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Beware Of Switching! Here Are 9 Differences Between Hare And Rabbit

Beware Of Switching! Here Are 9 Differences Between Hare And Rabbit

Still can't tell the difference between a rabbit and a hare?
Similar but different, Come on! Find out more about the differences between hare and hare below.

Smart friend, you should know that there are some animals that look very similar in this world. In fact, these animals are of different species and one of them is the hare and the rabbit.

At first glance, the two do look the same and it's hard to tell them apart. However, the fact is that these two animals are different, you know! So, do you know what are the differences between hare and rabbit? Or is it the first time you've heard of a hare? 

Also read: Factors Affecting Animal Growth and Development

So, you must be wondering what are the differences between these two animals, right? Come on, see the explanation below.

Difference Between Hare And Rabbit

Beware Of Switching! Here Are 9 Differences Between Hare And Rabbit

Hares and rabbits have differences and similarities. The difference between hare and hare is the litter, place of residence, ear size and body size.

The similarity is that it is still included in the Leporidae family. Instead of you getting curious, let's just talk about it! 

1. Different Genus But Still From The Same Family

Let's look at the taxonomic order of hare and rabbit first. Apparently, both of them still come from the same family, namely Leporidae. This genus has a total of 60 species of mammals. However, hare and hare are not from the same genus. 
Rabbits have 9 general namely Bunolagus , Brachylagus , Oryctolagus , Nesolagus , Poelagus , Pentalagus , Romerolagus , Sylvilagus , and Prolagidae (extinct). While the hare comes from the genus Lepus. 

2. Baby Hares Are Born With Good Eyesight, Baby Rabbits Are Born Blind

The next difference between hare and hare that can be seen when both give birth is from the baby. Baby rabbits are born hairless and blind, while baby hare are born with hair and good eyesight.

In addition, newborn rabbits usually still need their mother's care, while baby hares are born in a fairly independent state. 

3. Differences In Residence

Usually in the wild rabbits will make nests underground and live in groups with their flocks in one burrow together. However, it is different from the hare which lives solitarily in a nest that is located above the ground. 

The hare will make its nest from the dry hay and grass it collects. While the rabbit when making his nest must dig the ground and also make tunnels. 

4. Rabbits And Hares Are Different Sizes

The difference between a hare and a rabbit that is very obvious is the size. Rabbits and hares have very different sizes.

The hare has a small body and short ears and legs while the hare has a large body and very long legs and ears. 

The hare's ears are about 9.4 cm to 11 cm long while the hare can only grow to 7.5 cm. Up to this point, of course, you can already imagine if these two species are different, right? 

5. The Hare Is Not As Tame As The Rabbit

If you have ever kept a rabbit, you must have known that rabbits are tame animals. This is because rabbits have long been domesticated and have been livestock since ancient times in Europe in the Middle Ages.

Of course this can affect their nature, as evidenced if rabbits can live in groups and are more sociable. 

In contrast to the hare which spends all its time alone and will only mate when the breeding season arrives. 

6. Different Types Of Food

The difference between rabbits and hare can also be seen from the type of food they consume. The hare itself prefers to eat seeds, fairly hard twigs and bark. However, this also depends on the food available in the wild or where it lives. 

Meanwhile, we know that rabbits love soft vegetables like carrots and grass. So, just by looking at the type of food you can tell the difference between a rabbit and a hare. Very easy, right? 

7. How To Respond To Different Hazards

In addition, the way hare and rabbit deal with danger is also very different. Usually the rabbit will prefer to go underground when he is in danger.

Unlike the hare which uses its hind legs to run so it can avoid danger. 

You don't need to doubt it, the running speed of this hare is amazing, you know! It can run up to 60 km/hour. Lose to the speed of humans when running which is only about 6 to 12 km / hour. 

8. Lifespan Difference

Next you can see the differences between rabbits and hare from their lifetime. The life span of the rabbit itself can reach 5 years to 10 years, while the hare only has a life span of 18 months.

Therefore, people are usually more interested in keeping rabbits than hares, because rabbits are able to live longer than hares

In addition, you also don't have to bother to tame the rabbit because it is already tame by itself, in contrast to the non-tame hare because it lives freely in the wild and rarely keeps it. 

9. Hares Can Change Fur

There is an interesting fact that you should know that when winter comes, hare can change its fur to white, you know.

It's amazing, right? Of course rabbits can't turn their fur white. Well, that's the special uniqueness that only the hare has. 

Thus the discussion about the difference between hare and rabbit that you should know so as not to be confused when you see it. Hopefully this article can answer your questions regarding these differences, Friend Smart!

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