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Selection of suitable fertilizer for Longan

To plant or cultivate longan (longan) required maintenance and good care.

That way, the longan plant will produce good and healthy fruit. There are several things that you need to pay attention to when caring for longan, one of which is the use of longan fertilizer.

Selection of suitable fertilizer for

You need to remember before planting longan, you need to know the variety that is planted
. This is to facilitate the maintenance or care of longan plants. You can choose superior varieties to plant.

Provision of longan fertilizer is very important to meet the nutritional needs of plants. However, longan plants must be given a suitable and appropriate longan fertilizer.

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Fertilizer For Longan Plants

  1. First you need to pay attention to the age of the plant. If longan plants are still under 6 months old, you can use organic fertilizers. Organic fertilizers used for plants are manure, compost, bat fertilizer, and other organic fertilizers.
  2. If the longan plant is over 6 months old, you can use a booster fertilizer. This longan fertilizer contains potassium chlorate compounds. In addition, other ingredients in this fertilizer are KNO3, amino acids, micro elements, macro elements, which make longan trees bear fruit quickly.

As for giving longan fertilizer, which is at least 6 months old, it must have criteria such as healthy plants, the tops of the plant leaves are not too old with a light green color and not shaded. The steps to provide longan fertilizer include,

Cut the tree trunk carefully, after that peel it on the trunk that has a brown color. This stripping is done thinly. Prepare the bamboo to scrape the main stem and the primary stem.

Prepare a booster longan fertilizer, and mix it using about 4-5 liters of clean water after that stir until evenly distributed.

Prepare a clean and hygienic cloth. Then enter the clean cloth earlier, into the fertilizer mixture with clean water that you made earlier.

After finishing working on mixing the fertilizer, there will definitely be some solution left. You can pour the solution into the base of the stem. The best time to give this solution is in the morning.

Giving this fertilizer is shown so that plants are stimulated to quickly release flowers. If the plant has flowered, the longan tree will quickly bear fruit.

In addition, fertilizer application must also be done with the appropriate dose. Usually for a dose of 1 dose the use of the solution can cover 12 cm of stem circumference. Let the longan plant absorb the fertilizer solution that has been given for 4 hours.

As for the longan plant with the type of diamond river variety, use NPK 16 fertilizer or 2 bottles of liquid KN03 content.

Even though plants are given fertilizer, plants still need time and processes to produce flowers and fruit. The application of this fertilizer is only to speed up the process and time, compared to plants that are not given fertilizer.

Causes of Fertilization Failure

Usually, longan plants take about 22 days to 2 months to flower. So, when it has exceeded the allotted time, chances are that your tree is not old enough or is not in fruiting season.

There are several things that cause failure in fertilization and plant growth, including inappropriate plant varieties, infertile soil, not meeting the growing requirements, plants not being exposed to the sun, and other causes.

In addition, the selection of seeds made at the beginning is also very important to note. Because good seeds will reduce the risk of plant failure.

Those are some explanations about longan fertilizer that is suitable for longan plants so that they bear fruit quickly. Hopefully the information provided is useful,

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