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How to Raise Catfish with the Biofloc System

Who is not familiar with catfish? This type of fish consumption is very familiar with the tongue of the Indonesian people. Therefore, we will be quite easy to find it in the nearest restaurants. So, naturally the demand for catfish is increasing, both from within the country and abroad. However, the increase in demand is not proportional to the addition of farmers, resulting in a shortage of production. Of course, this is a promising business opportunity for you.

How to Raise Catfish with the Biofloc System

In starting a catfish business, you must know the method you will apply
. The first method is the conventional way or often also referred to as traditional catfish farming. The advantage of this method is that it does not require a large enough capital but must have a large area with normal harvests.

Also read: Simple Techniques for Fish Cultivation in Ditches for High Quality

The second way is to use the Biofloc System, which requires a little more capital than the conventional method but can be applied to a smaller area with higher yields than the conventional method.

In this article, we will focus on the second method, namely the Biofloc system. The basic principle of the Biofloc system is to utilize the activity of microorganisms/clumps-forming bacteria/flocs that can produce feed for the catfish themselves. This method will save costs while increasing the consumption of catfish feed. Then, how to raise catfish with the Bioflok system? Check out the following description.


Catfish, with the Biofloc system, generally use round ponds made of tarpaulin. This type of pool is considered more practical and can save space. A pond with a diameter of 3 meters can accommodate up to 3 thousand catfish.

How to Raise Catfish with the Biofloc System

At the bottom of the pond, a pipe is installed that will function as a way out of catfish manure that settles at the bottom of the pond. The process of removing catfish manure must be followed by the addition of water, so that the pond will not dry out. The manure released can be used as organic fertilizer and a source of feed for the catfish.


The ideal water level is 80-100 cm and on the second day after being filled with water, it is necessary to add 5 ml/m 3 of probiotics . On the third day, add prebiotic molasses 250 ml/m 3  and in the evening, sprinkle dolomite 150-200 grams/m 3
  • Probiotics are a type of good bacteria that will serve as catfish feed ingredients
  • Prebiotics are food for Probiotics

Catfish Seeds

After the water and mixture mentioned earlier have been done, the next step is to wait for 7-10 days before sowing catfish seeds. Make sure you have prepared superior catfish seeds. After stocking is complete, add prebiotic 5 ml/m 3  the next day.


Before the catfish reaches a length of 12 cm, then you need to add 5 ml/ m3 of probiotics , 1 tbsp/m3 of tempeh yeast , 2 grains/m3 of tape yeast , and 200-300 gram/m3 of dolomite water every 10 days.

After the catfish exceeds this length, then in the same period, you need to add 5 ml/m3 of probiotics , 3 tbsp/m3 of tempeh yeast , 6-8 grains/m3 of tape yeast , and 200-300 gr/m3 of dolomite water. 3 . Tempe yeast and tape that are put into the pond need to be dissolved first in the water.


Inadequate feeding will result in catfish becoming cannibals due to starvation. Therefore, it is necessary to choose quality feed and according to the portion of catfish weight. Feed also needs to be mixed with probiotics and reduce the dose of feed if the floc has formed.

So, those are 5 things to consider when cultivating catfish with a biofloc system. By following the correct procedures, of course, catfish farmers can generate more profits and there will be no crop failure.

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