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Alert! These Are Bacteria In Cats That Can Be Contagious

For cat owners, must always pay attention to cleanliness. The following are diseases caused by bacteria in the cat's body and their prevention!

Smart friends, cats are cute and adorable animals. However, you should be wary of bacteria in cats.

What's more, you keep it at home. To avoid all diseases caused by bacteria in this cat's fur, you also have to understand how to prevent it, you know. 

For those of you who have a pet cat at home, the danger of bacteria in cat fur is the most important thing to watch out for.

Alert! These Are Bacteria In Cats That Can Be Contagious

Because not only bacteria, but also parasites that can cause many diseases, ranging from ringworm, toxoplasmosis and others

It is also a serious problem for pregnant women, people with weak immune systems and for people with autoimmune diseases.

So, do cats have bacteria? and what are the diseases caused by bacteria in cat fur? Let's look at the following explanation together. 

Also read: Obesity In Cats: Characteristics And Dangers If Your Cat Has This Disorder

Types Of Diseases Caused By Bacteria In Cats

Maybe for those of you who keep cats or cat lovers, seeing beautiful cat fur is one of the main attractions.

However, there are a number of potential diseases caused by bacteria in cat fur, including: 

1. Cat's Claw Disease

This disease can occur due to bacterial infection Bartonella henselae. In addition to being able to transfer to humans through cat scratches or bites, the bacteria in these cats can also move through their fine fur.

When you pet a cat that is infected with this bacteria and you accidentally wipe your eyes, you can get this disease. 

Cat's claw disease can also trigger other serious illnesses, especially for people with weak immune systems, such as people with HIV/AIDS or also in cancer patients. 

2. Chlamydophilosis Disease

The next type of bacteria in cats is Chlamydophilosis. This disease is caused by the bacterium Chlamydophila felis and usually infects the eyes of kittens aged 5-12 weeks. 

Generally, cats with this disease will show symptoms such as runny nose (sneezing and runny nose), loss of appetite, eye inflammation, and fever.

Then if your cat is infected, you should immediately treat this disease completely because Chlamydophilosis can be transmitted only by contact through the mucus of its eyes, you know.

3. Ringworm

Ringworm is a disease caused by a dermatophyte fungal infection that occurs on the skin. This disease can be transmitted from animals to humans, and cats are the animals that can transmit it.

Cats are animals that get ringworm. Why is that? Because if the cat is not cleaned often and the fur is often wet, ringworm can appear on the fur. 

So, you have to be alert when you see signs of ringworm in cats, such as a crusty circle accompanied by hair loss. If your cat is exposed to ringworm, then immediately take it to the vet so it can be cleaned by an expert. 

4. Toxoplasmosis Disease

Furthermore, this disease occurs because of the parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Usually this parasite is found in the feces of infected cats and can be transmitted to humans.

Then, toxoplasmosis is dangerous for pregnant women and people with weak immune systems

In pregnant women, toxoplasmosis can cause premature birth, birth defects in the baby, and even miscarriage. In addition, this disease can also interfere with female fertility, you know. 

5. Allergic Trigger Disease

Cat fur is always exposed to saliva, cat urine and feces. When touching the fur, people who have allergies can experience an allergic reaction.

Generally this reaction occurs with the appearance of rashes, bumps and itching on the skin. However, an allergic reaction to cat dander can also cause symptoms of sneezing, runny nose and itchy eyes due to allergic rhinitis. 

People who have asthma can also experience frequent recurrences of these symptoms if exposed to infected cat fur. 

How To Prevent The Danger Of Bacteria In Cats

Alert! These Are Bacteria In Cats That Can Be Contagious

After you know what types of cat diseases that come from bacteria, it's time for you to know how to protect yourself from these bacteria.

The following are some preventative steps you can take, such as: 

1. Wash Your Hands After Handling The Cat

Don't forget to always wash your hands with soap and water after handling the cat and after cleaning the box or cage.

This habit must be carried out by all family members who live at home, especially children. To be even safer, also make sure your child does not play in a place that has been contaminated with cat litter. 

2. Clean The Box Or Cage Regularly

The cleanliness of the body and the place where the cat lives is very important when you raise an animal.

In order to maintain the health of you and your cat, bathe your cat with a special shampoo and clean water regularly. This is important to prevent the development of parasites, bacteria and fungi in the cat's body. 

Even so, pregnant women are not recommended to bathe cats, yes! If you are pregnant, ask someone else to help you bathe and clean the cat's cage so that you and your baby are protected from the bacteria in the cat's body. 

3. Don't Sleep With Your Cat

Limit certain areas in your home, especially the bedroom, by not allowing cats to come in and sleep with you.

This is done so that the cat hair that falls out does not stick to the bedroom and also the mattress that you will use. 

Not only are there a number of ways to minimize the danger of bacteria in the cat's fur above, you also have to take it to the vet to prevent the development of the disease for the health of you and your family.

Vaccination of cats can protect them from exposure to bacteria and viral infections. 

Having a pet cat is of course very fun, but the danger of bacteria in cat fur must also be a matter of concern in order to prevent all of the above diseases.

If you have an allergy to cat dander or feel complaints after handling cat hair, it's a good idea to immediately check with a doctor so that you can get the right treatment. 

Smart friend, that's a complete review of bacteria in cats and the diseases they cause and how to prevent them. Don't forget to always be diligent in maintaining cleanliness, Friend Smart! 

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