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How to Overcome Anthrax in Cattle

How to Overcome Anthrax in Cattle

How to Overcome Anthrax in Cattle
| Preventing, Treating Anthrax in Cattle – Anthrax disease or known as anthrax is a very dangerous, deadly disease and can also be transmitted to humans. This disease is categorized as a zoonotic.

Another name for anthrax is inflammation of the spleen, which is usually caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracus that enters the body through food and drink. In addition to food and drink that is not clean, anthrax bacteria can also enter the body through soil contaminated with bacteria, which enters through breathing and wounds in cattle.

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The characteristics and symptoms of anthrax in cattle

There are several characteristics and symptoms of anthrax in cattle in general, namely:
  • The movement of the cow slows down, and is inactive.
  • The cow has a fever, is weak and falls easily.
  • Bleeding in several parts of the body, such as the nose, mouth, pores and anus of cows.
  • Swelling in the lower abdomen.
  • There is inflammation in the spleen and causes the cow to have diarrhea.
  • If it is acute or severe, the cow will die suddenly.

How to prevent and treat anthrax in cattle

  • Separating cows that have been attacked by anthrax in certain cages.
  • If the cow has been exposed to anthrax, give antibiotics with a broad spectrum such as Penicillin G, Oxytetracycline, and Streptomycin.
  • If the cow has not been exposed to anthrax, vaccinate the avirulent spores annually.
  • Do not feed the cows with the roots, usually only give the grass forage.
  • Carry out regular checks, cleaning quarantine, to avoid contamination of anthrax disease.
  • Never have physical contact with livestock unless it is really an emergency, to avoid transmitting anthrax.
Thus the information about How to Overcome Anthrax in Cattle, I hope the above article 

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