlight will show symptoms such as wilted and pale leaves.

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This certainly makes the appearance of the plant less attractive, especially if it lacks sunlight for a very long time. This will affect the leaves will shrink and tend to grow elongated.

2. Plant Density

In order for the love wave plant to grow well and optimally, reduce the love wave plant in the pot because the light intensity for the plant density level must be taken into account.

Pots that are too dense because the plants will affect the air circulation is not smooth and the surrounding temperature will be hot. This can cause the leaves to turn yellow and have difficulty growing as the plants accumulate.

3. Water quality

Water quality must be considered for watering flowers. Preferably, the water used is separated from room temperature, which is more than 2 degrees. For every watering, there should be no remaining water in the pot, this is to avoid rotting of the roots.

If the wave leaves start to grow thickly, it's a good idea to replace a bigger pot. This is to avoid rotting the roots, and also not overcrowded, causing the flowers to die easily.

4. Pay attention to the air temperature

In summer, the air temperature should not be below 18 degrees Celsius, and in winter and autumn 15-16 degrees. If you want the wave leaves to bloom faster, especially for the month of January, the temperature can be raised to 25 degrees.

5. Water spray

It is mandatory to spray water around the plants and leaves in order to keep them clean, keep the air moist and keep them shiny green so that they are attractive to the eye. Leaves that have turned yellow and dry should be trimmed immediately so as not to infect other leaves.

6. Stress due to humidity problems

A common cause of yellowing love wave leaves is too frequent or infrequent watering of the plant. Plants that do not have enough soil, plants will find it difficult to get nutrients for photosynthesis. What will happen is a lack of chlorophyll so the leaves turn yellow.

To find out if the plant lacks water, check the soil on the plant part. If the plant dries to a depth of a few centimeters, it's a good idea to water the plant. In addition, from its appearance it can also be ascertained that these plants need water.

Plants that lack water will of course dry out, turn yellow and the edges of the leaves will become easily crushed. Over-watering the plant can also cause the leaves to turn yellow. If the leaves turn yellow, limp and also curling downwards, it's a good idea to check the soil and roots. If the roots are brown and mushy, the soil may be waterlogged.

Too much water can also invite pests and cause various problems such as moldy soil. The characteristics of healthy roots are that they look firm and white.

7. Environmental conditions

Environmental conditions can also cause why the love wave leaves turn yellow. Yellowing leaves can be a reaction to environmental conditions or conditions. In addition, plants that grow beyond the size of the pot, plants that are sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity.

8. Repotting or changing pots

If the leaves turn yellow, it's a good idea to repot or replace a bigger pot. Roots need space to absorb nutrients and water.

As the plant grows, a place is needed for the root system. Once a year, preferably in spring, anthurium is transplanted into a larger pot. For good flowering, the volume of the container should slightly exceed the size of the roots.

9. Air humidity

Many ornamental plants, especially love waves, prefer to live and grow in an environment that has humid air. if the environment is dry it will make the plants on the leaves become dry and yellow. The solution to increase humidity is to place a tray filled with water with stones at the bottom of the pot or by condensing the plant.

10. Non-Infectious Diseases

Non-infectious diseases can also cause the leaves to turn yellow. Provision of mineral and organic fertilizers is really needed. It is enough to give 2 times a week, and in the winter 1 time per month. Fertilizer is not given directly at the time of transplanting or watering.

Excess calcium can cause leaves to turn yellow, brown spots. Excess calcium or phosphorus can strengthen the plant and thicken the stem in the absence of flowers. Lack of iron and magnesium can cause chlorosis of the love wave.

Diseases with impaired chlorophyll synthesis with yellowing of the leaves, in the presence of the relevant fertilizers will help nutrient deficient soil.

As the air increases it can cause diseases such as gas and constipation. On yellowing leaves, the first to appear is with a round round shape, and spots.

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