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Types of Plants Used as Vegetable Pesticides

Vegetable pesticide is a pesticide to control plant pests or diseases and is made from plants that are easily decomposed in the soil so that it is safe for the environment and other living things.

In general, plants that can be used as vegetable pesticides are plants that contain chemical compounds such as essential oils, flavonoids, glycosides, and others.

Types of Plants Used as Vegetable Pesticides

The following are some types of plants that are used as vegetable pesticides are:


Garlic which has the scientific name allium sati vum is usually used as a cooking spice or medicine for certain diseases. Apparently, garlic can also be used as a vegetable pesticide.

The part of garlic that can be used as a vegetable pesticide is the tuber. This onion can repel lice, caterpillars, or insects on plants because it contains essential oils, flavonoids, and saponins.

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The method of making it is also not too difficult, namely by making extracts from garlic, betel, brotowali, lempuyang, and neem seed extract.

Lemongrass plant

All parts of lemongrass can be used to control pests in rice. The way to make it is very easy, which is to pound the lemongrass plant as much as 250 grams until smooth and add enough water or about 4 cups.

This liquid is mixed again with 13 liters of water and can be sprayed on rice plants that are attacked by caterpillars. For rice plants that are attacked by stem borer caterpillars, lemon grass can be sprayed one week after the eggs appear.


The next plant that can be used as a vegetable pesticide is bandotan or babandotan leaves. These leaves contain flavonoids, saponins, HCN, and essential oils that are useful for repelling pests and inhibiting the development of insects.

Akar Tuba

Tubal roots containing retinone can be extracted using ether or acetone and yield 2-4 percent rotenone resin.

This rotenon can destroy cells that are attacked by plant diseases and have an effect on insects so that insects do not want to eat them. Death to insects can occur immediately within a few hours after exposure to rotenone.


Srikaya seed is one of the plants that can be used as a vegetable pesticide. These seeds contain the chemical compounds squamosin and asimisin. Both of these chemical compounds are toxic to insects.

Based on the results of research, srikaya seed extract can control beetle pests on soybeans and also kill significantly.


The leaves of starfruit or known by the scientific name Averrhoa bilimbii can be used as a vegetable pesticide. These leaves contain several chemical compounds such as tannins, saponins, and flavonoids.
The content of this leaf is believed to be able to repel flour pests and inhibit the development of insects. The manufacture of vegetable pesticides from these leaves is by burning.


Another type of plant that can be used as a vegetable pesticide is brotowali or known by the scientific name Tinospora tuberculla . The stem part of this plant is often used as a vegetable pesticide.

The stems of this plant contain flavonoids, steroids, and alkaloids that can repel pests. The way to make it is to extract it and spray it on plants that are attacked by pests or mice such as rice or chili plants.


Tobacco contains nicotine which is toxic to insects. Dried tobacco leaves contain 2-8 percent nicotine and react as poison rapidly to several insects such as leaf-destroying caterpillars, fungal controllers, triphs, and aphids.

Aromatic ginger

Kencur or known as Cekur and has the scientific name Kaempferia galangal linn is one of the plants that can be used as a vegetable pesticide. The part that is often used is the rhizome or kencur itself.

Extraction of kencur from hexane and ethanol can significantly reduce the number of insects and repel pests on plants.


Clove leaves can also be used as a vegetable pesticide. These leaves contain eugenol, flavonoids, saponins, and essential oils that can be useful for eradicating pests. Clove leaves can be burned and repel various pests of eugenol and caterpillars.


Another plant that can be used as a vegetable pesticide is neem seed. The seeds of neem leaves contain several chemical compounds that can effectively control caterpillars, fleas, and fungi on plants.

In addition to seeds, crushed and crushed neem leaves can be used to control pests on shallot plants effectively.


Soursop leaves can also be used as a vegetable pesticide. These leaves contain resin and annonain that can control several pests on plants such as leafhoppers, walang sangit, trips, and stem borers.


Galangal rhizome can also be used as a vegetable pesticide. This rhizome is sliced ​​and dried, then chopped into small pieces. Then, put it in a distilled pot along with 2 liters of water.

This distilled pot is heated and distilled water of galangal is collected and sprayed on plants affected by anthracnose disease. This distilled water with a concentration of 15 percent can eradicate anthracnose disease effectively.


Another plant that can be used as a vegetable pesticide is papaya leaves. Papaya leaves contain an active compound, namely papain. These leaves can control sucking pests such as Aphis Sp and caterpillars.


Gadung tuber is a plant that is used as a vegetable pesticide. This plant contains phenols, alkaloids, saponins, and diosgenin. Pesticides from gadung tubers can effectively control caterpillars and sucking pests.


The last plant that can be used as a vegetable pesticide is yam. The plant parts of yam that can be used are stems, leaves, and seeds.

The content of active compounds contained in yam can be useful for controlling fruit-sucking pests, fruit-sucking pests, and several types of insects.

These are 16 types of plants used as vegetable pesticides. Hopefully it can add to your cultivation knowledge!

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