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How to Mate a Rabbit Properly

Do you know how to mate a rabbit properly? Marriage is a process that is often carried out by livestock to increase their livestock cultivation, especially rabbit farming

How to mate a rabbit properly

This process is carried out by combining female and male sires that are already viable and are also capable of producing gametes and egg cells, this process is called Fertilization.

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How to mate a rabbit properly

Marriage with rabbits sounds very easy to do, but there are some livestock that previously failed to do marriage because the cattle were under stress, and also not suitable for mating and other factors.

However, for that, there are several ways to mate these rabbits properly and correctly and are very simple to do, namely as follows.

Selection of Parent Rabbits

The selection of this breed of rabbit must be done properly, because it greatly affects the yield and production of rabbits that are bred. This can be done by:
  • Choosing brooders free from disease attack. 
  • Choosing broodstock is not abnormal. 
  • Choosing broodstock is suitable for mating at 5-7 months, both male and female. 
  • Has fast growth.
  • Appetite increases. 
  • Sperm and egg quality is relatively high. 
  • Resistant to attacks of various diseases. 

How to breed rabbits

After selecting the broodstock, you can immediately mate the rabbits with several stages, namely:
  • Provide a medium-sized rabbit cage about 3 x 3 x 4 cm or more, for the mating process.
  • Usually this marriage uses a male rabbit cage. However, if you want to make it, it will be better and also not contaminated with bacteria and viruses around.
  • After that, check and also see if the condition of the cage is suitable or not for marriage. Usually the cage should have an average temperature of 27 C 0 .
  • Then enter the rabbits into the marriage cage, let stand for 6-7 hours or even more.
  • Let the rabbits do the introduction process before marriage, usually marked by chasing and avoiding each other.
  • After a few minutes, it will be confirmed that the male and female rabbit mating process has started.
  • If it is successful, then the rabbits will continue to marry until they do not do it again.
  • When the marriage is complete, it is better to separate the female rabbit in the cage as before.
  • And the pregnancy process will arrive, wait until the birth process arrives for 30-35 days or even more.

Factors that affect the rabbit's non-pregnancy

  • The quality of male cattle semen is not of good quality. 
  • Male cattle don't like female cattle. 
  • Cattle don't feel comfortable in the cage. 
  • Cattle experience excessive stress. 
  • The temperature condition of the cage is not good. 

Thus a brief review of how to properly breed rabbits, hopefully the information we provide is useful and useful for Indonesian rabbit breeders.

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