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How to Plant and Cultivate Squid Grass for Animal Feed

Easy Ways to Plant and Cultivate Odot Grass for Animal Feed for Beginners – One of the best types of grass to give to livestock is elephant grass odot. Odot grass has several advantages, namely relatively short stems, relatively fast growth, preferred by ruminants, soft and leafless leaves, adaptable to land, can grow about 50-80 stems in one clump and most importantly does not require special care. In addition to having these advantages, Odot grass has a fairly good nutrient content, namely leaf fat content of 2.72%, stem fat content of 0.91%, leaf CP 14.35%, stem CP 8.1%, leaf digestibility 72.68%, stem digestibility 62.56%, and crude protein 14 %.

How to Plant and Cultivate Squid Grass for Animal Feed

Currently odot grass is widely cultivated for forage for their livestock such as goats, cows, rabbits or buffalo. Well this time we will discuss about how to grow odot grass or odot grass cultivation. Here's more:

How to Plant Odot Grass

Odot Grass Nursery

Odot grass seeds come from cuttings, the seeds are cut 15 cm to 25 cm long and then immersed in the land, before planting, do basic fertilization on the land using manure and the location of the odot grass planting gets enough sunlight.

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Odot grass can be planted with a mono-culture pattern or in the area where it is only planted with odot grass. However, this odot grass can be planted as an intercrop in combination with other forages because this plant has a shorter size, this odot grass can be used to resist land erosion.

How to Plant Odot Grass

First clear the land of weeds or other nuisance plants. Next make a mound or bed with a width of about 60 cm-80 cm and a height of about 20 cm. At each mound, at least 3 segments are planted and 2 segments are planted in the soil in the middle of the mound, the distance between the plants is 50 cm – 75 cm, the spacing between rows is about 75 cm to 150 cm.

Odot Grass Fertilization

For basic fertilization, give manure about 3 tons per hectare of land. To accelerate the growth of odot grass, it can be re-fertilized after about 15 days after planting by using NPK as much as 60 kg/hectare and liquid fertilizer or fermented goat urine using liquid fertilizer for fertilizing by spraying it onto soil plants.

Odot grass harvesting

Odot grass can be harvested after about 70 days to 80 days. The characteristic of odot grass that is ready to harvest is that there are 15 cm of stem segments. Harvest age in the rainy season is 35-45 days, in the dry season is 40-50 days. How to harvest this grass is to cut short grass parallel to the ground. However, it is recommended that the first harvest is harvested after 60 days or so or wait until the stems are about 30 cm to 40 cm long.

Thus the discussion article about "How to Plant and Cultivate Mudley Grass for Animal Feed", hopefully it will be useful and don't forget to follow our next post. See you later

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