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Catfish Cultivation in Tarpaulin Pond

In the fisheries business in Indonesia, catfish farming is arguably the most sought after by business people. Not only cultivators. Many culinary entrepreneurs began to use catfish as a food menu. It's no wonder that every time we stop by the shop there is always a choice of catfish-based food menus. 

Catfish farming now doesn't have to be done in an earthen pond. There is an effective way to breed catfish in an easy way, using a tarp. Here's how!

Catfish Cultivation in Tarpaulin Pond

is one type of freshwater fish that is sold at affordable prices.
Even so, catfish has a high nutritional content. In 100 grams of catfish contains 240 Kcal, 14.5 grams of fat, 8.5 grams of carbohydrates, and 17.5 grams of protein.

Also read: How Easy, These Are 6 Ways To Raise Guppies For Beginners

How to Make a Rubber Tarpaulin Pool

At least there are several ways that can be used to prepare catfish cultivation land on tarpaulin media, namely as follows:

Look for Empty Land

You can look for vacant land in various places that are owned as land for catfish farming.

The land that you can choose is in the yard of the house, behind the house, or anywhere as long as the place is empty.

After getting the vacant land, make sure the surface is flat so as not to make the pool water spill.

Land that is not flat should be smoothed first to make it easier for you to install a pond.

Install a series of tarpaulin pools and frames

You can install a series of pools from tarpaulins on land that has been leveled and cleaned.

Make sure you install the circuit correctly so that the pool that is made is not easily damaged and leaks.

Make sure you make a series of sturdy pools or you can buy ready-made ones from various round tarpaulin pool providers.

Choose a Quality Tarpaulin Pool

One of the efforts in a successful catfish or tilapia livestock business is pond preparation. Based on an efficient capital analysis, you should choose a pool made of quality and strong rubber tarpaulin.

The selected tarpaulin should not leak easily and be strong enough to be used as livestock for several years. You can buy quality tarpaulin ponds from manufacturers or distributors of biofloc catfish livestock equipment providers who are credible and have many partners.
In addition to high nutrition, catfish is also easy to cultivate at home. Here are some ways to cultivate catfish with tarpaulins that beginners can follow: 

> Prepare Media

Ponds Cultivation of tarpaulin pond catfish can be done at home. Tarpaulins are the easiest media to get. Here's how to prepare a tarpaulin as a catfish pond:

- Make sure the tarpaulin pond has been cleaned first with soap and rinse thoroughly and dry

- Spread the tarp so that it looks like a pond. In order to stand upright, the tarpaulin can be supported with iron or make a pond with an array of bricks lined with tarpaulin

- Fill the tarp with water up to 20-30 cm

- Let the water in the tarp for 7-10 days for the formation of moss and phytoplankton. After that add water with a height of approximately 80-90 cm

- After the water is ready, add a few slices of papaya and cassava leaves to reduce the smell of pool water

> Choose Superior Seeds

The selection of catfish seeds should not be random. Choose superior catfish seeds that are healthy and bigger. Superior catfish breeds are usually more aggressive and agile when fed and are slightly lighter in color.

For catfish cultivation, we must choose catfish seeds for enlargement which have a size of about 5 to 7 cm and try to be uniform or the same size. 

Choose quality catfish seeds. The characteristics of quality catfish seeds include the following:
  1. The body in catfish is balanced. Pay attention to the size of the head and body on the catfish. The size must be balanced.
  2. Choose a catfish whose movements are agile and the tentacle glows or is not pale, as well as a shiny body color. This shows that the catfish is a fish that is not deformed.
  3. Pay attention to the behavior of the catfish. Good or quality catfish are fish that do not stand or hang when in the water. In other words, active catfish is a quality catfish.

> Spreading Seeds

Catfish Cultivation in Tarpaulin Pond

Before starting to sow the seeds, separate large and small catfish. This is done to avoid catfish eating others, because catfish are cannibals.

What must be considered in the way of catfish cultivation is not to sow seeds at the same time. This will stress the fish and cause death.

We recommend using a bucket and insert it as a bucket containing catfish seeds into the pond. Let it sit for 30 minutes and let the catfish out and the bucket into the pond. Good stocking times are morning and evening.

The following are the steps before sowing seeds into the pond:
  1. First, fill the pool with clean water that does not mix with any waste. Fill it until the water reaches a height of about 60 cm.
  2. Next, prepare manure such as goat or sheep manure. Put the fertilizer in the sack. Divide the fertilizer into two parts.
  3. After the fertilizer is divided into two parts, then place the two sacks into the pond with the fertilizer still in the sack. You can put the sack on the edge or in the middle of the pool. Later, the sack will move and float freely on the surface of the pool.
  4. A week later, dip the sacks repeatedly like a teabag and then lift the two sacks. Using this dyeing technique so that the fertilizer can be completely absorbed by the water.

> Catfish Maintenance

In catfish farming, there are several things that need to be considered. After the catfish is approximately 20 days old, you need to do some sorting. Separate large and small catfish in separate ponds.

The quality of pond water that is good for catfish is green. Because catfish can survive in muddy water. The water will turn red, indicating that the fish are mature and ready to be harvested.

The state of the pool also needs attention. The height of the catfish pond in the first month is 20 cm, the second month is 40 cm and the third month is 80 cm. Make sure the pool water is not too shallow.

Catfish should be fed three times a day at 7 am, 5 pm, and 10 pm. The type of feed is concentrated 781-1.

> Harvest Catfish

You can harvest catfish when it is approximately 90 days from the seedling period. Make sure to take catfish with gloves. You can also use a net or a large gutter.

Biofloc system catfish farming can also be an alternative. This biofloc system is a round pond with a tarpaulin layer equipped with a sewage pipe that facilitates draining the pond. The catfish pond is free from odors.

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