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Natural And Effective! Know 9 Ways To Treat Poisoned Cats Below

Poisoned cat? It is important to know how to treat a poisoned cat naturally and safely as first aid before going to the following vet.

Cats are most people's favorite animals. In addition to his quiet demeanor and seem like aloof, cats are considered as smart as dogs.

According to a study, the closeness between humans and cats has seen a dramatic increase compared to decades ago.

This is because people today spend more time at home, or better known as the lifestyle at home. When this human spends time at home, there is even more time to meet the cat as a pet.

Natural And Effective! Know 9 Ways To Treat Poisoned Cats Below

However, some of the masters of these pets are new and don't know how to properly care for cats. It could be that foreign objects around their place of residence could have poisoned them, for example the indiscriminate use of rat poison.

Then how to treat cat poisoning, rat poison and other harmful substances? Come on, find out more in this discussion.

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What Are The Causes And Characteristics Of Cat Poisoning?

When interacting with things around them, most cats use their mouths to bite and carry them. No wonder if the toxic substances contained in these objects enter the digestive system and make cats poisoned.

Several objects around the house can be the cause of cat poisoning, such as human drugs, plants, insecticides, household cleaning chemicals, harmful chemicals, food ingredients, and poisoned rat or rat poison.

The effects of each of these objects vary. But in general, you can recognize the symptoms and characteristics of a poisoned cat , including:
  • Excessive and persistent drooling;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Blue tongue and gums;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • Body shaking;
  • Fever;
  • Sensitive to touch;
  • Convulsions and fainting;
  • Inflammation and swelling of the skin;
  • Bleeding;
  • depression and coma;
  • More drinking and urination (urine); and
  • Loss of appetite.

How To Treat Poisoned Cats Naturally And Quickly

Natural And Effective! Know 9 Ways To Treat Poisoned Cats Below

It is not impossible that one day the cat will be poisoned because of his adventurous nature, it is very likely that your cat can eat something that is harmful to him. Poisoning is the most common thing experienced by cats.
As a good owner, there are several ways to treat poisoned cats, such as the following.

1. Know The Symptoms If Your Cat Is Poisoned

It's natural as the owner of this cute animal you panic if something happens to him. However, the important thing to remember is to stay calm and be aware of the symptoms.

As discussed in the previous point, there are several symptoms experienced by your cat when it is poisoned, such as vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, the tongue turns blue, and the eyes begin to shrink.

If it is true that your pet cat is experiencing things like this, it is very likely that this pet is in the poisoning stage.

2. Stay Calm

Do not panic. Calm as a cat owner will be the key to an effective cure for a poisoned cat.

Because, the tendency to panic that humans have can cause all work to be done in a hurry. Without a sense of calm, it will be difficult for you to treat a poisoned cat.

3. Immediately Move Your Cat Out In The Open

Just like humans, cats need fresh air to calm their minds. With the fresh air that enters their bodies, this can slightly neutralize the toxins in the body.

This good air circulation will be one of the important roles in the healing process.

4. Don't Carelessly Give Your Cat Active Medicine

If you are faced with an urgent situation, as much as possible you will definitely do everything you can. However, this is what is considered to have a worse effect.

There are several causes of poisoning experienced by cats. When you take the wrong steps and give the wrong medicine or food, chances are that these things will bring about an active negative reaction in the cat's stomach.

For that, if you have called the vet and there are no specific instructions for giving medicine, don't do it.

5. Vomit The Cat's Stomach Contents, Based On Instructions

According to some experts, vomiting poison in the stomach has a good effect on the healing process. However, there are some active ingredients which when vomited up, actually bring a worse effect than before.

Active ingredients such as Corrosive are the carriers of bad effects if vomited. Corrosive contains a compound that can destroy body tissue.

If these compounds are brought back into the mouth to be vomited, the organs that the corrosive passes through will destroy the cells it passes through.

Help your cat to regurgitate the nasty compound in her stomach if you're sure that it's not harsh ingredients like gasoline and strong acids.

Use safe fluids to help your cat regurgitate what's in her stomach. Usually, the liquid contains hairballs. You can find it at the nearest pet store.

6. Let Your Cat Drink Water

Give your cat enough clean water when the poison has been neutralized through vomiting. Veterinarians believe that clean water is the most potent and accessible treatment, because almost everyone who owns a cat has access to clean water.

Cats will feel a little traumatized when they have to put clean water in their mouths. This is your role to give clean water little by little into your cat's mouth.

However, you must still be careful in giving the water. Ask your vet if it's safe to give clean water mixed with salt to neutralize the poison.

7. Give Charcoal As A Natural Healing Medicine

Once you are sure that your cat can regurgitate its contents according to the instructions of a cat-savvy veterinarian, give your cat activated charcoal as a neutralizing agent.

Experts think that the compounds in activated charcoal can block the negative effects of toxins and make the cells in the stomach stop absorbing these toxins.

Experts also believe that activated charcoal is the most appropriate first medication to treat poisoned cats.

8. Give Honey For Extra Energy

If your poisoned pet looks weak and weak after vomiting, maybe you can try giving him some honey.

Honey is not only able to provide extra energy for the anabul, but can also neutralize toxins and heal wounds on the cat's body.

In addition, giving honey to a poisoned cat is not difficult, you just need to feed it directly using a spet or injection without a needle.

9. Steps Have Been Done, Confirm To The Veterinarian

There's a good chance that your cat is feeling fine. However, still take your cat to the nearest vet to make sure whether your cat is really well or not.

Confirmation from an expert can make you calmer, right? Whatever happens, try your best to take your cat straight to the vet to make sure that the poison in the cat's body is completely gone and neutralized.

That's 9 ways to treat poisoned cats easily and safely. Make sure you have done all of these steps according to the procedure without rushing. When in doubt, immediately take a veterinarian for first aid.

Let's discuss in the comments column if there are other symptoms that you think are more severe than those mentioned above.

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