Bloody Cat Poop? Don't Panic, These Are The Characteristics, Causes, And How To Treat It!
Does your cat bleed with its poop? Don't panic, here you will find out the characteristics, causes, and how to treat bloody cat pup!
When you clean the cat's poop in the litter box but suddenly find there is blood? When you check your cat, does it look sick too? Calm down, take a breath first!
Blood in the poop is a common medical condition in cats. There are various types and causes.
Well, this related information is what you must know as the owner! Just check out various interesting information related to bloody cat pup!
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Characteristics And Types Of Bloody Cat Pup
Normally, cat feces will be about 5-7 cm long and about 3-4 cm in diameter. The shape looks solid and brown. Most cats will urinate once a day.
If your cat's poop doesn't look like that, it's likely that she's suffering from an illness, especially if there's blood in there.
Blood found in cat feces is known as hemochezia. The blood can be mixed throughout the stool, at the end of the stool, or in the worst case the stool is all blood.
There are several types of bloody cat feces that you need to know.
1. There Is Only A Little Blood In The Stool And It Is Bright Red
Take a look at your cat's feces. If you see fresh blood (rather than faeces), it's likely coming from the colon or rectal area.
You could say this is the lightest occurrence of bloody stools. But if the bleeding continues for a few days, it's best if you take your cat to the vet immediately.
2. Stool Is Dark In Color And Looks Like Coffee Grounds
If it's dark in color and looks sticky or looks like coffee grounds, it's probably due to blood and coming from the small intestine. You might not believe it's blood because it's so dark in color.
This color change occurs because there is blood that is digested by the cat's digestive system. Partial digestion is carried out by enzymes secreted in the small intestine.
Some other characteristics that you should pay attention to to find out if cat feces are not normal are:
- Fresh blood in feces
- Feces have a foul smell, similar to the smell of metal
- Blood clots and dark in color, looks like coffee beans
- There are worms in the stool
- Slimy stools
- The appearance of a lump around the anus
- Discharge of pus from the anal glands.
The cat itself may show other symptoms such as difficulty defecating, vomiting , looking depressed, losing weight, pale gums, and so on.
What about bloody, slimy cat poop? Mucus is a normal secretion from the intestinal tract to lubricate and moisten the lining of the fecal tract. As long as the mucus isn't excessive, it's a normal condition.
Causes Of Bloody Cat Pup
Just as a cat vomits blood, there are various reasons why cat poop can bleed. Most are symptoms of a more serious illness.
Blood in cat poop usually indicates bleeding in the cat's digestive tract, such as the small intestine and stomach. In addition, blood also comes from the urine if the urinary tract is infected.
Don't be surprised if your cat's poop has diarrhea and blood, because usually these two things come from the same source of disease.
So, what are the causes of bloody cat poop?
1. Diarrhea And Constipation
Diarrhea is a disease that is prone to attack cats. Worse, diarrhea can cause irritation to the lining of the lower digestive tract.
If the irritation is severe, the digestive tract and bleeding may occur. The result is cat poop diarrhea and blood.
Apart from diarrhea, constipation is also one of the causes. Cats who suffer from this disease will need extra energy to excrete feces. As a result, blood vessels in the digestive tract can burst.
Both of these diseases can be caused by stress, dehydration, changes in diet, parasites, entry of foreign bodies, inflammatory bowel disease, and so on.
2. Diseases Of The Digestive System
As mentioned above, blood in cat feces can occur due to diseases in the digestive area such as the stomach and small intestine.
Some diseases that can cause blood in cat feces include:
- Infection due to parvovirus
- Stomach ulcer
- The presence of foreign objects that enter and cause bleeding
- Stomach or bowel cancer.
Diseases can also occur in the large intestine, such as:
- Infection due to campylobacter
- The growth of benign polyps in the intestine or rectum
- Parasites such as hookworms, whipworms, roundworms
- Colitis or inflammation of the large intestine
It can also be due to diseases that affect the anus, such as:
- Anal gland abscess
- anal gland tumor
- Perianal tumor
- Perianal fistula
- Trauma
3. Other Causes
In addition to diseases that originate from the digestive system, there are several other reasons why cats pass bloody stools. The example is
- Swallowing rat poison accidentally or eating rats that have eaten rat poison
- Changes in diet
- Blood clotting disorders
- Anxiety
- Eat stale food
- Food or drug allergies
- Internal bleeding due to trauma or other things
- Kidney illness
- liver disease
- Had an accident that caused internal bleeding.
How To Treat Bloody Cat Pup
The presence of blood in the cat's poop can be an indication of a more serious illness. If bloody poop occurs for two to three days in a row, you are strongly advised to immediately take your cat to the nearest vet.
Usually to determine the cause of bloody cat feces, the vet will take a stool sample to check for parasitic or bacterial overgrowth.
It is not impossible that the vet will recommend that the cat perform laboratory tests to check the cat's blood cells, organ function, and urinary tract.
After finding out what's causing the bloody poop, your vet will prescribe medications and supplements that can be used to treat your cat. Other treatments that may be given include antibiotics, prokinetics, to pain relievers.
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Other Things To Look For When Cat Pup Bloody
In addition to the information above that PetPi has provided, you should know other information about this bloody pup cat. Usually this is often discussed by cat owners whose cats experience this.
Remember, don't panic when you find out your cat is bleeding from its pup. What you have to make sure is that the blood that comes out of the anus is not from somewhere else.
If it is clear that blood is coming out of the anus through feces, then there are things that must be considered.
- Decreased appetite, cats who experience this disease will automatically decrease their appetite. This is caused by intestinal disorders or wounds in the intestines that bleed. Usually these symptoms are accompanied by a low-grade fever.
- Decreased activity of the cat . If you have diarrhea with severe blood, the cat will tend to be weak and reduce its activity. Especially if the body loses body fluids due to severe dehydration. Cats will tend to stay in one place.
- The cat's expression when pushing , a cat who does not have digestive problems will not make a straining expression when pooping. However, if a cat is bleeding in its digestive system, then from its expression it will look like it is holding pain when urinating. Not infrequently a cat that bleeds when urinating is also constipated.
- The shape and consistency of feces , infected cat poop will usually be liquid and contain a little blood. However, if the stool is hard, there may be an injury to the mucosal layer in the rectal area.
- The color of the dirt and blood , to find out how severe the condition is you can also see from the color of the dirt and blood. If the poop is light, not mushy and bright red, then the cat's bloody poop is not due to infection, but only an injury to the anal area.
That was some information regarding bloody cat poop that you must know so that you can handle it as early as possible. Whether the cat's pup bleeds a little or a lot, you have to stay alert.
You are not advised to self-medicate your cat without a doctor's diagnosis. Don't buy your own cat poop medicine without a prescription.
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