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Cat's Body Shaking? This Cause And How To Overcome It!

Is your pet cat having a seizure? Worried that something bad will happen? Find out the causes and how to treat them below!

Smart friends, everyone panics and is shocked when they see a cat's body shaking or convulsing. Usually the hair all over his body stands up, the cat will also move unnaturally and will not stop clawing at anything that is in front of his eyes. Moreover, this condition generally arises suddenly without any symptoms. 

But, actually why can this happen and is there a way to overcome it? If you keep a cat at home, let's take a look at the following reviews about shaking cats that you may need in the future.

Causes of a Cat's Body Vibrating

Cat's Body Shaking? This Cause And How To Overcome It!

When you see a cat's body shaking while sleeping, have you ever wondered what happened to it? Is there a health problem or is he dreaming? This condition is not actually a disease, but a sign if there is a disturbance in the cat's nervous system or brain. 

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Quoted from Purina, when this situation occurs, there are abnormal electrical impulses that suddenly disrupt the brain that is currently processing. The nerves to control the body are finally stimulated by it. Thus, making the cat not behave as usual. Starting from uncontrollable movements, tremors, falls, clawing, biting and so on. 

In addition, there are several other causes that most often make a cat's body tremble, namely convulsions, dreaming, and also being cold.

Cat's Body Shakes Due To Convulsions

Basically, seizures in cats are divided into two different categories, namely partial seizures and generalized seizures. Then, what's the difference? 

Partial seizures occur when abnormal impulses target only one part of the brain. As a result, the symptoms that occur depend on the affected part only, this condition is always the case in cats. 

For example, the cat's body trembles in the abdomen, the cat is difficult to stand, temporarily loses function in the legs, the cat's head shakes and the face twitches. Some cats also usually display aggressive behavior, such as chasing tails, biting and others. 

Meanwhile, generalized seizures occur because abnormal impulses attack the entire contents of the cat's brain. The length of time a cat has a seizure is usually about 1 to 3 minutes. Symptoms such as: 
  • Body rolls irregularly 
  • Defecate or urinate 
  • Suddenly drooling 
  • Mouth opens and closes without him noticing 
  • Her legs swing back 

How To Recognize Seizures In Cats

Unlike generalized seizures, it is very difficult to recognize partial seizures. Because only a few or even one part is affected. Moreover, the symptoms caused often look the same as the behavior of other cats. 

Then, how to recognize a cat who is having a seizure? Quoted from Hill's Pet, there are a number of signs that you must know, namely the cat always feels thirstier than usual, eats irregularly, paces around and looks tired. 

If your pet cat has this condition, it is better for you to observe any changes that occur in your cat. For example, the cat's body vibrates, twitches, there are areas of the body that do not function properly as usual and others. Then, you should also immediately take him to the vet if this happens. 

Causes Of Seizures In Cats

So, what are the things that make cats convulse? Actually, there are many circumstances behind it, for example: 
  • Cardiac arrhythmia 
  • High blood sugar and blood pressure 
  • Toxoplasmosis parasite is present 
  • Poisoning
  • liver disease 
  • Kidney illness 
  • Inflammation of tumors and brain 
  • Trauma

It is true that this condition usually occurs in older cats. However, it is also possible that this seizure can be experienced by a small cat because of some of the factors above. 

How To Overcome Seizures In Cats

Seeing a cat experiencing convulsions, of course, you feel uncomfortable and maybe you will panic. However, when this happens, you should observe the state of your cat with a calm feeling. There are several steps you can take, such as: 
  • Place a blanket or thick towel around the cat so it doesn't hit hard objects. 
  • If the cat is having a seizure, keep it away from other animals.
  • Don't hold his mouth because he can bite you unconsciously. 
  • Count the seizure time. Usually it will take about 1 to 3 minutes. 
  • If he has a seizure for more than 3 minutes. You can compress the stomach, soles of the feet and ears. 
  • Take it to the vet immediately if it doesn't get better. 
  • If these seizures occur 2 times for 1 day, you are also required to take him to the vet so that he can get treatment quickly. 

Cat's Body Shakes From Dreaming

Not only humans, it turns out that animals like cats can also experience the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) stage or dream. Well, when cats are dreaming, they usually show different sleeping behaviors, you know.

For example, if during sleep the cat arches its back, it means that it is dreaming of fighting or stalking prey. Meanwhile, if they lift their heads, the cat's dream is to see something or something that is not visible.

Therefore, researchers believe that cats can also have dreams, although until now there has been no research that can confirm whether cat dreams are the same as those experienced by humans or not.
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The Cat's Body Shakes From The Cold

Although cats can regulate their body temperature well, they can still feel cold. This condition can be a factor in the cat's body shaking when sleeping. Cat body temperature is higher than humans, which is around 39 degrees Celsius

On very cold days or at night, cats may feel cold. Especially for small cats. In this case, it is likely that the cat will find a warm place to sleep, for example by sleeping next to you. 

Now if you see him feeling cold, the way to deal with it is to give him a blanket, turn on the heating and keep him away from gusts of wind that can make him feel cold.

Smart friend, that's a full review of the causes of a cat's body shaking with first aid how to deal with it that you can do yourself at home. As additional information, when the cat's body is shaking, you should immediately turn off the television, lights, and other sources of electricity around the cat. 

Why is that? This is done to minimize vibration stimulation in the body. In addition, never touch his body while having a seizure, unless your cat is in a dangerous place, Friend Smart! 

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