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How to Treat Snot/Coryza Disease in Chickens

How to Treat Snot/Coryza Disease in Chickens – Snot disease or known as coryza is caused by the bacterium Heamophilus paraglinarum which is a gram-negative cocobasil bacterium. Snot disease is also called a disease because this disease attacks the respiratory system, especially the nose which will secrete fluid.

How to Treat Snot/Coryza Disease in Chickens

This snot disease affects all ages of chickens and especially often attacks the chicks, usually the disease will appear due to seasonal changes and unstable temperatures.

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Transmission of Snot Disease in Chickens

Haemophilus gallinarum bacteria can survive outside the host for less than 12 hours. Transmission of snot or coryza disease can also be through direct contact with sick chickens or through air, feed, drinking water, cage equipment and cage staff.

Clinical Symptoms and Characteristics of Chickens Affected by Snot/Coryza Disease

Chickens infected with snot disease show clinical symptoms and the following characteristics:
  • Chickens snore and find it difficult to breathe
  • Discharge of mucus or fluid from the nose, thick yellowish color and has a characteristic smell
  • Water discharge in the eye
  • Chickens look sleepy, lethargic, wings hanging or dropping
  • There is a crust on the nose
  • Appetite leads
  • Growth is stunted
  • In acute cases it will cause inflammation at the edge of the eyelids (periobital fascia) and found sinustitis that is serous to caseous. 

How to Overcome and Treat Snot Disease in Chickens


  • Maintain the cleanliness of the cage, cage equipment, feed and drinking places and livestock workers
  • Avoid using unvaccinated and unselected puppies.
  • Avoid raising chickens of different ages
  • Spraying insecticide solutions, bactericides with active ingredients on a scale
  • Trying to make ventilation, so that the sun enters so as to avoid moisture in the cage


  • Can give chemical drugs such as erythromycin, streptomycin, sulfarmicin, sulfatiasol, sulfadumetoxin and vibravet according to the prescribed dose.
  • You can also give trad
  • Also read: Types of Diseases in Cows itional medicines derived from natural ingredients, for example using 200 grams of turmeric, 100 grams of kencur, 100 grams of ginger, then pounded until smooth and put warm water. Then give 1 week 2-3 times.

Thus information about How to Treat Snot / Coryza Disease in Chickens. Hopefully the above article can be useful and useful. Thank you.

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