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6 Fertilizers for Fast Fruiting Grapes and Care Tips

Grapevines are still rarely planted in Indonesia, because some people think that vine care is very difficult and requires a lot of money. In fact, the treatment is not as difficult as imagined.

Grape cultivation has proven successful in the tropics including Indonesia. Selection of soil or land and the use of appropriate fertilizers are very supportive for the success of grapes in fast fruiting.

Here are some fertilizers for fast fruiting grapes, namely:

1. Organic GDM Fertilizer

GDM Organic Fertilizer is a liquid organic fertilizer specially formulated to support the productivity of fertilization from plants, one of which is grapes. This fertilizer contains several elements that are good for grapes as follows:
  • Complete macro nutrients consisting of Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K) where each element has been measured according to the needs of the grape plant.
  • Complete micronutrients, consisting of Sodium (Na), Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), Iron (Fe), Copper (Cu), Iron (Zn), Manganese (Mn), Boron (B), Cobalt (Co), and Molybdenium (Mo).
  • Some of the premium bacteria consisting of  Bacillus Brevis ,  Bacillus Pumillus ,  Bacillus Mycoides ,  Pseudomonas Alcaligenes ,  Pseudomonas Mallei ,  Klebsiella Oxytoca , and  Micrococcus Roseus
These three elements can support the growth and development of grapes, nourish the plant from stem to leaf, and help to produce dense and fast fruit.

2. Soil Improvement Fertilizer

Fertilizer to improve soil is needed for grape growing media. Why? Because this fertilizer is very helpful for loosening the soil and helping to speed up the fertilization process of the grapes.

Several types of soil improvement fertilizers that can be obtained are GDM SaMe Granule Bio Organic and GDM Black BOS. Both types of fertilizers have various micro and macro nutrients as well as several premium pathogenic bacteria consisting of: 
  • Bacillus Pumillus,
  • Pseudomonas Alcaligenes
  • Bacillus subtilis
  • Streptomyces sp
  • Lactobacillus sp
  • Pseudomonas stutzeri
  • Bacillus subtilis
  • Micrococcus Roseus
  • Bacillus sp

Some of the other benefits of soil-enhancing fertilizers are as follows:
  • Inhibits the growth of fungi and pathogenic bacteria or bacteria that are harmful and can cause disease in grapes.
  • Produces natural enzymes, hormones and antibiotics that are needed by grapes.
  • Draws all the nutrients in the soil quickly and spreads to the vines.
  • Decompose waste in the soil so as to improve the texture of damaged soil.

3. Biogan Liquid Organic Fertilizer

Biogan liquid organic fertilizer or often known as POC Biogan is a fertilizer made from 100% pure organic and environmentally friendly.

This fertilizer is very useful for increasing soil fertility, increasing grape production, accelerating flowering and fruiting, preventing flower and fruit loss, and improving fruit quality.

The use of POC Biogan can be done by means of POC Biogan as much as 6 cc dissolved in 1 liter of clean water. Or it can be measured with 1 lid of POC Biogan and mixed with 1 scoop of clean water. The solution was stirred until well mixed.

Application can be done by spraying onto the leaves and stems. In addition, this solution can also be applied to the stems and roots only.

4. Wine Booster

The next fertilizer that can be used to help grapes bear fruit quickly is Grape Booster. This fertilizer is an organic fertilizer that contains a complete range of macro-micro nutrients and is enriched with growth regulators, humic, vulvic and enzyme complexes.

Some of the benefits of Grape Booster besides speeding up the fertilization process are as follows:
  • Helps to loosen soil or growing media from grapes
  • Strengthening the seeds in the nursery
  • Prevents leaf, flower and fruit loss
  • Increase the resistance of grapes to pests and various plant diseases

A wine booster is used as much as 1-4 grams per liter of water. The right way and time to use this fertilizer is as follows:
  • When the plant is still small (early) as much as 2-3 grams / liter of water and drained every 10-15 days on the vine.
  • When the plants are productive as much as 4 grams / liter of water and flowed to the entire bottom of the plant every 1-3 months.
  • The next stage, every time you finish picking/harvesting the WINE BOOSTER, it is channeled to the plant, especially to the lower stem.

5. Nasa Organic Grape Cultivation Fertilizer

Nasa organic fertilizer is one of the organic fertilizers made for various fruits, including grapes. This fertilizer contains a complete range of micro and macro nutrients, fat, protein, humic, vulvate, growth stimulants (gibberline, cytokinin, and auxin), free of heavy metals, and free of E. Coli and salmonelia microbes.

This fertilizer is very easy to apply by spraying it on the underside of the leaves if the leaves can still be reached with a dose of 4 bottle caps in 15 liters of water.

However, this fertilizer can also be poured around the tree if the leaves cannot be reached by hand. The dosage is also the same as 4 bottle caps in 15 liters of water.

6. Homemade Organic Fertilizer

Homemade organic fertilizers can also be applied to grapes. This fertilizer can be made from a mixture of 100 g of powdered milk, 100 ml of pure honey, 1 egg yolk, and 1 liter of coconut water.

This organic fertilizer mixture as much as 20 ml is mixed into 1 liter of water. Then, this organic fertilizer is sprayed directly onto the leaves once every two weeks during preparation for fertilization. After that, water stress was carried out by not watering the vines for 3-4 weeks.

Care Tips for Fast Fruiting Grapes

Not only giving fertilizers that can support the grapes to bear fruit quickly, here are some care tips so that the grapes bear fruit quickly, namely:
  • Do not use thick soil when growing grapes in containers, but use a mixture of light pots that are loose and rich in organic matter.
  • Don't water too much and stay regular to keep the soil slightly moist and avoid getting too wet.
  • Giving fertilizer that is not too much and regularly

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