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How to spawn and hatch carp in Indonesia

How to cultivate provides information for all of you who are looking for solutions on how to solve problems. Because finding information is very important for us for the efforts we are doing in order to obtain maximum results. Therefore, here is the information about the carp hatchery that we provide to all of you, read carefully the information.

Carp is a fish that is favored by the upper middle class for daily food or for food menus to entertain guests, fish is liked by everyone because the fish meat is dense and chewy and has a savory taste. This fish is a fish whose growth period is quite slow, and many around where I live keep carp just for hobbies or leisure time, seldom that bestows their main income on carp hatchery. In fact, the business of carp hatchery has very good prospects for the future, because especially in the Lampung area, it is still rare for carp hatchery to do business . here I will review how to seedcarp , I took some references from several blogs that review how the process of hatching carp , one of the references from the blog

How to Hatchery Gourami

How to spawn and hatch carp in Indonesia

This carp hatchery business includes rearing spawning mothers, hatching carp eggs , and caring for larvae to the size of an Oyong seed. These 12-30 day old larvae were then treated until their weight reached 10-15 g/head (4 months old). Seeds of this size are ready to be planted. However, there are also those who sell eggs for hatching.

Also read: A Complete Guide to Arowana Fish Cultivation

Gurame Parent Selection

How to spawn and hatch carp in Indonesia

Characteristics of the male broodstock that were sorted were the presence of a lump on the upper head, a thick lower jaw and the absence of spots on the pectoral fin petals
. The color of the body is red with bright black spots with the abdomen forming an obtuse angle. While the female parent that is ready to spawn is characterized by the shape of the upper head, the flat upper jaw, the thin lower jaw and the presence of black spots on the pectoral fin petals. The body color is lighter than the male parent and the shape of the belly is large and round.

Another characteristic is that the female parent will release white eggs if the stomach is pressed towards the genitals. While the mature male parent will release white sperm. An easy way to determine the maturity of the male parent's gonads is to look at his behavior which is always in tandem with the female parent and start making nests from dry grass. Meanwhile, the maturity of the female gonads can be seen from the enlarged abdomen and feels soft when touched.

Carp Fish Spawning

The mature gonads are ready to be spread in the spawning pond. Spawning ponds are special ponds with a minimum size of 20 m² and a maximum of 1,000 m2, with a depth of 1-1.5 m. The good quality of spawning pond water is 25 - 30 C, pH value 6.5 - 8.0, water replacement rate is 10-15% per day, and the pond water level is 40 - 60 cm.

Inside the pond must be installed nesting material and sosog. Sosog as a nest for eggs is placed 25-30 cm from the surface of the pond water, while nesting material can be placed on the surface of the water or at a depth of 5-10 cm from the water surface.

The transfer of the parent from the rearing pond should be carried out using a basin. Moving in this way reduces the risk of stress to the fish. Preferably, the parent is placed near the water inlet, because in that section the dissolved oxygen in it is still high. Parent stocking density is 1 fish for 5 m2 pond, with a ratio of the number of males: females is 1: 3.
The spawning process will usually take place one week after the parent carp is in the spawning pond. The success of spawning can be observed by looking at the surface of the pond water. If there is a fishy smell followed by the appearance of a lot of oil on the surface of the water, it means that the spawning process has occurred.

After spawning is complete. Taking the nest is done carefully by holding the outer side of the bottom of the nest.

Gurame Egg Hatching

The nests that have been removed from the spawning pond are placed in a bucket filled with water and the Metheline Blue mixture. Eggs that live are usually bright yellow or clear transparent, while eggs that fail to hatch are white and not transparent. Dead eggs must be removed so as not to infect healthy eggs.

Furthermore, the nest in the bucket is taken to the hatchery. The eggs will hatch within 41 hours. The hatchery should be in a quiet environment, because the eggs will not hatch if they are often startled.

In the past, many farmers hatched carp eggs in hatcheries which were also spawning ponds. The eggs that have been fertilized by the male parent will be guarded by the female parent until they hatch. The movement of the female parent around the nest will cause an increase in dissolved oxygen in the water, and will turn on the eggs she is guarding. The eggs will hatch into larvae on day 11-12.

Seed Maintenance / Stocking of Carp Seeds

Seeds that are 0.5 g/head can be reared in happa which is installed in a seedling pond or pond. Happa rearing technology is a technique to stimulate the growth of carp from an early age. Maintenance with this happa will produce large and healthy seeds.

Happa is made by tying a soft cloth on a bamboo pole that is plugged into the bottom of a pond. The minimum number of bamboo poles required is four. If the size of the happa is large enough, on the longest side of the happa it is necessary to add 2 pillars to hold the happa from falling. Adjust the position of the happa so that it is two-thirds submerged in the pool water.

Seeds are sown in the morning or evening with a stocking density of 75-100 heads/m2. During maintenance, the seeds were fed with fine pellets three times a day at a dose of 10% of body weight per day. After being reared for 3-4 months in the happa, the seeds can be sown in the nursery pond.

Feed After Hatching

How to spawn and hatch carp in Indonesia

Feeding can be started after the larvae have been removed. The feed is in the form of hair worms (Tubifex sp.), Daphnia sp., Moina sp., or other natural food that is appropriate in size. carp seedscan be kept in an aquarium, plastic covered wooden tub, wall tub or stocked directly into the nursery pond. Seed maintenance in controlled containers must be equipped with aeration for oxygen supply and avoid direct contact with rain. The initial feed was in the form of hair worms, Daphnia sp., Moina sp., or other sources of animal protein. Vegetable materials can be started after the larvae are 36-40 days old. While artificial feed (pellets) can be given by adjusting the opening of the fish's mouth. The length of maintenance and the seeds produced include: Seeds aged 40 days can reach a size of 1-2 cm (equivalent to the size of a fingernail). Seeds aged 80 days can reach a size of 2-4 cm (equivalent to the size of a thumb). Seeds aged 120 days can reach a size of 4-6 cm (equivalent to the size of a razor blade).

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