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Get to know the Gelam Tree (Melaleuca leucadendra) or Eucalyptus Oil Producer which is rich in benefits

Many of you may already know that white oil is the oil produced from eucalyptus trees or gelam trees. But not many know what the actual shape of the eucalyptus tree is. Because we usually buy eucalyptus oil directly at the store or at the mini market.

Eucalyptus oil is one of the drugs that are generally owned by Indonesian people. Many benefits can be obtained from this eucalyptus oil, for example, good for breathing, beneficial for skin health, can relieve muscle pain, relieve travel nausea or can avoid insect bites.

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These benefits are obtained because of the content possessed by eucalyptus oil. Eucalyptus oil has a distinctive aroma and a warm feeling when applied to the skin. Many mothers use eucalyptus oil to make their child feel warm. The use of eucalyptus oil can usually be applied to certain parts such as the stomach and back, or by inhalation.

Eucalyptus oil tree or also known as gelam tree is a very good plant to grow in eastern Indonesia, or also in some areas that have a fixed dry season. Eucalyptus or gelam is a type of plant that belongs to the guava tribe, has the Latin name Melaleunca Leucadendra. The following is a brief explanation of the parts of the eucalyptus tree.


Eucalyptus oil tree height can reach 10-20 meters. With layers of leather. The tree trunk that is owned is not too big with a slightly grayish white color. This eucalyptus tree has only a few branches.

The leaf shape of eucalyptus is oval and is a single leaf with a short stalk. The width reaches 0.75 to 4 cm, while the length is 4.5-25 cm. The base of the eucalyptus leaves is slightly pointed, besides that the eucalyptus leaves also have a few hairs on the leaf surface. The color of eucalyptus leaves is light green. Well, it is in this leaf that eucalyptus oil is produced.


Eucalyptus has bell-like flowers with a white color. But on his white head has a yellow color


Eucalyptus trees also have fruit, this fruit is known as gelam. It is small and has a hole in the middle. In one stalk there can be 20-30 pieces.

So, those are the parts of the eucalyptus tree. So far, we only know about the eucalyptus oil, because eucalyptus trees are only found in some areas. I hope this article will help you get to know the eucalyptus tree.

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