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10 Pests and Diseases of Dairy Cows

Do you know about Pests and Diseases of Dairy Cows? Pests and diseases that often attack dairy cows are actually very many and also various caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and also parasitic animals.

Pests and diseases of dairy cows are one of the big problems faced by farmers, because they can affect the production of the milk they produce.

10 Pests and Diseases of Dairy Cows

This is very feared by farmers, because it can reduce intestinal productivity and even cause death in dairy cattle.

Pest and disease control must be handled mechanically so that the desired things do not happen in raising dairy cows.

Also read: How to Treat Flu in Angora Cats

There are several kinds and types of diseases that often attack dairy cows that can affect the productivity produced, namely as follows.

Pests and diseases of dairy cows

1. Masitis

Cause: Germs, Chemicals, and Improper handling

Symptoms: inflammation of the udder, swelling and swelling does not occur, the milk will clot, and also a decrease in milk production.

Prevention: keeping the environment clean, and also sterilizing the cage.

Treatment: by injecting intrammamary antibiotics, namely penicillin, sterptomicin, and teramicin according to the dose.

2. Tuberculosis (TBC)

Cause: Mycobacterium sp. (Mybacterium tuberculosis)

Symptoms: cattle look thin, breathing will be disturbed, fur will be dry, and also the lungs will be attacked by TB germs.

Prevention: do the separation in other cages, keep the cage to the maximum and also do sanitation.

Treatment: injection of vaccinations and antibiotics.

3. Brucellosus (Miscarriage)

Cause: Brucella abortion

Symptoms: born too soon resulting in death, attacks the five-month-old pregnant cattle, and also attacks the udder, and the placenta. While in male cattle attack on the testes.

Prevention: cutting the affected cattle, and doing brocullosis test checks.

Treatment: vaccination at the age of 4-8 months using the B.abortus S19 vaccine.

4. Anthrax (inflammation of the spleen)

Cause: Bacillus anthacis

Symptoms: acute fever, bleeding from the nose, mouth and ears and swelling of certain organs will also occur.

Prevention: keep the cage clean, and also inject vaccinations according to the instructions.

Treatment: not yet

5. Mouth and nail disease (PMK)

Cause: FMD Virus

Symptoms: sores on the inside and outside of the mouth, cracked and swollen nails, decreased appetite, high fever, and a lot of saliva in the mouth.

Prevention: separating livestock from others, and doing slaughter or sale.

Treatment: only by injecting vaccinations.

6. Cowpox (variola)

Cause: Smallpox Virus

Symptoms: round redness appears on the nipple and udder, and forms bubbles

Prevention: regular sanitation of the cage

Treatment: given tincture of iodine or sulfa ointment

7. Ringworm

Cause: Trichophyton verrucosum fungus. 

Symptoms: thick, round, gray skin, no hairs, found on the neck and head, and around the eyes and ears.

Prevention: clean the cage with lysol disinfection.

Treatment: apply tincture of iodine or iodine sulfur, according to the instructions and dosage.

8. Malignant diarrhea of ​​cattle (mucusal disease)

Cause: Bovine virus diarrhea

Symptoms: attack a two year old calf, lose weight, depression, and drooling in the mouth.

Prevention: provide quality and sterile feed, and keep the cage clean.

Treatment: administration of diarrhea medicine with high doses, and also feeding lots of coarse and fine fiber.

10. Milk fever

Cause: Lack of lime in the blood (hypocalema = calcium> 1.4 mmol/L)

Symptoms: cows move to the left and right, and will also be aggressive.

Prevention: feeding contains vitamin D, potassium and phosphorus levels.

Treatment: injection of borogluconas 250-500 ml.

11. Ketosis ( Acetonemia )

Cause: Metabolic disorders, the main cause has not been determined.

Symptoms: decreased appetite, decreased body weight, looks lethargic and dull, and paralysis.

Prevention and treatment: feeding concentrates exceed their needs and also provide a saline solution in drinking and adequate feed.

12. Bloating (tympanic)

Cause: Gas that is trapped in the stomach and cannot be expelled.

Symptoms: the cow's stomach will enlarge on the side, rapid breathing and the cow will be restless.

Prevention: keep the cage dry from rain or former feed and drink.

Treatment: giving anggin oil, and also doing force-feeding on his mouth with traditional herbs to expel gas (bloating).

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