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Pearl NPK Fertilizer Content

Currently, the trend of gardening or planting activities is increasing. This of course causes an increase in the trend of using fertilizers. Pearl NPK fertilizer is one of the most popular fertilizers in the market.

Mutiara NPK fertilizer is one type of compound fertilizer that is often a mainstay by farmers, whether fruit, flower, or secondary crops. Of course this is because this fertilizer makes the crop yields very good and of high quality.

Mutiara NPK fertilizer comes from Norway which contains a complete and balanced N, P, and K content to ensure uniform distribution of all nutrients and provide maximum plant growth results.

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NPK Mutiara fertilizer has the form of granular granules that are pale blue in color and are usually packaged in plastic packaging. The complete specifications of this fertilizer are as follows:
  • It has a Nitrogen (N) content of 16 percent with a composition of 6.5 percent Nitrate (N) and 9.5 percent Ammonium-N.
  • Contains Phosphate (P2O5) which is soluble in water by 11.5 percent.
  • Contains Potassium (K2O) of 16 percent.
  • Has a specific gravity of 1.04 Kg/l
  • Has a granulometry that is equal to 85 percent.
  • Contains MgO (Magnesium) of 0.5 percent.
  • It has a CaO (calcium) content of 6 percent.

Benefits of Every Pearl NPK Fertilizer Content

Pearl NPK fertilizer is a compound fertilizer that has a complete content in the form of Potassium, Nitrogen, Phosphate, Magnesium, and Calcium. The following is a discussion of the benefits of each content of this fertilizer.

1. Potassium (K2O)

NPK Mutiara fertilizer has a potassium content of 16 percent. The potassium content of this fertilizer is the perfect level for plants. Some of the benefits of potassium (K2O) for plants are as follows:
  • Regulates water balance in cells
  • Improve the process of photosynthesis
  • Maintain cell turgor
  • Prevents water loss due to transpiration
  • Have responsibility in sugar production and transportation
  • Has a responsibility in the formation of protein
  • Forms stronger plant stems
  • Increases plant resistance to drought or cold stress, plant disease, or pest attack
  • As an activator of various types of enzymes
  • Improving the quality of production in terms of color, shelf life, or taste

2. Nitrogen (N)

Mutiara NPK fertilizer contains Nitrogen (N) which consists of two types of Nitrate-Nitrogen (NO3) which is directly available to plants and Ammonium-Nitrogen (NH4) which acts as a reserve.

Some of the benefits of Nitrogen contained in NPK Mutiara fertilizer for plants are as follows:
  • Forming a green substance (chlorophyll) to carry out the process of photosynthesis very well
  • Forms fats, proteins, and various other compounds
  • Stimulates the growth of stems, roots, and leaves of plants very well
  • Increase the quantity and quality of crops
  • Prevents environmental loss of nutrients

3. Phospate (P2O5)

NPK Mutiara fertilizer contains phosphate (P2O5) which is very soluble and can be used by various types of plants. This content is 11.5 percent in NPK Mutiara fertilizer.

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Some of the benefits of the content of Phosphate (P2O5) in NPK Mutiara fertilizer for plants are as follows:
  • Become a means of metabolism to produce energy needed for plant growth pertumbuhan
  • Stimulates growth of roots, especially young plant roots and seed roots
  • Useful as an ingredient for the formation of a certain number of proteins needed by plants
  • Increases the frequency of cell division in plants
  • Improve and accelerate the formation of flowers from plants
  • Helps the process of assimilation and respiration of plants
  • Accelerate tuber formation
  • Overcome the lack of micro-nutrients in the soil

4. Calcium (CaO)

Mutiara NPK fertilizer also contains calcium, but not as much as nitrogen, potassium, or phosphate. The calcium content in this fertilizer only amounts to about 6 percent.

The following are some of the benefits of calcium in NPK Mutiara fertilizer for plants:
  • Increases carbohydrate translocation, acidity, and cell permeability
  • Helps in the formation of plant cell walls
  • Improve yield quality (more fruit, sweeter, bigger and shinier)
  • Prevents fruit from falling or being damaged
  • Increase the amount of leaf green matter (chlorophyll)
  • Increase plant resistance to disease or pest attack
  • Improves the growth process of roots, leaves, and also plant stems
  • Increase the amount of harvest

5. Magnesium (MgO)

The last ingredient in Mutiara NPK fertilizer is magnesium (MgO). This element has the least amount in Mutiara NPK fertilizer, which is about 0.5 percent.

Some of the benefits of magnesium in Mutiara NPK fertilizer for plants are as follows:
  • As the main ingredient to increase chlorophyll (green leaf substance) which functions to help the process of photosynthesis
  • Play a role in the process of energy and carbohydrate metabolism metabolisme
  • Increases oil content in seeds
  • Used as a pump to help the movement of elements Nitrogen, phosphate, and potassium into the plant wall
  • Strengthens the leaves, flowers and fruit of plants so they don't fall off easily mudah
  • One source of strength to deal with pests, diseases or drought

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Advantages of Using Pearl NPK Fertilizer

The use of NPK Mutiara provides various benefits for farmers or the community. Not a few people or farmers suggest the use of this fertilizer in the process or farming activities.

Some of the advantages of using NPK Mutiara are as follows:
  • With the form of prill or solid granules, this fertilizer is very easy to use manually or by machine
  • Very easy to spread on the ground
  • This fertilizer is free from dust because of its dense granules
  • A very unique source of nitrogen and is needed by plants
  • Contains balanced nutrients in every grain of fertilizer
  • Helps to bind other nutrients in the soil needed by plants
  • Requires fertilizer costs that tend to be smaller than other fertilizers
  • The quality of this fertilizer has been proven by various farmers who use it. 

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