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How to Cultivate Oyster Mushrooms and Household Oyster Mushroom Business

The following is about the information that we provide to all of you regarding Oyster Mushroom Cultivation. Of course, in living an increasingly modern life, there are many needs that we want to fulfill, so with maximum effort and accompanied by prayer, the desires we want will come true. The information below is an encouragement for you to try in the field that you are currently working on, pay close attention to what we have to say.

Cultivation of Oyster Mushrooms - Oyster mushrooms in addition to their delicious taste when fried and delicious when stir-fried, have a lot of nutrients contained. Household Oyster Mushroom Cultivation is a good idea, so far oyster mushrooms are cultivated in the highlands on a large scale. However, it turns out that oyster mushrooms are adaptive in lowlands such as Jakarta and its surroundings. productivity is not much different from in the highlands. The size of the kumbung can be adjusted to the existing land area. The market is expanding because there are more and more processed products made from oyster mushrooms.

How to Cultivate Oyster Mushrooms and Household Oyster Mushroom Business

Household Oyster Mushroom Cultivation Business

From the results of the study, it was found that mycelium stored in a dim place was more numerous than in a bright place from full sun.

Mycelium is a tissue that contains a collection of fungal hyphae. Mycelium can grow in wood cell walls by penetrating the wood cell walls by perforating them.

The process of penetrating wood cell walls is assisted by enzymes that break down cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin produced by fungi through the ends of the mycelium threads. These enzymes digest wood compounds and use them as a source of (substance) food.

Terms of Growing Oyster Mushrooms.

Also read: How to Control Fusarium Wilt on Chili Plants


  • Temperature
Fiber (mycelium) of white oyster mushrooms grows well in the temperature range between 23-28 C, meaning that the temperature range is normal for growth. Even so, with temperatures below 23 C, fungal mycelium can still grow even though it takes a slower time.

As for the growth of the fruit body which is shaped like an oyster shell, it requires a temperature range between 13-15 C for 2 to 3 days.

If the low temperature value is not obtained, then there are two possibilities that occur, namely the growth of mushroom fruit growth will not be formed, which means that maintenance is not successful, or even if it is formed, it will take a long time.

However, the second phase of the white oyster mushroom can still grow at a temperature range of 12-37.8 C.

  • Humidity
The water content in the substrate is very influential on the growth and development of fungal mycelium.

Too little water will result in growth and development will be disrupted, even stopped altogether. However, if there is too much water, the mycelium will rot and die. The water content in the plant substrate will be obtained properly when watering is carried out.

Mushrooms grow well in moist conditions, but do not want waterlogging. Oyster mushroom mycelium grows optimally on a substrate that has a water content of about 60%. Meanwhile, to stimulate the growth of shoots and fruiting bodies, air humidity is around 70-85%.

  • Light
White oyster mushroom mycelium grows optimally in dark conditions. On the other hand, mushroom fruiting bodies cannot grow in the dark. Light is needed to stimulate the growth of fruiting bodies. The mushroom stalk will grow small and the hood will grow abnormally if the primordial growth does not get watering.

However, sunlight that penetrates directly can damage and cause wilting, and the size of the hood is relatively small. Fungal growth will only require diffused light. Therefore, tree shade is needed near the building where the fungus is grown.

  • Air
White oyster mushroom is an aerobic facultative saprophytic plant that requires oxygen as a compound for its growth. Smooth air circulation will ensure the supply of oxygen. The limited supply of oxygen in the air around where the fungus grows can interfere with the growth of the fruiting body.

Oyster mushrooms also grow in places that lack oxygen have small and abnormal fruiting bodies. Mushroom fruiting bodies that grow in places that lack oxygen will easily wither and die. Oyster mushrooms also require fresh air circulation for growth. Therefore, it must be ventilated so that air exchange can run properly.

Fungal mycelium growth requires a rather high carbon dioxide content, which is 15%-20%. However, oyster mushrooms that grow in places that contain too high carbon dioxide have an abnormal fruiting body. Usually, the hood of the oyster mushroom grows relatively small compared to the stalk. 

  • Degree of Acidity (pH)
White oyster mushroom mycelium grows optimally at a slightly acidic pH medium, which is between 5.0-6.5. The pH value of the medium is needed for the production of metabolism from white oyster mushrooms, such as the production of organic acids.

Acidic conditions can cause the growth of the oyster mushroom mycelium to be disturbed, contamination by other fungi to grow, and even cause the death of white oyster mushrooms. pH conditions that are too high (alkaline), can cause the metabolic system of white oyster mushrooms to be ineffective. In fact, it causes death. Oyster mushroom fruiting bodies grow optimally at an environmental pH that is close to normal (pH 6.8-7.0).

Oyster Mushroom Planting Media

Traditionally, in Japan, seedlings are planted in holes or streaks in dry wood. Drying is done by solar or electric power. In modern cultivation, the growing medium used is in the form of artificial wood (log) made in the form of a cylinder. The composition of this media is a source of wood (saws, bagasse), a source of sugar (flour), lime, P fertilizer, and water.

  • Nutrition
Optimal growth can be achieved if the environment is suitable and adequate nutrition is available. Cell protoplasts require nitrogen, phosphorus, and other nutrients. Carbon is not only needed for the formation of protoplasm, it is also needed as an energy source. So that more carbon is needed than nitrogen.
Nitrogen is required for the formation of nucleic acids. While protein and chitin are needed for the formation of fungal cell walls.

  • Presence of other Micro-organisms
The growing medium is the main energy source for oyster mushrooms. The presence of other microorganisms can cause competition for nutrients, so the expected fungi cannot grow optimally. 

In fact, some of these competitors can release compounds that are toxic to surrounding organisms.

Media sterilization is an effective way to free the growing media from the presence of foreign bodies in the planting media that is not expected.

  • Place Elevation
The above conditions are easier to achieve in the highlands around 700-800 m above sea level. The possibility of mushroom cultivation in the lowlands is not impossible, as long as the climate of the storage room can be adjusted and adapted to the needs of the fungus.

  • Oyster Mushroom Breeding
Seeds that can be used are F3. These seeds can be made or obtained from mushroom farmers who are already able to make mushroom seeds. To make your own seedlings, sterile tools and materials are needed because this process is very susceptible to contamination. Sterilization of ordinary seed production using laminar flow or transfer box.

Tools and materials

To cultivate oyster mushrooms, the following tools and materials are needed:
  1. Kerosene stove
  2. Drum diameter 80 cm, height 96 cm
  3. Shelf, with an area of ​​3m
  4. pH meter
  5. Thermometer
  6. Sprayer / sprayer, with a 2-inch paralon pipe as many as 300 pieces
  7. Ring
  8. Spirit lamp, with a volume of 30 liters
  9. Plastic basin
  10. Sekpo
  11. 10.5 kg of albasia wood powder
  12. Fine bran as much as 21 kg
  13. Corn flour as much as 0.6 kg
  14. Pure TSP 1 kg
  15. 3 pieces of chalk
  16. F3 mushroom seeds as much as 3 pieces
  17. Alcohol 95% as much as 1 liter
  18. 300 pieces of transparent plastic bags (20x35x0.5) cm
  19. 300 pieces of 10 x 10 parchment paper
  20. 600 pieces heat resistant rubber bands
  21. 30 liters of well water

How to Cultivate Oyster Mushrooms and Household Oyster Mushroom Business

Oyster Mushroom Making 

The process of making oyster mushrooms is as follows:
  1. Sawdust is selected and cleaned. Large and sharp parts are discarded because they can damage the plastic substrate.
  2. The existing ingredients are mixed according to the dosage composition in a plastic jolang/basin. Stir until smooth, do not let there be lumps. The ingredients that are mixed to produce 100 logs are as follows:
    • - Sawdust or fine bagasse 10.5 kg
    • - Corn flour 0.6 kg
    • - Fine bran 21 kg
    • - TSP 1 kg
    • - Lime 3 pieces
    • Give enough water, with water content 60% and the pH of the media was measured.
  3. The mixture of ingredients is put into transparent plastic with a size of 20 x 35 cm and a thickness of 0.5. The media must be compacted to form a good log. A good medium is an even density. Don't forget, the bottom of the plastic tip is pierced with an index finger so that it cooks. This is done so that the material that is inserted and compacted can sit in its position (not tilted). Filling is done not too full, but 15 cm is left to make it easier to tie.
  4. Each log is weighed, which is 1.2 kg.
  5. The remaining end of the plastic into the ring is folded out, then the plastic mouth is tied with heat-resistant rubber.
  6. Cover the mouth of the log with cotton then cover it again with paper, then tie it again with rubber.
  7. The media logs were steamed for 12 hours.
  8. Steaming time is calculated after the water in the drum boils.
  9. After completion of steaming, the media is removed from the drum. Then, leave for 8 hours or until cool in a closed room. The next step is to plant the seeds.
  10. After the media has cooled, then the seedlings are planted, how:
    • - Planting seeds is done in a closed room
    • - Spray the contents of the room with 95% alcohol
    • - Use gloves and spray with 95% alcohol
    • - To facilitate planting the seeds, the media to be inoculated is stored in front near the left. The seeds to be planted are stored in front near the right hand. Between the media to be planted and the seeds, stored spirtus lamps.
    • - Open the rubber, cover paper, and media cover cotton.
    • - Enter 3 tablespoons of seeds for one media log.
    • - Every movement of the spoon that is used, is heated by the fire of the spirtus lamp.
    • - The media that has been planted with seeds is covered again with cotton.
    • - Planting seeds done quickly, but must be careful.
  11. Media that has been planted with seeds is stored on a shelf.
  12. Leave until the entire medium is filled with mushroom mycelium.
  13. Mycelium grows to fill the media log. After all the media logs are covered with mycelium, the cotton cover and the ring at the top of the log are opened.
  14. Environmental humidity is maintained by spraying using a sprayer.
  15. Fruit bodies that have bloomed enough can be harvested.

Oyster Mushroom Log Storage

If we are going to store logs in buildings, the growing period of oyster mushrooms is not unregulated by climatic conditions and can be done at any time. Logs that have been planted with seeds must be stored in a place that supports the growth of mycelium and fruiting bodies.

Buildings for storing logs can be made permanent for large-scale oyster mushroom cultivation or in semi-permanent buildings.

Mushroom breeding sites are made with a size of 10 x 12 m, in which there are 8 maintenance plots measuring 5.7 x 2.15 m. the distance between the plots is 40-60 cm. Within each plot, shelves were stacked upward to store 1,300-1,400 logs. The building frame can be made of iron, wood or bamboo.

Logs are stored on racks in an upright or inclined position. The storage distance is arranged so that the fruit bodies growing from the logs do not overlap with other fruit bodies.

Oyster Mushroom Harvest

  • Characteristics and Harvesting Oyster
Mushroom Pleurotus oyster mushroom is a mushroom that tastes good and has a good aroma when harvested at a young age. Harvesting is done after the fruit body reaches its maximum size 2-3 days after the fruit body grows.

  • How to Harvest Oyster Mushrooms
Mushrooms must be harvested from the base of the stem because the remaining stems can rot. Cut the mushrooms with a clean and sharp knife, then store them in a plastic container with a 15 cm high pile.

  • Oyster Mushroom Harvest Period Harvesting
is done every day or every few days, depending on the distance of the opening of the logs. From one log will produce about 0.8-1 kg of mushrooms.

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