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How to Live Honey Bees in the Home

On this occasion we will provide information for all of you about Honey Bees. Pay attention to the information we convey below for your knowledge in cultivation. Hopefully it can be useful and as a motivation for you in trying.

For friends who want to keep honey bees , it is actually not difficult and does not take a long time. but these bees depend on adequate environmental conditions. My sister's honey bee farm has been running for more than 10 years , the bees that live in small boxes are lined up next to the house under a brown coffee tree. This box containing one kingdom of bees , if we just let it sit, will be more and more and we must regularly see whether or not there are many bee saplings in it. each bee boxhas one queen who leads the bee one box, if there are two queens she will split into two camps. the boxes next to my house as below:

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How to Live Honey Bees in the Home Yard

How to Live Honey Bees in the Home

Boxes like this are made with boards from the hibiscus tree, if any, besides the hibiscus tree, the sengon tree is also good, because the box greatly affects the comfort of the bees that live in it. and environmental temperature must be considered because bees do not like hot places and a lot of smoke. This honey bee farm does not pay for daily food. we just plant flowers around the cattle, it's better if our yard is close to a garden that produces a lot of flowers, such as coffee plantations and so on, because it greatly affects the honey that will be produced. honey yield from each bee boxcannot be targeted because the bees are very dependent on the current season and the flowers around them. although this bee has a very wide range to find food. 
The flowers favored by honey bees are:
  • coffee flower,
  • kapok flower
  • calliandra flower
  • Palm oil
  • sono wood
  • puspa wood
  • mango
  • kale flower
  • tobacco flower
  • rubber flower
  • rambutan flower
  • marenggo flower
  • acacia flower
  • longan flower
  • mango flowers and others that have nectar or pollen such as cornflowers, and palm flowers

There are many ways to farm honey bees actually, if the method above is a very natural way and there is no technique at all. below will describe how to develop bees from the selection of good bee seeds , honey bee grazing. I took the honey bee method below from a blogger friend who has explained a lot of rules that must be passed.
Thus a review of how to raise honey bees that we can start from now.
  1. Prepare the box in advance.
  2. The top box opens.
  3. The lid of the box is made of wood, not nailed.
  4. Take the lid of the box. Put it on the top of the bee colony .
  5. Place your palms together to gently dribble, so that the colony moves and hangs onto the lid of the box.
  6. While herding, look for the queen bee . The shape is the largest and the longest. It is light yellow in color like a newly hatched bee.
  7. Take the queen and cut her wings so that it is difficult to fly, if the queen flies, all the bees will follow .
  8. After the wings are cut, do not let the queen fall to the ground because in addition to being afraid of being stepped on or being preyed on by other animals, the worker bees will not follow the queen who is on the ground. Even the queen will stay. Then will make a new queen.
  9. Don't be afraid of being stung by the queen bee, because all the bees will die after being stung. That's why the queen will not sting. And the queen definitely doesn't want to die, because only the queen has the task of laying eggs and doesn't die afterwards. Worker bees can lay eggs, but after one egg they will die, so worker bees will not dare to lay eggs if they don't have to. For example, the queen dies.
  10. Keep looking until the queen is really found. Position the colony on top to make it easier to find the queen. Also read: Classification and Morphology of Black Ants (Dolichoderus thoracicus)
  11. Move to the box after the queen is safe. If necessary, tie the queen with a small thread or make an enclosure the size of a matchbox with mosquito wire.
  12. Ignore while the bees are flying here and there. After one of the bees knows the position of the queen, then soon the bees will gather around the queen.

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