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Is Your Cat Fierce? Know The Cause And How To Overcome It!

Surely many are asking, why can cats be fierce? Well, here you have to identify the cause of a fierce cat and how to deal with it appropriately.

Smart friend, you must have met a fierce cat, right? What do you think is the cause of a fierce cat?

As you know, cats are animals with enigmatic behavior. Even though it has an adorable and cute appearance, a cat can turn fierce to humans, you know even to its owner. 

Of course all of that has a plausible reason because there are many supporting factors. Well, instead of making you more curious, we better discuss the review below. 

Causes Of Cats Being Angry In Humans

Is Your Cat Fierce? Know The Cause And How To Overcome It!

This adorable appearance does not rule out the possibility that the cat can also show its fierce side, especially if the cat does not recognize who touched it.

It's not enough to stop there, there are several other reasons why cats become grumpy that you should know as follows. 

Also read: How to Overcome Cats Defecation Carelessly at Home

1. Rarely Touched By Humans

The cause of the first fierce cat is because the cat is rarely touched by humans. So, he will feel uncomfortable when touched because he is not used to it and the cat will consider the touch to be a threat to him.

So as a result of a cat feeling uncomfortable, usually the cat will bite or scratch anyone who touches it.

2. Rarely Socialize 

Not only humans need to socialize, but cats also need this even though they are territorial animals.

Cats can become fierce if they never socialize with the environment in which they live. The result of this is that the cat will refuse rudely when he is touched by a new person. 

For that, if you have a pet cat at home, don't always lock it in the house or in a cage so that it can't socialize with friends and its environment. Leave him free from morning to evening so he can socialize. 

3. Having Severe Trauma 

For those of you who have just adopted a cat and he becomes very fierce, it is likely that he has previously had severe trauma to humans.

Getting rid of the severe trauma that exists within the animal can be said to be quite difficult and you need a lot of patience

The trauma he experienced could be from other factors as well, such as when he was a child he was groomed and he felt pain.

Due to that reason, he can become fierce when touched by humans. Well, if it's like that, the cat must be rehabilitated so that his attitude can change slowly. 

4. Being Sick 

When a cat is feeling unwell or sick, it will usually become very aggressive and completely unfriendly. This is a natural instinct that all living things have. When sick, cats will not like to be approached by strangers. 

If it's like this, it's better you immediately contact the nearest vet to check it at home. 

5. Too Pampered Owner

Mistakes in raising a cat can make it fierce. For example, you always obey your cat's wishes.

When a cat makes a mistake, you don't punish or set the right example so the cat thinks he or she is the leader of the pack or the head of the pack. This of course makes the cat difficult to command.

However, you don't need to worry because this fierce cat can be cured slowly as follows. 

How To Deal With A Fierce Cat In Humans

After knowing what the cause is, then surely you want to be able to overcome it right away, right? So for that, here are some ways you can do to deal with a fierce cat, such as: 

1. Get To Know Cats Closer

Cats turning fierce are an expression of themselves feeling angry or annoyed. At that time, the cat will not hesitate to do anything to make himself feel better. 

One way to deal with a fierce cat that you must do is to get to know your own cat better. Of course, as the owner, you must have known its true nature. 
However, how does this happen to a foreign cat? Of course you have to approach him slowly and carefully if you want to touch him or do anything to him. 

2. Understanding The Cat's State

Cats kept at home can be more docile and calmer. Its nature is definitely different from if you meet a stray cat out there.

Thus, someone who likes cats will always want to tease him. You have to understand the state of the cat before you want to tease him, yes! 

Basically, free-living or wild cats will have a more aggressive nature. This was done to save him from human disturbance and also to cover his fear if a stranger approached. 

3. Giving Cats Freedom

The next way to deal with a fierce cat is to free the cat. What this means is that you give him space or freedom to make the cat less aggressive.

There are so many types of aggressiveness that a cat has when it's afraid that it can suddenly attack people around it. 

So, when you meet a cat on the street, don't suddenly stop in front of it so that it makes him feel uncomfortable. Give him some distance so he doesn't scare him. 

4. Understanding The Characteristics Of A Fierce Cat

Usually an aggressive cat will show characteristics such as lifting its tail and fur. The cat's tail will be curved in a U-shaped shape, not infrequently he will hiss and show his fangs. If it's like this he will also growl and flatten his ears. 

Therefore, if you see some of these signs, don't hold it because it will definitely attack you without hesitation.

5. Don't Make Direct Eye Contact With Cats

Just as humans don't like being stared at by strangers, cats are like that too.

The cat will usually consider the stranger who looks at him as his enemy. Two things a cat will do when a stranger stares at him, he will run away and worst of all, they will attack you, you know!

Well, that's a review of the causes of fierce cats and how to deal with them properly that you should know before you want to take action against stray cats. Don't forget to always be careful, Friend Smart! 

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