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How to Cultivate a Good Cassava

The following is about the information that we provide to all of you regarding Super Cassava Cultivation. Of course, in living an increasingly modern life, there are many needs that we want to fulfill, so with maximum effort and accompanied by prayer, the desires we want will come true. The information below is an encouragement for you to do business in the field you are currently pursuing, take a good look at what we have to say.

How to Cultivate a Good Super Cassava

is certainly familiar to farmers, cassava also has a high selling price, so many farmers prefer cassava as their garden plant
. There are also many uses of cassava, such as its leaves and fruit, cassava itself can be used as chips for snacks, processed to be taken in doubt, even eaten only by frying or steaming, the leaves are also used by mothers for vegetables, stir-fry or in coconut milk. . But this time I'm not discussing the benefits or content of cassava leaves, but this time I will discuss how to grow a good super cassava . Here's the explanation:

Cassava Growth Requirements


  • To be able to grow optimally, cassava requires 150-200 mm of rainfall at the age of 1-3 months, 250-300 mm at the age of 4-7 months, and 100-150 mm in the phase before and during harvest.
  • The minimum air temperature for the growth of cassava / cassava is around 10 degrees C. If the temperature is below 10 degrees C causes plant growth to be slightly stunted, becoming stunted due to imperfect flower growth.
  • The optimum air humidity for cassava/cassava plants is between 60-65%.
  • The sunlight needed for cassava / cassava plants is about 10 hours / day, especially for leaf fertility and tuber development.

Also read: How to fertilize the right corn so that the fruit is large and harvests quickly

Land Preparation

  • The most suitable soil for cassava / cassava is soil with a crumb structure, loose, not too clayey and not too porous and rich in organic matter. Soil with a crumb structure has good air conditioning, nutrients are more readily available and easy to cultivate.
  • The types of soil suitable for cassava / cassava plants are alluvial latosol, red yellow podzolic, Mediterranean, grumosol and andosol.
  • The degree of acidity (pH) suitable for cassava cultivation ranges from 4.5 - 8.0 with an ideal pH of 5.8. In general, soils in Indonesia have a low pH (acidic), which ranges from 4.0 to 5.5, so it is often said to be quite neutral for the fertility of cassava plants.

Land Processing

  • Soil pH measurements were carried out using litmus paper, a pH meter and/or a liquid pH tester.
  • Analysis of the type of soil in the sample or soil sample to be planted to determine the availability of nutrients, organic matter content.
  • Determination of the schedule / planting time is closely related to the time of harvest. This needs to be taken into account with the assumption that the planting time coincides with other plants (intercropping), so that at the same time it can produce several variations of similar plants.
  • The planting area is adjusted to the capital and needs of each cassava farmer. The regulation of production volume is also important because it is closely related to the estimated price at harvest and market.

Land clearing:
  • Land clearing is essentially a land clearing of all weeds (nuisance plants) and previous plant roots.
  • The purpose of land clearing is to facilitate plant roots to develop and eliminate host plants for pests and diseases that may exist.
  • Formation of Beds:
  • The beds are made when the land is 70% of the settlement resistance. Beds or escapes are made to facilitate planting according to the desired size.
  • The formation of beds to facilitate plant maintenance, such as cleaning wild plants and healthy plant growth itself.

To increase soil pH, especially on very acidic soil/peat soil, liming is necessary. The type of lime used is Calcite/Kaptan (CaCO3). The usual dose used is 1 – 2.5 tons / hectare. Liming is given at the time of plowing or at the time of formation of coarse beds along with the application of manure.

Seed Preparation

  1. Use superior varieties that have high yield potential, are preferred by consumers, and are suitable for the growing area.
  2. Cassava comes from a fairly old parent plant (10-12 months).
  3. Cassava must be with normal and healthy growth and uniform.
  4. The stems are woody and 2.5 cm in diameter straight.
  5. New shoots have not yet grown.

How to Cultivate a Good Super Cassava

Planting Technique

  • Planting must pay attention to the season and rainfall. On dry land, the best planting time is the beginning of the rainy season or after rice planting. The spacing used in the monoculture pattern is 80 x 120 cm.
  • Before the seeds are planted, it is recommended that the seeds be soaked first with SOT HCS biological fertilizer mixed with water for 3-4 hours. After that, planting is done in the land, this is very good for the growth of seedlings.
  • The method of planting is done by tapering the lower end of the Cassava cuttings, then planting it as deep as 5 - 10 cm or approximately 1/3 of the cuttings buried in the soil. If the soil is hard/heavy and watery/moist, just plant the cuttings.

Plant Care

  • Embroidery
Do embroidery by pulling out and replacing or embroidering. Embroidery is done in the morning or evening, when the weather is not too hot.
  • Weeding
Weeding aims to remove all types of grass / weeds / nuisance plants that live around the plant. In one season, weeding is done at least 2 times. The critical period or the period of the plant must be free from nuisance plants is between 5 - 10 weeks DST (Days After Planting). If the nuisance plants are not controlled during this critical period, productivity can decrease up to 75% when compared to conditions without the disturbance of weeds/nuisances.
  • Hoarding
Do this by loosening the soil around the plant and then making it like a mound. The time of hoarding coincides with weeding, this can save costs. If the soil around the tree is eroded due to rain or other reasons, then backfilling is necessary.
  • Pruning
/pruning shoots needs to be done because at least each tree must have 2 or 3 branches, this is so that the tree trunk can be used as seeds again in the next planting season.

How to Cultivate a Good Super Cassava


Fertilization needs to be done with manure that has been pre-processed with the HCS PATTERN. If the manure comes from livestock that have not used SOC HCS, then the need per hectare is 2 tons. However, if the manure comes from livestock that have used SOC HCS, then the need per hectare is only 8 quintals.


Cassava land conditions from the beginning of planting until the age of 4-5 months HST (Days After Planting) are always moist, but not too muddy. On dry soil it is necessary to water and irrigate. In the dry season, watering is done by direct watering, but this method can damage the mound of soil at the base of the tree, it is better to use a puddle system with the aim that water can seep into the ground.


Characteristics and Harvest Age
Cassava can be harvested when the lower leaf growth begins to decrease. The color of the leaves begins to turn yellow and many fall off. The harvesting age of cassava plants has reached 6-8 months for early varieties and 9-12 months for deep varieties.

How to Harvest
Cassava is harvested by pulling the stems and the remaining tubers are taken with a hoe or earthen fork.


Harvest results are collected in strategic, safe and easily accessible locations by transportation.

Sorting and Classification
Selection or sorting of cassava tubers can actually be done at the time of extraction. However, sorting cassava tubers can be done after all the trees are uprooted and accommodated in one place. Sorting is carried out to select tubers that are clean in color, visible from the skin of the fresh tubers, and those that are defective, especially seen from the size of the tubers and black spots/lines on the flesh of the tubers.

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