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5 Steps to Cultivate Shrimp in a Drum

Cultivation is currently starting to be popular with many Indonesian people. Cultivation itself now also does not require a large area of ​​land to start.

There are lots of animals that we can cultivate. One of them is shrimp. Shrimp are aquatic animals that are easy to cultivate.

Cultivating shrimp is also not that difficult. You can all cultivate shrimp for consumption needs. If you all want to cultivate shrimp, you can start it in your yard and don't need a large area of ​​land.

Read: How Easy, These Are 6 Ways To Raise Guppies For Beginners

For cultivation media, we can use drum media as a cultivation medium. Shrimp which have a savory taste certainly have a selling point that is not cheap.

5 Steps to Cultivate Shrimp in a Drum

The average price of shrimp on the market reaches more than 50 thousand per kilo. There are many benefits that we can get when we cultivate shrimp in drums compared to cultivating them in ponds.

Benefits of Shrimp Farming

The advantages of shrimp farming are as follows:
  1. Cheaper costs, because the price for the drum itself is more economical compared to having to build a conventional pool.
  2. Doesn't take up much space. A large space is the main priority when we make a conventional pool.
  3. Maintenance is easier, because we can more easily control the shrimp we cultivate.
  4. Minimizes shrimp mortality rate.

5 Stages of Shrimp Cultivation in Drums

The following are the steps for cultivating shrimp in drums that you can apply.

Creation of Cultivation Places

  • Before you make a cultivation place, first prepare the drum that will be used. The drum used is a plastic drum.
  • Prepare the equipment to be used, such as drum cutting scissors, aerators, pliers and other equipment.
  • You first clean the drum that will be used then dry it. If so, you can make a hole in the bottom of the drum of approximately 5 cm to drain the water when it will be drained.
  • Position the drum while it is asleep, then put a hole in the top of the drum to make it easier for us to harvest. Make a hole in the box about 35 x 10 cm.
  • Don't forget to put a cover on the part that has been perforated. To avoid predators such as cats and mice.
  • Put the drum in a safe place out of reach of children, and clean from urban waste such as waste and other rubbish dumps.
  • For the water itself, you can all use well water and river water. Avoid using PDAM water.

Shrimp Fry

  1. For shrimp fry, you can choose the pole type, because it is easy to cultivate and has more satisfying results than other types.
  2. To get shrimp fry, you can buy them from fry collectors or online.
  3. If you buy them from a trader, you can choose quality fry. The characteristics of good fry are that the fry are not affected by disease/physical defects.
  4. You can also see directly whether the broodstock is healthy or not, or whether the broodstock is of good quality.
  5. Fry that are healthy and have a high level of survival will usually move actively when we hold them.

Spreading Shrimp Fry in the Drum

  • 5 Steps to Cultivate Shrimp in a Drum

    So that the fry are not stressed when being cultivated, it is best not to transfer the fry directly from the plastic to the drum. Leave the plastic tied first and put it in a drum filled with water for 15-30 minutes, so that the fry can adapt more quickly later.
  • If so, open the plastic slowly and add water into the plastic little by little so that the fry can move from the plastic to the drum comfortably and without feeling disturbed.
  • If all the fry have entered the drum, don't forget to feed them liquid plankton and don't forget to close the top hole of the drum.

Shrimp Rearing Process

  • The pH of the water itself must have a pH between 7-8, you can measure the pH with a pH meter. The water temperature is around 20-25 degrees Celsius
  • Apart from that, you can all change the water regularly once a month.
  • For daily food, apart from plankton, you can use chopped runcah fish and give him soft pellets 3 times a day.
  • Don't forget to control the shrimp every day, if there are sick shrimp or are attacked by pests, you can separate them from the healthy shrimp.

Shrimp Harvesting Process

  • The shrimp harvest period itself usually takes 4-5 months depending on care.
  • To harvest it, you simply open the top lid and drain the water through the drain you have made.
  • If all the water is gone, you can collect the shrimp using a net and put them in a bucket.
  • After that, sort the shrimp according to size so that it is easy to sell them.
Apart from shrimp having a delicious taste, shrimp also contain nutrients that are good for body health. Cooked shrimp contain 84 calories and 20 grams of protein.
Apart from that, shrimp also contain various minerals that are important for the body, including calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc.

Shrimp also contain omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, antioxidants and iodine which are good for our body's health.

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