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How Easy, These Are 6 Ways To Raise Guppies For Beginners

Want to do a trending guppy fish business? Take a look at 6 easy ways to raise guppies in containers that are easy for beginners to harvest quickly.

Smart friend, are you a lover of ornamental fish and want to know how to raise guppies? No need to worry anymore, because we will review in full a guide on how to raise guppies especially for you beginners

How Easy, These Are 6 Ways To Raise Guppies For Beginners

As you know, guppies are a type of ornamental fish that has its own charm, one of its attractions is the shape and color of its beautiful fins. Besides being beautiful to look at, it turns out that this hobby can also generate money, you know. 

Also read: A Complete Guide to Arowana Fish Cultivation

Now so that your guppy fish collection increases and can be successful in cultivating it, below is an explanation of the correct way of raising guppy ornamental fish. 

How To Farm Guppy Fish Correctly?

For those of you who like to collect guppies, now you can make your hobby a source of income. If you know how to raise guppies properly, then you can reap a lot of benefits, you know

Starting guppy fish farming for beginners, does not require a large capital. You can start from a small scale, which is important but still can generate rupiah coffers. You should know that recently cultivating guppy fish in narrow areas is in great demand by the community.  

Then, how? Come on, see the full review below. 

1. Choose A Good Parent

The first way to breed guppies you must pay close attention to is to choose high-quality female and male brooders to produce good offspring. The characteristics of a good male parent are having a slim body with bright colors. In order to get good offspring, choose superior brooders and are about 4 months old. 

Don't forget to pay attention to the neat and healthy body of the brood. Try to choose a breeder that does not have the slightest physical defect, such as a scar. Because the indicator of the success of this guppy fish cultivation lies in the male parent. So you have to be able to choose it properly and correctly. 

2. Prepare A Container For Breeding

In the process of raising guppies, you need 4 containers, each of which has a different function. The containers are plastic buckets, cement tanks, aquariums, aquatic plants, and aerators. 

All the containers that have been mentioned have 4 functions, namely being a place for spawning, a place to separate brooders, nursery and hatching. The size and extent you make depends on the needs of the saplings. However, it is better if each container has a minimum height of 30 cm

3. Separate The Male From The Parent

Before you spawn, it's better to separate the male and female guppies into separate containers. This method requires you to always change the water in the container about 1 to 3 times a day. You just need to throw it away or replace it like water. 

Then, when it is separated, you have to feed it twice a day. If you can, feed your guppies, such as moina or daphnia. Providing feed regularly can produce good and healthy brooders during the spawning process. 

4. Doing The Spawning Process

How Easy, These Are 6 Ways To Raise Guppies For Beginners

The next way to raise guppies is the spawning process. So that the guppy fish can harvest quickly, do the process above the container that has been filled with at least 30 cm of clean water. Then, you have to deposit it for at least 1 day

The spawning process is a way for guppies to give birth quickly by inserting female broodstock in the morning into a container filled with water. Then, in the afternoon, enter the male brood into the same container and the spawning process will last for 4 to 7 days. 

The stage of mating these fish in the spawning process to be successful usually is that the female brood is inserted less than the male parent, the ratio is 1:5 and for 10 liters of water it can accommodate about 30 guppies brooders

This stage requires a process of about 3 to 4 weeks until the birth of the embryo. If you see a female that has been fertilized, immediately separate it and put it in the hatchery. 

5. Hatching The Seeds

After the fertilized broods are separated, you must fill the water into the hatching container and place the aeration. Do not forget to put it slowly so as not to disturb other guppy fish larvae. Every day remove a third of the water and replace it with clean water every 1 to 3 days

Next, give food to the broodstock every 2 days. There is a unique fact that you should know, namely female guppy fish can get pregnant up to 3 times because in the female guppy fish's body it can store the remaining sperm. 

6. Nursery Of Seeds

Guppies care so that they don't die easily during the nursery process (release or spread of seeds) by placing them in an open room. The container must be exposed to sunlight so that it can form a beautiful color on the body of the guppy fish. Then, also add water plants so they can take shelter, such as hydrilla and water hyacinth. 

However, for guppy fish that are still 5 days old, it's a good idea to give infusoria feed. Then, for fish that are more than 5 days old, you can give tiny shrimp or water fleas. Then, you can continue by feeding hair worms or silk worms when the guppy fish are 20 days old. 

You can usually see the sex of the fish when it is 20 days old. In addition, the sizes for containers or nursery tanks that are commonly used are 1 x 1 x 0.5 meters or 2 x 2 x 0.5 meters

That's a review of the correct way to raise guppy fish for beginners and you can try it yourself at home now. Hopefully the information above can help those of you who are just starting to raise livestock, Friend Smart!

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