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5 Types Of Frog Life Cycles With Full Explanations

5 Types Of Frog Life Cycles With Full Explanations
Intrigued by this unique frog's lifeline? So here's the long life cycle of an adult frog that you should know.

Smart Buddy, have you ever known the type of frog life cycle? If not, let's learn about it in this article. 

As you know, each animal has a different life cycle, just like the frogs we often encounter.

Before becoming a frog that can jump anywhere, first the frog must go through a fairly long life process, you know. 

So, how about the type and process of its life cycle? Come on, see the full review below. 

What Kind Of Life Cycle Do Frogs Experience?

5 Types Of Frog Life Cycles With Full Explanations

Of course, many of you are wondering, including what type of life cycle a frog is and it turns out that the scientific answer is perfect metamorphosis

Why do frogs undergo complete metamorphosis? Because they have a process of changing body shape (physical) that is significant or very different from hatching (eggs) to adults.

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The type of frog life cycle itself includes several stages, namely eggs - tadpoles (tadpoles) without legs - frogs (tadpoles with 2 and 4 legs) - young frogs - adult frogs.

So, how are you? Unique isn't it? For those of you who want to know more about the process of its life cycle, you can read the explanation below.

What Is The Life Cycle Of A Frog?

After knowing the type of life cycle, you already know that a frog will metamorphose first.

Metamorphosis is a biological development process that occurs in every animal that relates to physical changes after hatching or birth. For this process, frogs have 5 metamorphosis processes, starting from living in water to living on land. 
Frogs are animals that can live in two worlds, because they are classified as amphibians

For more details, in the following we will explain the life cycle or life cycle of a frog that metamorphoses completely. No need to linger any longer, let's see the explanation below. 

1. Eggs

The first process in this type of frog life cycle starts from the egg first. For this process, frogs can lay as many as 4 thousand eggs, you know. That's a lot, isn't it? 

In the water, the frog will release all the eggs. Later the eggs that have been released will float on the surface of the water in the form of lumps, but there are also eggs that stick to the plants in the water, even until the eggs sink in the water. 

These frog eggs will hatch within 1 to 3 weeks. However, of all the eggs that come out, not all of them can successfully hatch perfectly and become a frog. This failure and success depends on external factors and internal factors of the egg. 

External factors that can cause frog eggs not to hatch are due to the water current being too heavy, human activity and also the presence of predators who deliberately prey on these eggs. 

Then, for the internal factors that can prevent the eggs from hatching, namely the genes of the parent frogs themselves, if the parent frogs have good genes, it will not be easy for the frog eggs to be damaged, of course the frog eggs will hatch well. 

2. Tadpoles (Tadpoles)

Frog eggs that hatch will usually become tadpoles or what we know as tadpoles.

Well, this tadpole if you look at it looks like small fish, very unlike a frog. Because, it has a shape shaped like a fish fin. 

Just like a fish, a tadpole will also breathe using its gills. So, the tadpole can swim anywhere in the water comfortably.

In addition, you also have to know if the tadpole will live and grow in the water. He will consume aquatic algae as food, because he has not been able to consume food for adult frogs. 

3. Baby Frog

As we discussed in the previous point, the tadpole will grow and turn into a frog or tadpole that has legs.

Initially, his gills will slowly close because all of the tadpole's body will turn into hard skin and also change its physical form into a frog child

When it has become a frog chick, the lungs become a tool for it to breathe. Not only changes in the respiratory system, but also the physical form will also change.

This frog child will bring out his little legs on the back of his body that they can use to jump.

However, unfortunately even though he has turned into a frog child, it turns out that he still has his long tadpole tail behind his body. 

4. Young Frog

The young frog will continue to grow until he becomes a young frog. At this stage of the frog's life cycle, it has grown and has legs on part of its body. This stage makes the frog have 4 legs. His physical form is the same as that of an adult frog. 

However, what distinguishes it is that the easy frog still has a tail. However, this tail will slowly shorten with age.

At this stage, young frogs can jump to and fro freely for the first time. He can jump to the ground and he can also jump into the water because he does live in two realms. 

5. Adult Frog

From a young frog and become an adult frog, it will take quite a long time, which is about 2 to 4 years.

When the frog has become an adult, of course, the tail is no longer on the body. So that he is more free to move without any obstacles from his tail. 

In addition, he will also change his food menu. When it grows up, it will usually eat small insects and it is certain that frogs will no longer consume aquatic algae.

Adult frogs will also be able to lay eggs again so that they can continue the life cycle or frog life cycle.

Well, that's a review of the process and types of frog life cycles that can add insight to Smart Friends at home.

It's a very long stage, isn't it? Although the stages are long, frogs can stably maintain their lives. Hopefully this article is useful for you, Friend Smart! 

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