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How to Keep Ducks Behind the House

A lot of information is very helpful for us to launch the business that we are doing. Here we provide information about Keeping Ducks Behind the House for all of you. By listening to what we provide, hopefully it can help a little what you need. Read carefully the information below.

Maybe you are already familiar with ducks, the name that is often used by rural people around where I live is duck, not duck. Ducks are birds that are immune to common diseases, most people around where I live keep ducks, because these birds are very easy to keep in the backyard or next to the house. This duck that is ripe and old enough will lay eggs every morning, if the feed and nutrition are met. Besides duck eggs, which taste better than other eggs, the price of duck eggs is more expensive than native chicken eggs or purebred chicken eggs. besides duck eggs, the meat is also very delicious, and here is famous for Fried duck, roasted duck and the price is much more expensive than grilled chicken and fried chicken. maybe it doesn't take long, let's learn together how we raise ducks in our backyard. Some of the articles below I took from which explain all about how to take care of children and their fathers are like that. let's not have to be long, please study the next part

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How to Keep Ducks Behind the House

How to Keep Ducks Behind the House

Duck farming also has several advantages. First, in terms of maintenance, raising ducks is indeed easier than raising chickens. In addition to having fewer activities, raising ducks is also not to be confused with the vaccine schedule that must be carried out on poultry.

Second, in terms of feed, there are many ingredients that can be used as mixed feed with concentrate. Such as katul, corn, rice karak, expired bread, expired crackers, groats, and others. It is not surprising that the rations in one livestock area are different from other areas. In fact, the foresight of local potential feed processing strategies will greatly benefit farmers.

Third, duck farming is usually aimed at laying ducks. However, the chances of broiler ducks from male ducklings are still quite good. In terms of price, male duck seeds are cheaper than female ducks. In addition, the maintenance period is quite short, which is only 40-50 days.

Fourth, for duck eggs that cannot be hatched (no seeds/fetus), they can be processed into salted eggs, either sold raw or already processed. Thus, business people can take part in making salted eggs as a business focus.

Fifth, for female ducks that have passed their production period (duck ducks), they can be sold as broilers. You could say, raising ducks is the only business that does not leave waste. All of its elements have economic value, and can be developed separately or managed in an integrated and integrated manner.

Duck Cultivation Business Opportunities

How to Keep Ducks Behind the House

This business at first glance seems trivial but if it is occupied it will bring pleasant results. The possibility of failure is very small, even if it is handled seriously and diligently, it will definitely bring big profits.

Land duck farming does not require a lot of energy and money. The bias also starts from a small stage, depending on the available funds. At first what was prepared was the yard. No need for acres, just next to the house and equipped with a fence about half to one meter high is enough. The cage? It's simple, it can be used for livestock.

Opening a land duck farming business should indeed be started on a small scale, especially for beginners. More so for beginners who are still new to this business. Five hundred thousand rupiah is enough. At this stage, its nature is to train to recognize the characteristics of ducks. Only after you are proficient, the effort can be increased even greater. I became interested in this type of business around 1992. Then in 1993 with a capital of only one hundred thousand rupiahs, I did it at that time the price of a meri (day-old duckling/DOD) was Rp. 1,000, meaning with that amount of money I got a hundred female DOD which then grows into a laying duck.

The yard next to the narrow house I use as a courtyard (umbaran). The age of two months already looks like a wench (adolescent). The enthusiasm to work is getting more and more passionate, because the treatment I do is quite careful and applies the existing theory, then all of the one hundred meri are growing healthy (none of them died).

About the ransom that I gave is only casual, meaning that it is not counted as capital. Bran and corn and a small amount of concentrate are given daily. It doesn't take too much money for this ransom because it's only a hundred. The cage is enough for me to make perfunctory, the important thing is that at night it can be protected from badgers or if it's not cold in the rainy season.
People were amazed to see the way my cattle did. Generally, ducks are raised by grazing into rivers or fields that have been harvested. But the intensive way is not so. Ducks are kept in a certain yard and only water is provided in a tub for drinking.

When the ducks entered adulthood, I was forced to make a bigger and wider cage. To prepare the eggs. The ration also needs to be increased. Even at the age of six months, one or two of the ducks began to lay eggs. The whole family was happy and of course the spirit of nurturing was further enhanced.

In the seventh month, ducks lay eggs evenly from one hundred each morning to get eighty eggs. According to professional breeders, the results of these eggs are sufficient to meet the standards.

Experiencing exciting things, then arises the intention to develop a business. The increase in this business is to add another three hundred Meri, all of which I bought from Mojosari breeders.

From then on I was serious about managing management. I started calculating the ransom, medicine and yard and all expenses related to livestock.

I use the proceeds from selling adult duck eggs to buy feed for three hundred meri. Meanwhile, my yard has doubled in size. I also prepared the cage in such a way, six months later the second stage of the ducks had started laying eggs, and it was very fun.

The people of my village became tempted to see the land duck cultivation business that I was doing. One by one they followed in my footsteps. After having four hundred adult ducks that were already productive, I wanted to expand my business even more, at the beginning of the dry season I ordered five hundred meri from Mojosari breeders.
This business continues to grow until finally I have almost two thousand productive ducks. Since then, I started selecting superior adult ducks. From the results of the selection, I breed or match with superior males. Then I incubated the eggs using a homemade incubator. From then on I got double results, namely the results from the sale of adult duck eggs and from the sale of Meri/DOD. And not a few people come and buy meri on my farm.

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