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How to Cultivate Quinine correctly

The way to cultivate provides information for all of you who are looking for solutions on how to solve problems. Because finding information is very important for us for the efforts we are doing in order to obtain maximum results. Therefore, here is the information about Quinine Cultivation that we provide to all of you, look carefully at the information.

Quinine plants are a type of medicinal plant in the form of a tree, with pole-shaped branches, red in color, the bark contains alkaloids. The leaves are elliptical, green and dark red when they fall. The shape of the pinnate leaves is 11-12 pairs. The cusps are very broad, red. The flower petals are tubular, round in the shape of a top and smell good. Shape egg round to spindle . This one plant has benefits and efficacy for traditional medicine.


How to Cultivate Quinine correctly

Quinine is a medicinal plant in the form of a tree originating from South America along the Andes mountains which includes Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru to Bolivia. The area includes forests at an altitude of 900-3,000 masl. The seeds of the quinine plant that entered Indonesia in 1852 came from Bolivia, but the quinine plant that grew from these seeds eventually died. In 1854 500 quinine seedlings from Bolivia were planted in Cibodas and 75 trees consisting of 10 clones grew.


1. Climate
  • Long, strong winds cause a lot of damage due to broken branches and fallen leaves.
  • Annual rainfall for the ideal quinine cultivation location is 2,000-3,000mm/year and evenly distributed throughout the year.
  • This plant requires sunlight that is not too hot.
  • Plants grow well at temperatures between 13.5-21 degrees C.
  • Plants require a humid climate with a minimum daily relative humidity of 68% and 97% per year, respectively.

2. Growing Media
  • Soil suitable for quinine is fertile, loose, rich in organic matter, not rocky and rocky.
  • The degree of acidity (pH) is between 4.6-6.5 with an optimum pH of 5.8.

3. Altitude of Place
In the area of ​​origin in the Andes mountains this plant grows at an altitude of 1050 - 1500 m above sea level (asl). In Indonesia, this plant prefers areas with an altitude of 800-2,000 m above sea level with the optimum height for quinine cultivation is 1,400-1,700 m above sea level.


Seedlings of quinine can be propagated vegetatively. Provision of plant material is carried out by grafting seedlings, grafting cuttings, ledger seedlings, and ledger cuttings. In Indonesia, the preparation is done by connecting cuttings.

1.       Connected Seedling Nursery
  • >   Rootstock: Rootstock is a garden-grown quinine succi seedling and scion of quinine ledger entres. Grafting is carried out when the lower seedlings are 8-12 months old, 30-40 cm high and 1 cm diameter stems. One or two weeks before grafting the leaves of the succi seedlings are glued to a height of 20-25 cm from the soil surface.
  • >   Entres scion: Obtained from 3-5 years old plants with optimal regeneration power. Every 5 years the stems are pruned as high as 1 m from the ground so that the branches are always young.
  • >   Grafting: Rootstock, at a height of 4-5 cm from the ground, slashed from top to bottom along 1.5 cm. Prepare quinine ledger buds (1 cm) whose leaves have been removed and sharpen the bottom of the stems. Tuck the stumps into the incision on the rootstock, tie it with bamboo rope and apply wax to the wound closure (the wax is melted first) until it closes tightly. The connection is made around 12.00, if the weather is not hot, it can be done until 14.00. After the 3 week old connection the entres shoots have grown, the succi rootstock shoots are cut. At the age of 7-8 weeks shoots 3-4 cm long rootstock cut in half. After 12 weeks of age and 12 cm long connecting shoots, sacred stems were cut about 1 cm from the connection.
  • >   Maintenance: Maintenance carried out during this seedling nursery period (called nursery II) is weeding, eradicating pests and diseases and fertilizing. Fertilizer is given every 3 months starting when the connection seedlings are 2 months old and ending 1 month before being removed (transplanted). Fertilizers in the form of 160-200 g Urea, 80-100 g TSP and 160-200 g KCl were applied in rows 2-3 cm deep between rows of seedlings after weeding.
  • >   Transplanting: Seedlings are transferred to production gardens when they are 1 year old in nursery II, 40-50 cm high and 50 cm taproot. A week before the seedlings are dismantled, 2/3 of the leaves are removed and the day before dismantling the nursery soil is watered until it is wet. 50 seedlings tied together.

2.       Connecting Cuttings Nursery.
  • >   Succi rootstock: Derived from young stems or shoots from felled, not from branches. A good parent tree is selected from a tree that grows fast and is easy to root in cuttings. Cuttings are taken after the shoots are 8-12 months old and have the size of a pencil.
  • >   Ledger scion : The ledger scion parent tree is selected from the recommended clones. The mother tree was planted at a distance of 1.25 cmx1.25 cm, the location of the garden was chosen flat, near the nursery. The parent tree is ready for
  • cuttings at the age of 3-5 years.
  • >   Plant material and grafting: A good rootstock of succi is taken from the growth of 10-12 month old shoots that are cut from the mother tree to the base of the pruning. All the leaves are removed, the stems are wrapped in banana stems and stored in the shade. The cuttings are taken from the stems that are still juicy, light brown and a bit old. The stems are cut at 45-60 angles into 10 cm cuttings with one bud. The upper end of the rootstock is cut to a depth of 1.5-2.0 cm to insert the scion. The best ledger scion parent trees are 3-5 years after pruning. The scion is only taken for a shoot of about 12 cm, consisting of 3-4 segments at the very end. The base of the shoot is cut pointedly 2 cm long. The upper stem is tucked into the lower stem, tied with a bamboo rope.
  • >   Planting media: Seedlings of grafted cuttings are carried out in plastic bags/polybags measuring 12x25 cm. Holes are provided around and in the middle of the bottom of the polybag. Plant media in the form of andosol soil with a pH of 4.6-6.0 which is filled into polybags as much as 2/3 parts. Previously the soil was sterilized with a solution of Trimaton 150 ml/15 l or Vapam 250 ml/15 l for 1 m 3 .
  • > Planting cuttings: The media in polybags is watered until moist, apply Rootone (root stimulant) at the end of the connected cuttings plant and then plant it in the media as deep as 5 cm. Compact the soil around the cuttings to keep the plant upright.
  • > Coverage: The beds are covered with plastic with a frame made of bamboo, iron or wire with a radius of 50-70 cm with a peak height of 70 cm. The hood does not leak and rainwater that inundates the plastic must be disposed of.
  • Maintenance: Watering is done every 3-4 weeks. The lid is opened after the cuttings are 3-4 months old and 20-25 cm high. The opening is done in stages. If it rains, the hood is closed. In the 6th month the lid was completely opened and in the 7th month a selection of seeds was carried out. Plants were given Gandasil or Bayfolan 0.2-0.3% leaf fertilizer every week or 0.2% urea. Fertilization is only done on seedlings that grow slowly as much as 1-5 g NPK 15-15-15/polybag. Weeding is done by hand, insecticide spraying is done if there are symptoms of attack.
  • >   Transplanting: Seedlings are transferred to the garden after the age of 10-12 months, 40-50 cm high. And the roots have reached the bottom of the polybag.

3.       Ledger Seedling Nursery
  • >   Seedlings of quinine ledger: These are seedlings of quinine ledger seeds originating from polyclonal with clones selected and specially maintained. Preparation of seedlings is relatively short, only 1.5 years because there is no need for grafting.
  • >   Nurseries: Done directly on the beds or by using polybags measuring 12 x 25 cm filled with forest soil.
  • >   Transplanting: Seedlings are transplanted at the age of 1 year and 40-50 cm high. Seedlings from the beds are removed by pulling while the seeds from polybags are moved with the soil after the polybags are carefully torn off.

4.       Ledger Cuttings Nursery
  • >   Ledger cuttings: Ledger cuttings are quinine seeds from ledger shoots. Cinchona ledger plants are generally difficult to propagate by cuttings. The cutting material used is shoots, from the mother tree which is 3-5 years old, and every 3-5 years it must be pruned as high as 25-30 cm from the connection. The mother tree was planted from grafted seedlings with a spacing of 1.25x1.25 m. The cutting material is selected from the shoots that are light brown, still juicy but somewhat old, with a length of 20-25 cm and picked in the morning. Cuttings 12-15 cm long consisting of 3-4 internodes. Before planting the leaves are removed / dirompes half.
  • >   Nurseries: Preparation of nurseries, media, beds, planting cuttings, embedding and maintenance is the same as that of grafting cuttings. Seedlings are transferred to the field at the age of 10-12 months, the average height is 40-50 cm.


How to Cultivate Quinine correctly

Tillage is intended to obtain loose soil, free from stumps, remnants of roots and weeds. The first tillage was carried out by plowing the soil to a depth of 60 cm, and the second tillage to a depth of 40 cm was carried out 2-3 weeks after the first tillage. In organic farming, during the second tillage, which is destroying lumps and making the soil structure more crumbly and loose, the manure or compost is also spread around 50-60 tons per hectare as basic fertilizer.

  1. Land Preparation: After processing the soil, measurements and benchmarks are carried out by marking, every 20 m in the horizontal direction, towards the top and bottom slopes. Thus, plots of an area of ​​20 x 20 m2 = 400m2 are formed which are called one stake. Signs of stakes in the form of hanjuang are well maintained and dead are replaced immediately.
  2. Liming: Liming is only done if the soil pH is lower than 4.5 with a dose of lime as needed. Lime in the form of dolomite, calcite, mixed evenly 100gram/hole.
  3. Fertilization (before planting): Fertilizer to stimulate seedling growth is given 50 grams of TSP. Given in arrays around plants.


1.       Determination of Crop Patterns: The planting pattern depends on the topography of the land. There are three kinds of spacing, namely a close spacing of 75 cm x 75 cm, a medium spacing of 100 cm x 100 cm, and a wide spacing of 1.25 cm x 1.25 cm. PTP Nusantara VIII in Bukit Tunggul applies a spacing of 100 x 150 cm with a plant population per hectare of around 6,500.

2.       Making Planting Holes: Allocation for planting guidelines so that they are in accordance with the pattern and spacing made. Planting holes with a size of 20 cm x 20 cm x 40 cm (for seeds from polybags) and 30 cm x 30 cm x 40 cm (for plucked seeds).

3.       Planting Method:
  • Extracted seeds: The length of the root of the seed is about 30 cm, the height of the seed is 40-50 cm and 2/3 of the leaves are trimmed. Insert the seeds upright, not tilted. The embankment soil is compacted by stepping on it with your feet, then leveling it.
  • Seedlings in Polybags: Polybags are opened by tearing them and then the seeds are planted together with the media, supported with bamboo splits, backfilled with soil. The soil around the stem is compacted and the plant is watered.
  • Protective plants: These plants serve as ground cover and improve the microclimate to make it fresher. Plants in the form of legumes Crotalaria or Tephrosia grown for 3 years.
  • Planting Period: The planting period should be done at the beginning of the rainy season, namely in September and usually when the conditions are not too hot to avoid too much evaporation of the seeds to be planted. By determining the right planting period, it will determine the success of plant growth.


1.       Embroidery: Embroidery is done one month after planting, carried out continuously for up to 3 months, before the dry season. Embroidery in the third year is not recommended. The need for embroidery seeds is a maximum of 10% and in the second year 5%. 

2.       Weeding: Weeding is intended for loosening the soil to a depth of 10 cm using a hoe. Weeding is done once every 1.5-2 months. Weeding activities until the age of 2-3 years.

3.       Pembubunan: For the cultivation of quinine, there is no need for hoarding because this plant is a deep-aged tree plant. However, for young plants, this activity can be carried out to backfill the soil around the root area carried by water and carried out at the same time when applying organic compost every 3-4 months so that root growth is better.

4.       Fertilization:
  • Organic Fertilization: Organic fertilization using compost which is a complex organic fertilizer can be given as follows: For young plants, fertilization is carried out regularly every 2-3 months as much as 5-7 kg per plant. As for plants that are old (above 3 years) can be fertilized with organic compost every 6 months as much as 10-12 kg of planting. The fertilizer application around the plant stems in the root area is carried out simultaneously with dangir work and weeding.
  • Conventional Fertilization


1. Characteristics and Harvest Age
The parts of the quinine plant that are usually taken are the bark, branches, branches and twigs. Branch products can be started when the plant is 6-7 years old (before cutting), with the smallest part taken is the bark of the branch with a diameter of more than 1 cm. Twigs with a diameter of less than 1 cm have low levels of kinin sulfate (SQ), and the cost of harvesting is relatively expensive. The age of plants that are ready to harvest for harvesting by slashing method is 9-11 years and for harvesting by thinning method is 3.5, 5, 6, 7, 8.12, 18 and 24 years with the number of plants removed for each thinning is 12 .5% of the total crop.

2. How to Harvest
Logging method. : Cinchona plants are cut down carefully with a saw at a height of 20-30 cm from the connection, or the root neck at a 45 degree slope. Quinine stems from this boundary are cut to a height of 2 meters. The quinine bark is released from the stem by beating it. The first harvest is called Stumping 1. From the stump, new shoots are expected to grow, and a maximum of 4 shoots are maintained for the next harvest. The next harvest is called stumping 2 and so on. After 4 times of stumping the plant was dismantled. Harvest good slashes at the beginning of the rainy season, avoid the hot sun.

Thinning method: It is done by pulling to harvest gradually in the planned percentage. The selection of plants to be dismantled depends on the percentage of harvest each period. If the plant to be demolished is 10%, then from 10 plants 1 plant is taken on average.

3. Harvest Period
Harvesting is usually done in stages, namely when pruning branches and twigs and pruning the main stem. Harvesting is done on twigs/branches that have met the standard size, which is more than 1cm (diameter). Harvesting should be done during the dry season in the morning. This is intended to be able to manage crop yields directly, especially the problem of drying. To avoid contamination of the fungus due to the high moisture content of the bark, it is best to dry immediately after harvesting/peeling by drying in the sun.

4. Estimated Yield
From 1 main stem of quinine (2 meters) obtained 1-1.5 kg of bark. The yield of quinine peel is calculated in terms of SQ7 levels as well as the amount of skin production, so the results are calculated from the multiplication of SQ7 levels with dry skin weight in kg which is called production potential.


How to Cultivate Quinine correctly

1.      Wet Sorting and Washing
: Stems to be peeled are collected in a shady place. Branches and twigs are cut right at the linkage of the branch with the trunk. Branches or twigs whose diameter is above 1 cm are cleaned of small twigs and leaves. After that the stem is cleaned, then cut along 40-50 cm to take the skin. Washing of the bark is done with clean water, if the rinse water still looks dirty, rinse once or twice again. Avoid washing for too long so that the quality and active compounds contained in it do not dissolve in water. The use of river water should be avoided because it is feared that it has been contaminated with dirt and contains many bacteria/diseases. After washing is complete. 

2.       Drying: Drying can be done in 2 ways, namely by sunlight or a heater/oven. Drying of the bark is carried out for about 2 - 3 days or after the water content is below 8%. Drying in the sun is done on a drying mat or frame, making sure the materials don't pile up on top of each other. During drying the bark must be inverted approximately every 4 hours so that the drying is evenly distributed. Protect the material from water, humid air and from materials that can contaminate. Drying in the oven is carried out at a temperature of 50 C - 60 C. The bark to be dried is placed on an oven tray and lined with newspaper and make sure that it does not overlap. After drying, weigh the resulting amount.

3.       Dry Sorting. Next, do dry sorting on the dried material by separating it from foreign objects or other impurities. Weigh the amount of this sorting material (to calculate the yield).

4.       Packaging. After cleaning, the dry material is collected in a clean and airtight container (never used before), which can be in the form of a plastic bag or sack. Give a clear label on the container, which explains the name of the material, part of the plant material, production number/code, name/address of producer, net weight and storage method.

5.       Storage: The condition of the warehouse must be maintained so that it is not humid and the temperature does not exceed 30 C, and the warehouse must have good and smooth ventilation, do not leak, avoid contamination with other materials that reduce the quality of the material concerned, have adequate lighting (avoid from direct sunlight). direct sunlight), as well as clean and free from warehouse pests.


Quinine bark contains many alkaloids that are useful for medicine. Among these alkaloids there are two very important alkaloids, namely kinine for malaria and kinidine for heart disease. Other benefits of this quinine peel include depurative, influenza, dysentery, diarrhea, and tonic.

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