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How to Match Male and Female Canaries Practically for Livestock

On this occasion I will give tips on how to match walnuts correctly, Canaries are currently busy with chirping mania, with this of course it will be a business opportunity if we can cultivate them. For canaries livestock, this is also a fun job, especially for hobbyists who are actually true bird lovers. The canary bird has not yet been empty of enthusiasts, even more and more devotees. This is evidenced by the increasing number of canary cages that are hung on the terraces of houses in our country.

How to Match Canaries

If we look at the Google search engine, for this month alone the searchers with the keyword "canary" have reached 65,000, of course this fact is also one of the reasons why the canary has a lot of demand. Another evidence that states that the Canary Bird has the most interest and is the most loved is the many contest events that include the Canary class. Thus, of course, it encourages me to give tips on how to match walnuts  both for commercial or just for hobbies.

Birds that have a small body size do have a variety of exotic colors, their voices are also pleasant to hear, so besides being only for livestock, these birds are also very suitable to enliven the chirping at the house of the chirping mania. At the end of 2015 the bird market in all corners of the country was very busy with the presence of Canaries, this will certainly open up new business opportunities by cultivating Canaries for commercial/business. In general, the eggs that canaries produce in one match are about 2 to 4.

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How to Match Male and Female Canaries

For this Canary livestock previously need to match  male and female canaries first. The process of matching canaries is actually an introduction and an approach aimed at marriage with the ultimate goal of laying eggs. There are many models of how to match canaries that are commonly used by experienced bird breeders in Indonesia, as for the model of the method as follows:
  • Matching walnuts between pempek and baboons (female canaries that have already laid eggs)
  • Matching between walnuts with tembean (young female walnuts that have never laid eggs)
  • Matching walnuts between JM (young male canaries/never married) with baboons (female walnuts that have laid eggs)
  • Matching walnuts between JM (young male canaries / never married) with tembean (young female walnuts that have never laid eggs)

For beginners who want to raise canaries who may not know the terms above, I will explain in detail below:
  • Pemacek: male walnut (never married)
  • Baboon: female canary (never lay eggs)
  • JM: young male canary (never mate)
  • Tembean: young female canary (never lay eggs/virgin but ready to mate)

How to Match Male and Female Canaries

When it comes to choosing which canary matchmaking model is better, all of them are indeed good, but if you look at the canary breeders who have eaten a lot of salt, they prefer to use the model 1 canary matchmaking option, namely between pempek and baboons. Matchmaking between pempek and baboons is easier because the level of lust is stable and also experienced enough. Biologically speaking, matchmaking between pempek and baboons is better because all organs are mature and will produce maximum offspring. So for beginners who want to match walnuts I recommend using the matchmaking option 1 because it is easier, pemcek and baboons can be obtained by buying from an experienced canary breeder and has a visible track record to produce superior offspring.

For some canary breeders, they choose to match JM with tembean, it all depends on taste and of course they have experience so that if something happens the breeder can handle it. To match walnuts is not original, it is necessary to choose walnuts that are ready to be put into the matchmaking cage. Below I will explain the characteristics of Canaries who are ready to mate / match.

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The characteristics of male canaries are matched/ready to mate

  • At the time of lust, male canaries will often dance in their cage in a style of moving to the right and keriri and lowering their wings halfway above the tangkringan, at this time the male canary will often make a loud sound / gacor.
  • Male canaries will be more active in moving in the cage, can be indicated by frequent jumping at the bottom of the cage and like looking for a gap to get out of the cage, besides that the male canary will also be more gacor.
  • The male canary's voice will be louder and louder than usual.

The characteristics of female canaries are matched/ready to mate

  • The female canary's genitals will be slightly swollen and reddish in color
  • The female canary will more often spread its wings while making a squeaky sound, this indicates that the female canary is waiting for the presence of a male canary and then calls him in this style.
  • Female walnuts will usually carry paper, pineapple membranes, dried vegetables, or other objects in their cages with the intention of making a cage.

As above is how the signs of a canary that is ready to be paired / mated. Now it's time to discuss how to match walnuts properly. Below is how to match walnuts !!
  1. Approach the male and female canaries who will be matched, can put a cage with a distance of about half a meter. This is so that both of them know each other and to avoid a fight. But not a few who immediately mate without having to fight.
  2. Take a closer approach, by using a cage with an insulator. If you don't have one, you can use 2 cages, then attach the 2 cages.
  3. Do both drying, the ideal time for matchmaking walnuts is about 3 days. 
  4. After 3 days, if the two canaries are matched, it can be marked with a male canary who often sings / gacor (the male style seduces the female) and the female will approach the male calmly. Another sign is that the two are giggling at each other.
  5. If you have found a sign such as point number 4 then immediately unite the two walnuts, a good time to unite is morning and evening. The way to unite is that the male is inserted into the female's cage.
  6. After the two are united, if they are experiencing a high level of lust, they will immediately marry.
  7. When the walnuts are first put together in 1 cage, supervision must be carried out, because to prevent fights that injure each other.
  8. If indeed the two are married then nothing will happen (fights), in fact they immediately get married as in point number 6 above. If you have seen a canary that has been mated twice, then the male can be returned to his cage. The wedding can be repeated the next day.
Note :
For tembean walnuts (never reproduced) usually when united with males not a few who do not directly mate. If so do it patiently and repeat the walnut mating processes in sequence as I mentioned above.

How to match canaries is actually very easy and simple, just by knowing the characteristics of walnuts that are ready to be matched and also the 8 stages that must be done, 80% of canaries will pair up and then end up hatching canary eggs. Alright, Greetings Cultivation Partner Success!!

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