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Don't underestimate it, even though it's bitter, it's the benefits of bitter melon for the body

Pare is one type of vegetable that is often avoided, especially by teenagers and children. Having a bitter taste is the main reason why bitter melon is not much in demand. Plants that live by means of vines are often found in Indonesia. The fruit is elongated with irregular nodules, fruit length reaches 8-30 cm. When young, bitter melon is green and turns orange when ripe. In addition, the benefits of bitter melon are also very many, even though it has a bitter taste.

Don't underestimate it, even though it's bitter, it's the benefits of bitter melon for the body

Healing Wounds

Pare can control and facilitate blood clotting. Therefore, bitter melon can help wounds heal quickly and prevent infection in the wound.

Also read: Come on, try planting star fruit, and find out the benefits for body health

Healthy Digestion

Stomach acid is one of the most common digestive ailments. Rising stomach acid can cause stomach pain and nausea. Bitter gourd has a bitter taste that can stimulate mucus which can maintain the balance of stomach acid.


Pare is a vegetable that contains fiber. therefore, bitter melon can help digest food in the body. For that bitter melon can facilitate digestion.

Can nourish the eyes

Eyes need Vitamin A and Beta Carotene. Both of these elements are present in bitter melon, therefore bitter melon is good for eye health.

Help overcome diabetes

Excess sugar levels will cause diabetes. In the content of bitter melon, can maintain health that can help cure kidney stones.

Overcoming acne

Pare can be made into juice mixed with lemon. It turns out that bitter melon is able to eliminate several skin problems, one of which is acne. Some other problems such as itching, scabies, boils, and ringworm can also be overcome by bitter melon juice. By drinking it regularly.

Can solve hair problems

Hair problems that are often encountered are very diverse. Hair health is of course very important to pay attention to, because it will interfere with many things and feel uncomfortable when doing activities. Bitter gourd can treat several types of hair problems such as hair loss, coarse and tangled hair, split ends, overcoming gray hair, and can also make hair shiny. Dry and itchy scalp can also be treated using bitter melon. Bitter gourd can be juiced and applied to the hair, regularly of course.

some of the things above are the benefits of bitter melon. Don't just look at the taste but also see the benefits? Have you tried eating bitter melon?

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