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How to Mate/Match Crickets to Lay Eggs

This time I will share about how to mate the right crickets to lay eggs. Well, if at the previous meeting we discussed how to breed crickets, the livestock here is meant for the cultivation of crickets from hatching eggs until they enter the harvest period. For that on this occasion I will share about how and techniques to make crickets mate and lay eggs. Actually this is very important if you want to develop a cricket cultivation business, so you no longer need to buy seeds/eggs from sellers so you can save initial capital. If we look at it in terms of capital expenditures, it's not like getting the best quality in your own way and of course becoming a new science in cricket cultivation.

How to marry crickets is not as fast as mating chickens or other poultry, but requires a process, time, and place. Cultivation partners are certainly curious as to how to mate with crickets to lay eggs for that I will thoroughly explain this technique now.

Also read : Characteristics of Taro Ready to Harvest.

To make it easier in the process of mating and fertilization, you must use the same species/type of cricket, if the male is slirting then the female is also slirting and like that. According to experienced cricket breeders, crickets are not difficult or even impossible to cross-breed with other types because they cannot receive/understand the message through the sound. So what is meant is the creaking sound of male crickets is a message to the female parents to mate.

At the time of the male sound / creak which is marked by the sound and vibration of the wings then if the female parent is ready to mate it will sneak under the male and the mating process will run. At this time the male will place a small white sac (containing sperm belonging to the male cricket) to the lower end of the abdomen (abdomen) on the female cricket's mother's stomach. If this is the case, then the sperm of the male cricket will be stored in the female parent's stomach, then it will be processed for egg fertilization to occur.

It is necessary to know that the price of cricket eggs is very high and it will even be more profitable if we only sell eggs because the price per kilogram reaches 200 thousand rupiahs, for that by  spawning crickets  itself, it will open up opportunities to be able to sell eggs to cricket-growing cultivators.
If the male and female parents are already married, during the fertilization period these two parents will live together and will look for a safe hiding place by marking the active male crickets until the eggs are released in the sand or soil.

For pickles to get lots of cricket eggs , a mating process is needed from many parents who are ready to be matched, which is marked by mature organs with complete wings, pregnant belly, and the male will often cry. If the broodstock is ready for mating, then it is placed (cared for) in the matchmaking box, this matchmaking box is usually used by cricket breeders to simultaneously incubate cricket eggs. So this box must be tight and there are no gaps in all corners to anticipate the release of cricket larvae from the box.
In this matchmaking box, it must be set with crickets living media as in the wild, inside it can be filled with dry leaves, you can use dried banana leaves, dried sugarcane leaves, dried corn leaves and so on which can be used as places. cricket hideout. In addition to live media, it is also necessary to provide a place / container for laying eggs, this container can use a tray that has been filled with fine sand.

For the manufacture of this matchmaking box, it should also be made with a size large enough, which is not as small as an instant noodle cardboard box, the bigger the better. Crickets will be free to find a partner and find a hiding place they like. In addition to this, if the matchmaking box is large, it will reduce the occurrence of fights between male crickets, so that the death rate will decrease and the crickets are ready to mate which then bears many eggs.
The ideal match size box (box for mating crickets) is about 100cm long, 50cm high. With a box size like this, it will be able to be used to match / mate with about 200 crickets.

Steps to marry/match crickets

  • Prepare a matchmaking box with a length of 100cm and a width of 50cm
  • Prepare an egg container (tray filled with fine sand)
  • Prepare 200 Parent Crickets that are ready to mate (characteristics: winged, frequent sounds, pregnant belly), From these 200 broodstock a ratio of 1:6 can be used, namely 1 male for 6 females.
  • Give Care by providing quality feed so that the parents lay eggs.

I think the above preparation is very easy to do, for this egg container, try to use fine sand that has been filtered with a coffee/tea filter because this aims to make it easier if possible to move the eggs. During the matchmaking process, the feed must be considered, give enough food and be liked by the crickets. The feed preferred by adult crickets is like young leaves which contain a lot of water so that it can be used as a substitute for drinking water such as: papaya, cabbage, mustard greens, kale, spinach, cassava and many more young leaves that crickets like.

To meet the needs of crickets, feed with young leaves above is not enough, it must be supplemented with feed grains that have been processed (mashed), these seeds can use corn, green beans, soybeans, brown rice, and of course other seeds. other grains that are liked by crickets. To keep the cage condition healthy, make sure the food that is not used up / leftovers is immediately removed from the matchmaking box, then replace it with a new one. So that incidents such as leftover feed do not occur then give only enough feed.

If we can fulfill the food, then soon the mother of the crickets will find a partner and do the marriage. So that egg fertilization will occur and in the end the female parent will release her eggs in the egg container from the tray containing the sand that we have prepared. At this time of laying eggs the female will look for a place that feels safe from other animals, both predators or from other crickets, but of course she will be forced to simultaneously release her eggs in the container we have made.

When the female parent has laid many eggs, the steps we take is to always guard the box from predators such as ants who really like to eat cricket eggs. And pay attention every day, when the egg container is full it can be replaced with a new container and fine sand, to anticipate the previous eggs so as not to be eaten by other crickets. This method, of course, must first have an idle box that will be used for hatching eggs. However, in 1 box, the matchmaking and hatching are also combined, there is no problem, with a note that after the crickets lay all their eggs, take all the parents so that when the cricket larvae hatch, they do not become food for the mother.

In general, if the mother is married and lays her eggs over time they will all die, I personally don't understand why this can happen, maybe it's natural law, they die with a note that they have left new shoots.

When releasing eggs, female crickets will insert their ovipositor (egg syringe) into the soil at a depth of about 1 cm, so it will be easier if the media is made with fine sand that has been filtered with a coffee/tea filter. The female parent puts the eggs into this sand with the aim that the eggs get warm in the sand so that they can hatch after a few days.

The female parent will release her eggs gradually and place them at several points that are safe from her egg predators. And in general, a female cricket parent is able to lay as many as 200-300 eggs, after all the eggs are removed then she will die.

Actually, what I have discussed above is the technique of mating crickets by using sand as a medium for laying eggs, and as we know that in addition to these techniques, there are also many techniques that have been carried out by experienced cricket breeders such as the technique of using cloth as a medium for laying eggs and as well as conventional spawning techniques. I think this technique is the same, but what is easier for me is the technique of using fine sand as a medium for laying eggs.

Thus, of course, we will master how to get cricket eggs without buying from the breeders, the production costs will be cut even more and of course it will open up greater profit opportunities.

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