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Does Your Cat Have A Severe Flu? Here's A Powerful Way To Treat Cats With Flu, Guaranteed Effective!

One of the most dangerous diseases in cats is flu. If your cat finds the symptoms, here's how to treat the most effective cat flu. 

Seeing our beloved cat looks lethargic and weak, it feels like our mood all day will also be lost. Usually we can play with him, this time got to see him with the flu.

This disease often attacks pet cats, especially for cats who have never been vaccinated and don't get enough sunlight.

Just like humans, sometimes a cat with the flu can sneeze once in a while or even several times.

The flu is caused because his respiratory tract is infected, so there is a disturbance in his respiratory tract so he often sneezes. This infection is caused by a virus that can also infect humans, namely influenza.

The spread of this disease is quite fast, it can even spread to other cats from splashes of saliva or droplets when in direct contact. It could also be due to fellow cats licking each other, sleeping in the same place, or playing together.

If you have more than 1 cat in 1 cage, usually other cats will also get this virus. In order not to get worse, you should understand how to treat the following cat flu.

How To Treat Cat Flu And Fever

Does Your Cat Have A Severe Flu? Here's A Powerful Way To Treat Cats With Flu, Guaranteed Effective!

Cat flu is actually the same as human flu. Cats can experience the same symptoms as humans, for example, runny nose and eyes, sore throat, muscle aches and fever.

You can deal with this immediately because the flu in adult cats is not too dangerous, everything can be overcome in a natural way. But there are some cases where the flu occurs in kittens, this can cause fatal things if left unchecked.

Also read: How to Treat Flu in Angora Cats

Well, instead of your pet cat getting worse, let's find out how to treat the following flu cat correctly.

Cleaning Cat Snot

The first thing you can do to treat a cat's flu is to clear his nose. Snot or mucus that accumulates in a cat's nose contains germs and bacteria that can make the flu illness worse

Wipe the snot using a cotton ball that has been moistened with warm water. Clean regularly at some time for example in the morning and at night when he wants to rest. By cleaning it like this, the cat will also be able to breathe more easily.

Don't Let It Get Cold

When the body has the flu, then if there is a more severe infection it will cause a fever. Just like humans, cats' bodies when they have a fever will feel a cold body. So you have to give it warmth.

You can put a rather thick cloth in the cage for a place to rest. Then you can also put a yellow lamp to warm his body.

But don't put it too close to it, because cats don't like it when the room temperature is too hot.

Don't Bathe The Cat When It's Sick

Regarding how to treat a cat flu before, you should not let it cold.

When you decide to bathe your cat, you are making it worse because the cat may get cold. Even if you have bathed him in warm water.

Advice from PetPi, you can clean his body by washing his body with a cloth that has been moistened with warm water.

That way, his body full of germs and dirty can come back fresher. Do it thoroughly in every part of the cat's body.

Providing Nutritious Food

To increase the cat's immune system, we must provide high nutritional food. This can make it heal faster and fitter to carry out activities as usual. 

Give him foods that contain B vitamins and high protein so that his immune system can fight the flu virus in his body.

You can choose wet cat food first to increase his appetite. There are several choices of wet cat food that you can give him.

Sunning Cats

How to treat a cat flu that is quite effective is by drying it for a while in the morning. When drying his body, healthy morning sunlight is expected to kill bacteria and viruses that exist in the cat's body. 

Dry the cat in the morning around 8 - 9 am for about 15 minutes. Let him rest in the sun for a while. Then after that you can invite him back into the cage.

Morning sunlight is also very good for boosting the cat's immune system so that it speeds up the healing process.

Maintain Room Temperature

As a cat owner, you certainly don't want your cat to catch a cold, right? Well, for that you have to maintain the temperature of the room where he often visits such as his bed or playing.

Especially when the rainy season has arrived, pay attention to the windows and doors of your house because that's where the strong winds and cold air blow which can cause a cat to have a cold.

In addition, don't forget to also provide a heating pad such as a thick dry towel or blanket in the play area and replace it when it is damp so as not to cause mildew on the fur.

How Long Do Cats Usually Get The Flu?

Does Your Cat Have A Severe Flu? Here's A Powerful Way To Treat Cats With Flu, Guaranteed Effective!

In general, cat flu will last for a total of 7-10 days. However, a secondary infection can cause symptoms to last a few more weeks. Here your task plays a big role for the healing of your beloved cat.

Although cats are quite rarely exposed to the flu virus, but cat flu will be very dangerous for kittens because their immune systems are still vulnerable or not ready to fight viral infections from cat flu.

If you have a lot of cats, it's quite a task because preventing them from infecting the cats will be more complicated. This cat flu is very contagious to other cats around him. A cat infected with cat flu should be quarantined for at least 2 weeks. 

Also, keep in mind that this virus is very easily spread through things that an infected cat has touched. Stay away from items such as toys, water, food containers and even liter boxes that should have been separated.

So this really needs extra attention to other cats, especially kittens.

Here's how the flu in cats infects other cats.
  • Direct contact with an infected cat, it is certain that other cats will catch the flu in cats which will make their health decline. Do not let the kitten be infected with this virus.
  • Contact with cats that carry the virus, as is the case with human disease, there are cats with strong immunity that do not feel flu symptoms in these cats. However, these cats can carry the virus to other cats.
  • Contact with viruses found in food containers, toys, cat bedding, and other objects.

Can The Flu In Cats Be Transmitted To Humans?

Many wonder whether the flu in cats can be transmitted to humans or vice versa? This question is asked a lot among cat lovers. A study once said that the chance of flu in cats being transmitted to humans is low.

This means that the flu experienced by cats is difficult to transmit to humans, and vice versa. When humans catch the flu, then you touch your pet the risk of contracting your pet is low.

One type of animal flu that can also cause human health to be threatened is bird flu, aka the H5N1 virus, which is quite deadly.

Although the risk of transmitting common cat flu to humans is very low, you still need to maintain personal hygiene such as washing your hands after handling a cat who has the flu.

Then you also have to regularly clean the cage so that there are no viruses that stick and grow in your house. 

So, those are some tips for how to treat a cat flu naturally without being given drugs, let alone drugs for humans. If his condition worsens, you should immediately consult the nearest veterinarian for special cat medicine.

Never give human medicines because we don't really understand the dose the cat needs. So much information from PetPi, hopefully it's useful!

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