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Here are 12 Benefits of Goat Manure for Chili Plants

Using animal manure as fertilizer is a good idea so you can get more profit. So you don't need to throw it away because it can still be put to good use. One of the livestock that can be used as manure as fertilizer is a goat. It turns out that there are many benefits of goat dung for chili plants that may not be known. This fertilizer is highly recommended so that it can make chili plants get much more and satisfying results.

Here are 12 Benefits of Goat Manure for Chili Plants

Benefits of Goat Manure for Your Chili Plants

The following are some of the benefits of goat dung for chili plants that you should know.

1. Increase chili productivity

By providing goat manure fertilizer on chili plants, chili productivity will increase and quality. To prove it, you can plant chilies with goat manure and without fertilizer. You will see for yourself the different levels of productivity, soil color and health levels in chili plants.

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2. Make the soil more fertile

One of the benefits of goat manure for chili plants is that it makes the soil more fertile. Soil that is fed with goat manure will contain many nutrients that can facilitate its growth. You can also mix this goat manure in the soil for other plant media so that it can grow optimally.

3. Make the soil loose

Soil that is fed with goat manure tends to be more loose, so the chili trees will more easily absorb nutrients. As a result, plants will grow quickly and yield maximum results.

4. Being a component of aphrodisiacs

The benefits of goat dung for chili plants include being a component of stimulant substances. The result is the growth of roots, leaves, stems and fruit will be faster and better.

5. Nutrient supplies

Goat manure provides nutrients for chili trees. There are two types of nutrients, namely micro nutrients consisting of manganese, cobalt, copper, zinc, barium and iron. While macro nutrients consist of phosphorus, nitrogen, calcium, potassium sulfur and magnesium.

6. Helps the formation of compounds

Chili trees are fertilized using goat manure, the formation of complex compounds can be easier. This prevents the plant from metal ions which can be toxic.

7. Increase microorganism

The presence of microorganisms in the soil due to the application of goat manure will make the chili tree more leverage.

8. Release PO4

Goat manure can release plant nutrients, namely phosphate which is bound by aluminum and iron so that it can be used for chili plants.

9. Higher water holding capacity

Compost from goat manure, soil particles can bind more easily and this makes the soil can hold more water.

10. Improve aeration and drainage

By providing goat manure fertilizer, soil aeration and drainage will be better so that the soil aggregates formed are also better.

11. Plants are resistant to disease

It turns out that giving compost from goat manure will make plants more resistant to diseases that attack.

12. Reduce nitrogen leaching

The content of goat manure can reduce nitrogen leaching so that chili trees can grow well. Dissolved nitrogen will also be less and more beneficial to plants.

For better results, goat manure before being used as fertilizer should be destroyed first. The purpose of destroying goat manure is for the decomposition process carried out by microorganisms to run more easily and perfectly. In addition, with a softer form, fertilizer will be more evenly distributed and later can be absorbed by the soil more easily.

Hopefully some of the benefits of goat dung for chili plants can help your chili plants have maximum results. More importantly, you can reduce the use of harmful chemical fertilizers and take advantage of the goat manure you have.

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