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10 Types of Fertilizer to loosen the soil

Soil is an important part of the planting process. Loose soil can help plant growth and provide good crop yields.

Loose soil conditions or not become one of the points that must be considered so that plants grow optimally. Here are some types of fertilizers to loosen the soil, namely:


Manure is the first type of fertilizer chosen to loosen the soil. This fertilizer can be made from various animal manure such as cow manure, chicken manure, goat manure, sheep manure, cow urine, rabbit urine, and others.

Manure is believed to be the safest fertilizer for loosening the soil. This is because this fertilizer contains various macro nutrients such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and sulfur (S) which can stimulate soil biological activity.

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Manure is also the right choice to restore and improve soil structure. In addition, this fertilizer can also support the creation of an organic farming system by producing healthier natural products.


Compost is a good next option for loosening the soil in addition to manure. This fertilizer is made from weathering organic materials such as fruit residues, vegetable residues, peanut shells, egg shells, to coffee grounds.

Compost fertilizer contains nutrients that are quite complete, including macro nutrients, namely nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and sulfur (S) as well as micro nutrients Iron (Fe). ), Tembang (Cu), Manganese (Mn), Molybdenum (Mo), Zinc (Zn), Chlorine (Cl), Boron (B) which are indispensable for plants.

Compost is an important addition to the nutrients needed by the soil and plants. In addition to loosening the soil, this fertilizer makes the soil pH stable or neutral and improves the natural drainage system in the soil.

“Loose” Organic Fertilizer

Currently, there are many types of fertilizers that have been sold in the market to loosen the soil. One of the fertilizer brands for loosening the soil is organic fertilizer.

Loose organic fertilizer contains complete nutrients, both primary macro, secondary macro, and micro. In addition, this fertilizer contains organic acids, ZPT, enzymes, vitamins, and organic C (organic carbon) which is high around 25-35 where organic C is a source of microbial food.

Loose organic fertilizer is very useful for loosening the soil, improving soil structure, and as a balancer and nutrient provider.

New Phoska Gold Fertilizer

The next fertilizer is New Phoska Gold organic fertilizer. This fertilizer is a soil improvement fertilizer with super premium quality issued by PT Mikro Investindo Utama.

New Phoska Gold organic fertilizer comes from cow urine waste, organic ingredients, and a mixture of 5 percent dolomite ingredients. These various ingredients are believed to be able to open the pores of the soil so that the soil becomes loose, improve soil structure, and encourage root growth.

In addition, this organic fertilizer has also been equipped with a soil conditioner that can improve soil aeration and drainage to widen the soil pores. This is certainly very good for facilitating the absorption of nutrients and speeding up the process of spreading them to plants.

Wijayakusuma Nutrient Fertilizer

Wijayakusuma Nutrient Fertilizer is a liquid organic fertilizer produced in Kaliwareng Village, Warungasem District, Batang Regency, Central Java. Initially, this liquid organic fertilizer was produced for internal use from the village of Kaliwareng.

This fertilizer can help to repair damaged soil elements and control the acidity of the soil. In addition to soil, this liquid organic fertilizer is also useful for increasing plant fertility and also plant resistance to disease.

Supernasa Solid Organic Fertilizer

Another fertilizer to loosen the soil is Supernasa solid organic fertilizer. This solid organic fertilizer is released by PT Nasa which contains various macro and micro nutrients and humic acids needed by the soil. This fertilizer is also free of heavy metals and free of microbes.

Supernasa solid organic fertilizer has various formulas that are good for repairing damaged land, increasing soil fertility, dissolving previous fertilizer residues, promoting plant growth, and increasing crop production.

Frensoil Organic Fertilizer

Farmers in Lamongan managed to find a fertilizer that is useful for loosening the soil, namely Frensoil organic fertilizer. This fertilizer is made from a variety of selected organic materials and has been tested for its benefits to the soil both chemically and physically.

Frensoil organic fertilizer is a soil improvement fertilizer specially formulated for horticultural crops and food crops. This fertilizer can increase nutrients in the soil, restore soil fertility, and increase crop yields.

Nasa Liquid Organic Fertilizer

The next organic fertilizer is NASA's liquid organic fertilizer. This fertilizer contains various micro and macro nutrients, humic, vulvate, and growth stimulants needed by the soil. In addition, this fertilizer is free of microbes and heavy metals.

Nasa liquid organic fertilizer can turn hard soil into loose soil, dissolve chemical fertilizer residues in the soil, reduce the use of urea, improve the quality and quantity of crop yields, and increase plant resistance to pests and plant diseases.

Super Vitamin NPK Fertilizer

The next fertilizer to loosen the soil is NPK Vitamin Super fertilizer. This fertilizer contains NPK which is believed to help loosen hard soil.

This fertilizer is also useful for stimulating root growth cells, producing enzymes and vitamins needed by the soil, strengthening plant resistance, and launching plant metabolism.

Granule Organic Fertilizer

The last recommended fertilizer for loosening the soil is Granule organic fertilizer. This fertilizer is in the form of small brown granules and contains about 15 percent organic carbon, about 20 percent moisture content, and has a PH of about 4 to 9.

Granule organic fertilizer can help to restore soil fertility, repair damaged soil elements. and improve the quality of the crop.

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