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Shiny Feather! These Are The Types And Benefits Of Vitamins For Dogs With Various Benefits

There are various benefits of vitamins for dogs, such as for body health, coat, and post-sick recovery. Then how to consume a good dog vitamin?

To support its growth and development, of course, high-quality dog ​​food is an absolute must, Smart Friends choose and give it to your favorite pet to maintain its health.

Launching a statement by Dr. Ryan Llera and Dr. Cheryl Yuill on the page , there are six main nutrients that must be contained in a dog's daily diet.

These include water, protein, fat, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins. All of these nutrients are important as a major part of a dog's diet to support proper body functions.

In order for the dog's development to be better, some owners even add supplements in the form of vitamins and minerals to their pet's food, you know.

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Then do you need to do this Smart Buddy? And roughly, what are the types and benefits of vitamins for dogs that they really need?

So, to answer your curiosity, this time PetPi will review vitamins for dogs and tips on giving them if needed.

Recognize The Types And Benefits Of Vitamins For Dogs That Are Important For Their Growth

Shiny Feather! These Are The Types And Benefits Of Vitamins For Dogs With Various Benefits

For you, maybe you are already familiar with various vitamin products for humans which are very easy to find on the market.

Vitamins are organic compounds needed to sustain life. Most vitamins are available naturally through food and some are obtained through supplemental supplements.

Just like humans, some pets also need vitamins in certain levels, you know.

For example, such as vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, and choline whose benefits have been reviewed by PetPi as follows.

1. Vitamin A

Vitamin A or beta carotene is commonly known as a type of vitamin that functions to help the sense of sight to function optimally.

In addition, the benefits of this vitamin for dogs are to support the growth process, fetal development, help immune function, and body cells.

2. Vitamin B

Then there is also a collection of B vitamins consisting of a number of vitamins that have a major role in the health of pet dogs, such as:
  • Thiamine (vitamin B1) which functions to regulate energy and carbohydrate metabolism. This type of vitamin also functions to activate ion channels in nervous tissue.
  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), and cobalamin (vitamin B12) will help facilitate enzyme function.
  • Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) is responsible for the formation of glucose and red blood cells. This vitamin also helps with nervous system function, hormone regulation, immune response, niacin synthesis, and gene activation.
  • Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) helps with energy metabolism.
  • Folic acid (vitamin B9) plays a role in the metabolism of amino acids and nucleotides. This vitamin also helps in the synthesis of mitochondrial proteins.

3. Vitamin C

Then the benefits of this vitamin for dogs is very important as an antioxidant. Vitamin C will filter free radicals that are potentially harmful to the health of the body.
Dogs can actually synthesize their own vitamin C from their liver. But as you get older, you may need additional supplements.

That's why vitamin C is highly recommended as a type of vitamin for old dogs to maintain their health condition.

4. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a type of vitamin that is generally not obtained through food, but is produced naturally through sunlight, you know.

The function of vitamin D is to balance minerals, such as phosphorus and calcium, which play a role in the growth of healthy bones and teeth.

5. Vitamin E

Vitamin E acts as a pet dog's defense system against oxidative damage. This type of fat-soluble vitamin also helps with cell function and fat metabolism.

Vitamin E deficiency can cause eye and muscle degeneration. In addition, it can also affect the reproductive system in dogs.

6. Vitamin K

Another type of fat-soluble vitamin is vitamin K, which is commonly found in leafy, green vegetables.

Vitamin K functions as a clotting agent in the blood which has a role in activating the dog's blood ability to clot.

7. Choline

Lastly there is choline which is an important component of phospholipid cell membranes in the body.

This type of dog vitamin can support healthy liver and brain function. Choline intake is also partly used to treat dogs with epilepsy.

Do Pet Dogs Need Vitamin And Mineral Supplements?

Shiny Feather! These Are The Types And Benefits Of Vitamins For Dogs With Various Benefits

Launching, the intake of vitamins in minimal amounts is still needed by dogs to support metabolic functions in their bodies.

This minimal intake is based on the fact that most vitamins cannot be synthesized in the body and dogs generally already get adequate intake of vitamins through their diet.
For pet dogs that eat a manufacturer's diet labeled "complete and balanced", they may no longer need to take additional supplements in the form of vitamins and minerals.

Moreover, some of these foods have been adapted to the dog's developmental stages, so of course the nutrients contained in them are sufficient for their needs, you know.

On the other hand, for pet dogs who are fed homemade food, they may still need some supplements to meet their vitamin and mineral needs.

Collection Of Tips For Choosing And Giving Dog Vitamins Safely

According to Dr. Susan Wynn, an animal nutritionist as quoted from the page, explained that the provision of vitamins must be adjusted to the food intake given.

Dogs fed manufacturer food sometimes still require additional supplement intake.

Especially if the dog has some special conditions, such as certain types of dog breeds, has special health problems, or is old.

Of course, the type of dog hair vitamin to maintain its appearance so that vitamins for old dogs to keep their body in prime condition can be considered.

However, the best way to choose vitamins for dogs, of course, is to first consult with a veterinarian to find out the condition of your pet.

Then don't give vitamins to humans to dogs. This is to minimize the risk of additives in it which may be harmful to dogs.
Veterinarians also mostly choose vitamin intake for dogs from natural sources, such as vegetables and fruits combined with their daily diet, you know.

After reading the above review, Smart Buddy is increasingly aware of the importance of adequate nutrition for pet dogs.

Therefore, it is important to always provide your dog with quality food and sufficient attention to fulfill all his needs.

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