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Calm Down, 7 Ways To Treat Rabbits With Diarrhea Are Easy To Do

When you find out that your rabbit has stomach problems, don't worry. Try applying how to treat this diarrhea rabbit with natural ingredients until it heals

Rabbits have a special digestive system, and are prone to problems such as diarrhea. They produce two types of feces: faeces and secotropes.

As a good rabbit owner, you must know how to treat diarrhea since this disease occurs most often in any type of rabbit .

Rabbits with diarrhea can be seen from the shape and texture of their droppings, which are softer, leading to liquid with a slightly greenish color. Immediately take the first action to treat them.

Causes Of Rabbit Diarrhea And Diarrhea

It is important for you to know the cause of your pet rabbit getting diarrhea so that it is very disturbing to his health. In the actual condition of diarrhea, no stool is formed and the consistency of the stool tends to be runny.

Calm Down, 7 Ways To Treat Rabbits With Diarrhea Are Easy To Do

As we know that normal rabbit droppings are round like goat droppings. 

The condition of diarrhea in rabbits often must be taken seriously because it can cause death. The following are some of the causes of diarrhea in rabbits that cause diarrhea in rabbits.
  • Diet (excess carbohydrates or fiber that the body cannot digest)
  • Inappropriate use of antibiotics
  • Poison from the environment around where he lives
  • Stress to the environment
  • Neoplastic GI Cancer
  • Severe metabolic disease
  • Coccidia and rotavirus infections
  • Improper diet
  • Food contaminated with E.Coli bacteria

7 Ways To Treat Rabbit Diarrhea With Organic Medicine

There are many reasons why rabbits can have severe diarrhea, even death. One of the most common is because the food they consume is very unhealthy, chocolate and avocado are one of them.

Your rabbit already has diarrhea? Do not worry! Know, here are some ways to treat rabbit diarrhea naturally which are guaranteed to be effective.

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1. Give Banana Leaves And Dried Papaya Leaves

One of the natural remedies to treat diarrhea in rabbits is dried papaya leaves and fresh banana leaves. These two leaves can be given to rabbits that have diarrhea regularly every morning and evening.

Even before rabbits have diarrhea, banana leaves and papaya leaves are believed to be able to enrich the nutrition of rabbits and prevent them from getting diarrhea (diarrhea).

So, if you are a rabbit breeder, don't forget to prepare these two types of leaves, guys. First aid for rabbits with diarrhea is very important for you to know, remember and note this one, yes.

2. Give Guava Leaves

After banana and papaya leaves, you can give food to rabbits who are having diarrhea in the form of guava leaves. This guava leaf is very well known among rabbit lovers and is effective in stopping diarrhea that their rabbits experience.

You try to give this natural medicine for rabbits with diarrhea when they really have diarrhea, equipped with clean water on the side. This is because diarrhea can cause rabbits to become easily dehydrated.

3. Sprinkle Rub Ash

Rub ash? How does rubbing ash work to treat diarrhea in rabbits? Don't get me wrong, gang. Many rabbit breeders always provide rubbing ash in their rabbit cages so that when the rabbit has diarrhea, they can quickly stop it with rubbing ash.

You can sprinkle the rubbing ash around the rabbit's cage and around the rabbit's anus area. Somehow this rubbing ash works on the rabbit's body so that it can stop diarrhea, but many have proven it, you know.

4. Give Spices In The Form Of Temulawak, Garlic, And Ginger

If rubbing ash, papaya leaves, banana leaves and guava leaves are difficult for you to find, use alternative spices for rabbits who have diarrhea.

Mix and mash the ginger, garlic, and ginger together. Then, boil it in enough water to which brown sugar has been added. After that, give the filtered results of this herb as a natural remedy for diarrhea rabbits.

5. Injecting Rabbit With Diarrhea

Diarrhea can cause rabbits to become dehydrated very quickly because the water content is quickly lost when they poop. You can overcome this by giving them intravenous injections to keep them hydrated and not die quickly due to fluid loss in the body.

You have to do this injection carefully, so you don't get into their flesh. One of the easiest parts to inject is at the nape of the neck. Pinch the nape of the neck so that it produces a lump of skin that has no flesh. Gently inject this part.

First, make sure the tool you use to inject the rabbit is clean and has no traces of use.

6. Throw Away All Other Food Except Grass And Organic Medicine

When your pet rabbit is having diarrhea, try not to give it any other type of food except the medicines mentioned above and fresh grass. This is the only good food for a loose rabbit.

This is done in order to reduce the risk of aggravating the rabbit's diarrhea, considering that you cannot know what foods cause rabbits. Just provide fresh grass and enough drinking water every day.

7. Clean The Rabbit Cage

Rabbits who have diarrhea can infect other rabbits very quickly. Therefore, immediately transfer the diseased rabbit to another healthy rabbit as the last step to treat diarrhea.

Clean the cage, spray with disinfectant to keep the cage clean from bacteria and viruses. Make sure the cage is not damp and gets enough sunlight. Avoid rabbit droppings that have diarrhea on food or other rabbits that are still healthy, the effect can be very fast.

Rabbit Has Diarrhea, But Still Wants To Eat

Calm Down, 7 Ways To Treat Rabbits With Diarrhea Are Easy To Do

If you find a rabbit that has diarrhea or diarrhea but still has a good appetite, you should still treat them as sick pets.

While this is a good sign, if your rabbit is left alone, it will cause another problem, namely dehydration.

The treatment for rabbits with diarrhea is to change their diet.

Reduce foods containing carbohydrates, increase fiber and reduce foods that contain high sugar and starchy elements in their diet.

These symptoms will subside in a day or two, you also have to keep the rabbit's buttocks clean.

If your rabbit's diarrhea doesn't subside, even after you give him a different diet, PetPi advises you to take him to the nearest vet as soon as possible.

Usually the vet will do a thorough examination such as taking a sample of cecetrope and pellets to check for bacteria or viruses in the feces. Once the main cause has been identified, the vet will give the rabbit the right diarrhea medication.

Treatment After The Rabbit Recovers From Diarrhea

Your work is not finished when your pet rabbit recovers from diarrhea. There are still several steps that you must complete to ensure that there are no more indications of diarrhea from the rabbit that has just recovered. 

1. Bathing Rabbits With Special Shampoo

Rabbits who have just recovered from diarrhea are still likely to get diarrhea again.

One of the things you need to do is bathe the rabbit with a special shampoo that can effectively clean the rabbit's skin and fur.

Watch for dark spots that may be bacteria or viruses that have settled on the rabbit's skin and coat. Make sure the black spots are clean before the rabbit is collected again in the same cage with another rabbit.

2. Make Sure They Eat Well

Once the rabbits have recovered from diarrhea, give them some fresh grass and watch each time they eat. Make sure their appetite has returned and can finish the feed you have given them.

If there are signs of an unrecovered appetite, look back at their droppings to make sure they don't have loose stools again. If necessary, take the rabbit to a veterinarian who knows rabbits.

3. Always Provide Drinking Water

Maybe many of you think that rabbits don't need to drink, in fact, pet rabbits also need drinking water for their bodies, especially if they have diarrhea.

Drinking water for rabbits after diarrhea is very important, because when they have diarrhea a lot of fluids are lost from their bodies so always provide drinking water so that they avoid the threat of dehydration.

Those were 7 ways to treat rabbits with diarrhea using banana leaves, papaya leaves, guava leaves and other herbal medicines. Try every step above you do it correctly, considering that rabbits are also animals that are easily bloated .

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