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How to fertilize the right corn so that the fruit is large and harvests quickly

How to properly fertilize corn is very important for every corn farmer to know. Moreover, fertilizer can be said as a very important material for all plants. Corn is no exception.

This is because the main function of fertilizer is to meet all plant nutrient needs. This includes corn plants. There are quite a few types of fertilizers that you can apply to corn plants.

How to fertilize the right corn so that the fruit is large and harvests quickly

But if you want corn plants to harvest quickly and the fruit is also large, the right way to fertilize corn must be done. If so, then how?

Fertilization of Corn Seeds

Basically the application of fertilizer for corn so that the harvest is fast and the fruit is large is quite easy. The key is the three steps of timely fertilization. Well, the first is when corn is still in the form of seeds and seedlings. The goal is that the seeds or corn plants can grow quickly.

But fertilization must be done properly. True in the sense that the time must be right and the dose must be right. Thus, the growth of corn plants will be maximized. The fruit will be large and on the other hand can be harvested quickly.

It is very important to note and remember that a lighter and balanced dose of fertilizer is needed for corn seedlings. The goal is to accelerate the corn plant to develop roots, stems, and leaves.

Well, at this early stage, giving too much fertilizer with a strong dose can actually be dangerous for your corn plant seeds. The disadvantage is that it can inhibit the early growth of corn plants.

Not only that, it can even kill corn plants if you apply a type of fertilizer that is too "hot". That's why farmers must know very well how to fertilize corn properly.

The important question is what kind of fertilizer is suitable to use when corn is still a seed and seed? The type of fertilizer that you can use is pure compost. Pure compost like this can provide corn with sufficient nutrients. Corn shoots also grow faster.

Fertilizing Corn at Age 8 to 10 Weeks

The correct step or method of fertilizing corn so that the harvest is fast and the fruit is large must be done when the corn is 4 weeks old. Then fertilize again when he is 8 to 10 months old.

When the corn is 4 weeks old, use a stronger fertilizer. The goal is that corn plants can produce large stems and full fruit. This phase can be said to be very important for fertilization.

This is because in this phase the roots of the corn plant will absorb as much power as possible. Nitrogen is one example. It can even be said that the nitrogen contained in the soil can be quickly depleted by corn plants. This means that supplying it can be a very important part of growing corn to full maturity.

In addition, phosphorus is also very important just like potassium. But not to the same extent as Nitrogen. Both will be very helpful when developing strong roots and stalks.

There are quite a number of types of fertilizers on the market. But the key is to find one that has a higher nitrogen-containing NPK ratio. But don't forget to keep providing phosphorus and potassium too. This NPK ratio stands for nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in that order.

One More Dose for Sweet Corn Fertilizer

The right way to fertilize corn so that it harvests quickly and produces large fruit, this last one is specifically for sweet corn. The goal is for the growth of sweet corn plants to be more optimal. The end goal, of course, is for the fruit to be large and sweet.

For those of you who grow sweet corn, when they are 8 to 10 weeks old, give one more dose of 16-16-16 fertilizer. Then one important thing to note is to apply the same 1/8 cup dose to every two plants. Once again reminded, this is only given specifically for sweet corn only.

After that, you just sit at home and wait for the sweet corn to be harvested. Apply the method of fertilizing corn above so that its growth is faster and the fruit yields are large.

Fertilizer does have a dominant effect in accelerating the growth of corn plants and making the fruit bigger. But one thing that must be noted is how it must be done properly.

Although fertilizing corn is easy to do, don't go wrong with its application. Hopefully this review on how to properly fertilize corn so that the fruit is large and harvests quickly can be useful.

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